Heroic Media: Countering Planned Parenthood, Saving Lives.

Thank you for your prayers and support for Heroic Media’s mission!

Update for June 9, 2023
Pro-Life Laws Won’t Make Us a Pro-Life America, But This Will
By Brett Attebery, Chief Executive Officer
For those of us who bring marketing backgrounds to full-time pro-life work, it can be very challenging to understand the grand strategies put forward by the pro-life community.
National pro-life leaders and organizations still put tremendous effort into advocating for abortion-restricting laws of all kinds, especially at the state level following the overturn of Roe v Wade last year.
This in spite of the fact that the abortion industry continues its pivot away from surgical abortion as its primary product to the abortion pill as its primary product.
The abortion pill will likely account for upwards of 80 to 90% of all abortions within five years.
The new reality is that when we say “abortion” we’re talking about the abortion pill.
Abortion is now in the form of a drug.
As such, the pro-life community finds itself joining forces with the so-called “war on drugs.”
And if you’ve been following the war on drugs, and keeping track of how well restrictive laws have worked in quelling the supply of illegal drugs into our country, let’s just say the results have been less than stellar.
American citizens still demand illegal drugs, and if there is demand and money to be made from it, the suppliers will find a way to deliver the drugs, no matter the laws.
And so it goes with the abortion pill.
Yet, most of the talk coming out of the pro-life community at large continues to be about laws.
What is that saying about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?
Old habits die hard, I guess.
When I bring up this issue of the ineffectiveness of pro-life laws to quell supply of abortion, the retort is usually something like, “Yes, Brett, but laws are a teacher.”
The more I think about this, the less I believe it’s true, at least on a large scale.
As the late Andrew Breitbart once said, “Politics is downstream of culture.”
In other words, it is culture that shapes politics, not the other way around.
Building on that claim, I would say that culture is a much greater force for teaching than laws are.
So I don’t believe pro-life laws will make us a pro-life America.
But I do believe that a pro-life culture will make us a pro-life America.
Lifted by Truth: Lucy and Michael – A Save Story from Tampa, Florida
Lucy felt terrified when she saw the positive pregnancy test.
She had been dating her boyfriend Michael for only a few months, and wasn’t currently working.
They were both young – and in no way felt “prepared” for parenthood.
They talked about their options, and both agreed that abortion was their “best choice”.
The couple began looking online to find an abortion facility.
Thanks to your support of Heroic Media’s OAASYS (On-demand Alternatives to Abortion SYStem) Emergency Response ads, they were connected to OAASYS’s Pregnancy Help Center partner in Tampa, Florida instead, and made an appointment to be seen.
When Lucy and Michael arrived at the pregnancy center for their first appointment, they were “visibly terrified”.
It was clear they were scared to become parents.
They wanted an abortion – and admitted that they felt scared about abortion as well.
Their client advocate helped them to understand the financial, physical, and emotional costs of abortion.
They only became more unsettled and conflicted as she gently spoke these truths to them.
Then the conversation turned to other options, primarily parenting.
Lucy and Michael had a chance to verbally process all their fears.
And… with every voiced fear, the room began to “feel lighter”.
Their client advocate could see weights “lifting from the couple” as they spoke their fears out loud.
After listening, their client advocate began to compassionately offer ease to their fears.
She explained all the support programs the pregnancy center offered expecting parents.
They discussed material and financial resources, parenting classes, healthcare, and getting involved in a local church community if desired.
Toward the end of the conversation, Lucy and Michael were feeling more confident about the possibility of parenting, and accepted the offer to return for a free ultrasound in a week.
When they returned for their follow-up appointment, they shared that they had decided – after hearing the truths about the risks and adverse effects of abortion that they’d changed their minds about pursuing abortion and would parent their child!
Praise God!
They were still feeling nervous about becoming parents, but lifted by the further truth that they were not alone and with the support of the pregnancy center and local community, they were confident they’d made the right decision.
Praise God!
And thank you for the critical role you played in helping connect them to the opportunity to hear and embrace the truth and choose life!!
You are heroic!

