What To Expect & How To Prepare for Retreat
Our firm retreat is two weeks away. Whether you're attending in person or virtually, here's what you need to know to prepare.
Your Retreat Agenda
  • If you're attending in person: Review this retreat agenda for all activities on Oct. 18-19. You'll also receive a copy of this agenda at retreat. Registration begins at 9 a.m. on Monday and retreat will adjourn on Tuesday at 3 p.m.
  • If you're attending virtually: Review this retreat agenda that includes all activities on Oct. 18-19, plus Zoom links to virtually join our firm and breakout sessions. Our live-stream begins at 9:50 a.m. Here are your Zoom links to participate virtually:
  • All firm-wide retreat sessions: https://reacpa.zoom.us/j/81805722128?pwd=QytqbjVnZmcxMjV3ZVpTaTVaRDQ3UT09 (Passcode -- 001938) 
  • Breakout sessions track one: https://reacpa.zoom.us/j/89597550565?pwd=Q0Znci9HR3lXWFN5YkhDOUxlSVZsQ (Passcode -- 001938)
  • Breakout session track two: https://reacpa.zoom.us/j/84323845926 (Passcode -- 001938)
  • Breakout session track three: https://reacpa.zoom.us/j/85899755482?pwd=QlZsOGVmL25xTmJDa0FZYVJPc1Rndz09%20-%20Passcode%20is%20001938 (Passcode -- 001938)
How To Record Your Time
Whether you're attending in person or virtually, we recommend you record your time in STAR before retreat starts. There will be little time during retreat, so make sure you record your time before it kicks off. Use these time guidelines
Retreat Dress Code
The dress code for in-person and virtual attendance will adhere to our "dress for your day" policy, meaning you can wear jeans both days. Remember, you can wear jeans and still look professional. Here are examples of dress for your day at Rea.
CEO Transition Panel Discussion
Don McIntosh, CEO, and Mark McKinley, CEO elect, will answer your questions about their CEO transition process during a panel discussion at retreat, immediately following the Firm Update. You can submit a question now and anonymously HERE for Don and Mark to answer. Questions can also be asked during the panel discussion HERE through conferences i/o or in person.
Annual Firm Update: Read TRA 3.0
During the annual Firm Update, presented by CEO Don McIntosh, you'll learn about The Rea Advantage (TRA) 3.0 -- our updated strategic plan. Don will highlight main concepts, but due to time restraints, he won't be able to share every new initiative. Read TRA 3.0 to learn about the plan prior to retreat and prepare for the Firm Update. You'll notice that we're missing a few financial numbers in Our Client cornerstone, which will be updated closer to the end of our fiscal year.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols
We understand that concern still exists regarding attending retreat in person due to COVID-19, and we support your decision to attend virtually, if that's what you choose. If you choose to attend in person, please know that your health and safety remain our top priorities, and we will have the following safety protocols in place:
  • Daily Health Check Questionnaire: On day one and two of retreat, you'll be required to complete a daily health check questionnaire that will ask if you're experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Your responses will determine if you're eligible to participate in retreat that day. You'll find each questionnaire in the retreat daily session list in conferences i/o. You must complete your day one health check questionnaire prior to arriving at retreat on Monday, Oct. 18.
  • Daily Temperature Checks: On Monday and Tuesday mornings, a member of our retreat planning team will take your temperature near our registration table to ensure there are no temperatures over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, which is an indicator of a fever resulting from infection or illness. This is required for your safety.
  • Masks Required: Per the Columbus mask mandate, all employees attending retreat in person will be required to wear a mask for the entirety of retreat, except when you are eating or drinking, regardless of vaccination status. This will be enforced for your safety. Bring a few masks with you, and we'll have masks onsite.
  • Social Distancing: When possible, there will be some social distancing during our firm sessions in the ballroom, like our keynote and meals.
  • "Contact" Wrist Bands: You will have the option to wear a red, yellow or green wrist band during retreat. A red wrist band indicates that you would prefer your coworkers remain six feet from you at all times and no physical contact; a yellow wrist band signifies that you feel comfortable bumping elbows but you're still being cautious; and a green wrist band means that you are open to hi-fives and handshakes and are not concerned with others remaining socially distanced.
Red, White & Blue Summer Nights
The Young Advisory Board is hosting a "Red, White & Blue Summer Nights" event on Monday for those attending in person. There's a lot to look forward to:
  • A cornhole tournament with cash prizes for the top three teams. Thank you to all who signed up to play!
  • Yard Pong 
  • Large Jenga 
  • Playing Cards 
  • Kan-Jam 
  • Yard Dice
  • Popcorn machine and snow cone machine...yum!
  • Silent auction with great prize baskets donated by our Rea offices

What to Wear: To go along with our theme, please wear "BBQ attire" like tropical print shirts or red, white, and blue clothing. Please DO NOT wear anything with a political affiliation. Summer attire is permitted, but please keep it professional
Questions? Reach out to internal communications or your manager.
The contents of this email are for employees of Rea & Associates only and should not be shared with individuals outside the firm. Contact internal communications to communicate to the firm.