Steve Weaver’s Weekly Resource For CEOs   | September 18, 2023   |   Issue # 31

What Should I Do Next?

One of the biggest challenges CEOs and other C-Level executives have after selling or otherwise exiting a successful career is, “ What should I do next?”
Sometimes a CEO cannot resist getting back in the game. It’s widely held that past performance is the best indicator of future performance. Elon Musk (Paypal, Tesla, Space X….Twitter remains to be seen) and Steve Jobs (not counting “Next”), pulled it off, but others have not. 
One CEO trying his hand on a different business than the one he became famous for is the Founder/CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, who at 70 is moving from healthy food to healthy lives in a new startup, Love.Life. A recent article in American Business History recaps Mr. Mackey’s career and provides an overview of his second startup. 
Reading it may help you decide if you should go for a second act…when the time comes.  
Check out the article here

How AI Will Unleash An Innovation Revolution

Creative destruction celebrates the idea that innovations can destroy the very things they replace—but ultimately have a positive impact on economies and society.

Critics fear that artificial intelligence and emerging technologies will eliminate jobs and entire industries. Philippe Aghion argues in The Power of Creative Destruction that such technological advances have been the engine of U.S. prosperity and may be the key to medical discoveries, a greener planet and other innovations we cannot even imagine. In this article, we'll look at how technology revolutions evolve, which will inform how AI is likely to progress.

Vistage Speaker Marc Emmer suggests that the invention of AI in the form of ChatGPT is no different than the other great inventions of the past three centuries (e.g., steam, electricity, microprocessors) which ultimately, but rarely immediately, spawned innovations that created a standard of living that our ancestors could not have imagined. 

However, he also reminds us that these innovations have invariably been accompanied by what economists have long called “creative destruction." ChaptGPT/AI will be the cause of enormous disruption in terms of disrupted or destroyed industries and job dislocation. But if history is any guide, they should be worth the cost.

Emmer’s recent article recaps where we’ve been and where AI will likely take us. It may take a few years, but as Arthur C. Clark, who created the character of the artificially intelligent computer, HAL 9000 in his novel 2001: A Space Odyssey warned, “Technological advances are vastly overrated in the short run…and vastly underrated in the long run.”

Read: How AI Will Unleash An Innovation Revolution  

Tech Trends For The C-Level

Few things are as important, or as poorly understood by senior executives (especially Boomers), than technology. Yet, it is necessary to play the game and to win it. As you begin your year-end strategic planning cycle, it may be helpful to have a source of tech trends and predictions to share with your team.
Here are two recent offerings from McKinsey that attempt to provide a big picture of overall technology trends in general and the impact of AI on the war for talent in particular. You can download these and share with your team. Ask them to study them and then get together to discuss. 
First: To help executives track the latest developments, the McKinsey Technology Council has once again identified and interpreted the most significant technology trends unfolding today. While many trends are in the early stages of adoption and scale, executives can use this research to formulate strategy developing an understanding of potential use cases and pinpointing the critical skills needed as they hire or upskill talent to bring these opportunities to fruition. This is an 81-page download broken into sections on AI, Web 3, etc.
Read Technology Trends Outlook 2023
Second: No company can afford to lose the war for talent. AI is an indispensable weapon. McKinsey offers a 73-page download on AI and the world of work (there’s a 12-page executive summary at the beginning) that you can download.  
Read Generative AI And The Future Of Work In America

Two Free Vistage Seminars In September

Two of the biggest topics for senior executives right now are the subject of upcoming Vistage webinars in September.
At 10 a.m. PT on Friday, September 22 you'll get another weapon for winning the War on Talent, thanks to Neha Rana, Performance Specialist at Insperity. Find out what you can do to compete in this climate to find new talent and retain your workforce without breaking the bank. Hint: It’s not just about the money. Identifying what makes your workplace and culture unique and leveraging your employer brand can help you recruit great new talent. Learn how to Future-Proof Talent: What Matters to Tomorrow's Workforce Matters Today. Open to Members and Non-Members.
Register for the Sept. 22 Webinar here
At 10 a.m. PT on Friday, September 29, you'll want to check out our Artificial Intelligence Roundtable: Best Practices From Small Businesses. Three Vistage members who are early adopters of AI will share their different approaches and perspectives on how small and midsize businesses can leverage emerging technologies. Open to Members and Non-Members.
Register for the September 29 Webinar here

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