John 8:32: “…and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Join us for Episode 73 of The National Prayer Luncheon for Life Pro-Life Impact Show with guest Emily Berning!
Watch or listen to Episode 73 as Karen and Brett welcome Emily Berning, Co-Founder and President of Let Them Live!
Let Them Live was founded by Emily and her husband Nathan in 2019 because they were connected with an abortion-minded woman who was homeless because she couldn’t pay her bills. They emptied their bank account and gave her the financial assistance she needed to keep her baby. After saving her and her baby from abortion, they founded Let Them Live to help moms and give others the opportunity to experience the same joy that comes with saving a life

Let Them Live envisions a culture where women never feel like abortion is their only option simply because of their financial situation. With 73% of women having abortions due to financial burden, Let Them Live offers them financial support so that they can choose life instead – having already helped save 600 precious Moms and their babies from abortion!
Fasten your seatbelt as you hear Emily’s passion as she shares about Let Them Live’s exponential growth in just 4 years as their mission spreads like wildfire across the country! 

You can also find the audio of The National Prayer Luncheon for Life Pro-Life Impact Show on your favorite podcast platform. 



Our profound thanks to each of our amazing 2023 Speakers and Prayer Leaders for their inspiring, Holy Spirit-filled remarks and prayers: Catherine Hadro, broadcaster, news contributor, and 2023 emcee; Auxiliary Bishop Greg Kelly, Diocese of Dallas; Aurora Tinajero, National Coordinator of Latinos por La Vida; Christina Bennett, Live Action Correspondent; and Pastor Bruce Kendrick, Director of Life Initiatives, Watermark Community Church; to our generous 2023 Sponsors; to our phenomenal 2023 Honorees; and to you and the thousands from across the country who voted and joined with us live or through the sharing and watching of the replay!
God Bless All – ENJOY watching the replay, and let us continue soldiering forward to accelerate the winning of this war TOGETHER!
--> And be sure to Mark Your Calendar and Save the Date for the 2024 “Hour of Power” prayer & celebration event and Pro-Life Impact Awards:
Friday, April 19, 2024, from 12-1PM CT!

**NOMINATIONS for the 2024 Pro-Life Impact Awards will open online at nationalprayerluncheonforlife.org on October 2, 2023.**
In the newest edition of Pro-Life Magazine’s cover story, Heroic Media CEO Brett Attebery and Bridget VanMeans, CEO & Vision Leader of ThriVe® Nation and ThriVe® Express Women’s Healthcare, share the story of the creation of the first viable national counter brand to Planned Parenthood in 50 years plus the new ThriVe+ tele-health sub-brand, going head-to-head online against the abortion industrys new primary strategy: “DIY” abortions at home through the abortion pill, also known as Plan C.

Powerhouse leaders Janine Marrone, Founder and President of the Board of Support After Abortion, and Kristin Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America, discuss medication or chemical abortion, from the perspectives of the healing space and public policy space.

We round out with Dr. John Bruchalski, Founder of Divine Mercy Care and Tepeyac OB/GYN, sharing his transformative story from abortion to life-affirming medicine and explaining that there is no medical condition that would necessitate a direct and intentional abortion in order to save the life of the mother, i.e., a direct and intentional abortion is never medically necessary in order to save the life of the mother.

Read Pro-Life Magazine at prolifemagazine.org.
In each edition, you will find in-depth interviews with pro-life organizations that are producing highly impactful, breakthrough results. 
Our hope is that by revealing why these organizations are so successful, you will choose to support the ones most aligned with your own pro-life priorities! 
Heroic Media | PO Box 802021 | Dallas, TX 75380 | 512-340-0999 | HMInfo@heroicmedia.org heroicmedia.org | nationalprayerluncheonforlife.org | prolifemagazine.org