December 2017 / Volume 129
December Horticultural Tips
Many garden tips (Lawn & Turf, Tree & Shrub, Flowers, Fruits & Nuts, and other General information) for the month of December can be found by clicking on DECEMBER.
Winter Wildlife Survival Techniques & Tips
As the temperatures dips, birds acquire adaptive behaviors to survive cold nights as they may lose up to 15% of their total body weight. For additional information on how birds use various adaptive behaviors in the winter to survive as well as what we can do to help them,
Tree Planning (First of a 3-part series on Tree Planting)
For some, tree planting is an exciting way to beautify a yard. For others, it simply represents hard work. Either way, planting a tree should be done with a fair amount of forethought and planning ahead of time. We offer here a 3-part series on tree planting, starting with the planning phase (this month), then onto the actual aspects of planting (January edition), and ending with pruning aspects (February edition). C
HERE to learn about how to PLAN for proper tree planting.
Winterization of Gardening Tools
We all have our prized garden items that have served us well over the years. They get a lot of hard use during the growing season. But, what about in winter? What should you do to prepare them for next season? We have some answers. Just click HERE to see how best to care for your garden tools as well as gardening pots this winter. |
Christmas Tree Selection & Care
The sentiment of a live Christmas tree as the focal point of your decorations for the holiday season is understandable. And, if you follow a few simple steps, selecting your perfect live tree can be an enjoyable experience. Following a few basic tips will make your Christmas tree experience one to remember.
for some tips.
What's The Best Thing To Do With My Fireplace Ashes?
The use of fireplace ashes is a rather complicated subject. While it is commendable to recycle any and all possible waste materials back into the environment, applying ashes should only be done with considerable forethought and planning.
to learn more about the actual chemical make-up of fireplace ashes as well as what should and should not be done with them.
Mistletoe . . . Did You Know?
Mistletoe has quite an interesting history. There are lots of myths, legends and even some truths about it. Did you know that it is actually a parasite? And, that references to mistletoe date back as far as 320 BC? READ ON to learn more about its very interesting history as well as how to handle it in your landscape. |
The Tulsa Master Gardener Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization. As such, it receives no city, state or federal funding for its Tulsa community outreach programs. In fact, the majority of Tulsa's Master Gardener programs are self-funded by its members. We need your help.
Tulsa Master Gardener's fundraisers make up most of the income to cover expenses. More specifically, a significant portion comes from the Tulsa Master Gardener Annual Spring Plant Sale that is held each April. Other fundraisers include the Garden Tour (June) and "Garage Sales" that occur from time to time. Finally, one of the most important income sources that sometimes gets overlooked are the personal and corporate donations. These are so important in helping to meet our financial obligations and we want you to know they are very much appreciated.
Donations for this month include:
General Fund
Jean Seeger
Susan Austin
Mark & Mary Sharp
David & Therese Hubble
Kyle & Kelsey Mackin
Jill Tenzythoff
Janell Inman
Marian Elaine Hillenburg
Susan Cravens
Martha Harral
Rebecca Collins
Clearly Counseling & Consultation
Ken & Rhonda Weaver
Judith Ireland Hofer
Peggy A. Lazar
Barry & Patsy Allen
Judith Feuquary
Karen Manera
Kristen & Ross Wirth
John & Tess Carter
Gregory & Mary Pittman
Phyllis Dewitt
Gary & JImmie Mathews
Amazon Smile Foundation
In Memory of Renee Reed
Cela James
Please consider making an online contribution
. For other information on how you can help support all that the Tulsa Master Gardeners do for their community, contact the Tulsa Master Gardeners Office by calling (918) 746-3701. Thank you!
Got a Question? Or Maybe a Soil or Plant Sample?
Our Master Gardeners are on hand to assist you with even the toughest gardening questions. Visit us in person, by phone, via email or online! Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
Address: 4116 E. 15th Street, Gate 6 at the Fairgrounds
Phone: (918) 746-3701
All about butterfly gardening in Tulsa County.
How to Take a Soil Test
How to collect a good sample of soil from your lawn or garden and get it tested at the OSU lab.
Once you have collected your soil test and gotten the results back, now what? Find out here.
Show and tell.
State horticulturists, nurseries and growers pick favorite plants, shrubs and trees for use in the Oklahoma landscape. See the winners for this year and years past.
A list of recommended trees with descriptions.
A list of over 60, by size and color.
Visit our demonstration garden on
15th Street, open 7 days a week.
Current and historical source of rainfall, air temperatures, soil temps and much more. Click on Bixby station.
Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services.