Chabad of Port Washington
Chabad of Port Washington
� Email: [email protected] � Voice: 516-767-8672
Purim Photos!
A Word from the Rabbi
Rabbi Paltiel Greetings!

What a Purim! A few THANK YOUS are in order to those who made this Purim so special:

SISTERHOOD'S PURIM BALL on Saturday night was a huge hit! Thank you Sisterhood leaders Tammy Kobin, Tami Ruben, Sheryl Pinner & Orly Calderon-Sherman! More than 100 adults came in costume and celebrated Purim! The place looked spectacular, the spirit was infectiously joyous, in a word - WOW! Thank you also: Colbeh Caterers, Sandy Kramer, Peggy Klat, Laurie Radler, Alicia Ferrara, Ellen Gabe & Bryan Sherman. And of course to all the guests. I'm told Sisterhood has many more plans for future events and programs, so stay tuned. Ladies - for $36 you can be a Sisterhood member and be part of this amazing new energy at our Chabad! Click here to join.

PURIM FAMILY FESTIVAL on Sunday morning was an equally smashing success! The gym was filled with children, parents and grandparents having a blast! Thank you Hebrew School principal Esther Greenspan for making it all happen. Special thanks to our panel of judges for the masquerade contest: Judge Scott Firestone (nice robe...), Blaine Klusky & Howard Abrahams. (And personally I "kvelled" at the way my Mushka led the proceedings with such charisma and pizzazz...

PURIM BASKETS were received by every Chabad family in our shul, Hebrew School and Preschool. Thank you to all who participated in this mitzvah of friendship and community. Special thank you to Marina Shapiro for personally delivering 100 (!) of these Purim gifts. Thank you also to Ellyn & Danny Logvin, Lida Esrail and Lisa Maloul.

Finally, PICTURES are now available on our website capturing all of the above thanks to our dedicated friend ROB SALZBANK!

Coming from such an action packed holiday, we now move on to a whole new bunch of exciting events, as outlined below.

Congratulations and thank you to one and all!

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel

EPHRAIM receiving Rabbinic Ordination
Nesenoff Shabbaton
Passover with Chabad
Become a Minyanaire

Who wants to be a MINYANAIRE?

Membership in the club requires simply a commitment to attend the morning minyan (services) either Monday or Thursday mornings - or both. Services begin at 7am promptly, and last until 7:45. Those who have the time and can stay for Coffee & Parsha for an additional 30 minutes are invited to do so as well.

Guys - think about what this can do for you - a weekly get together with "the boys" for prayer, camaraderie and a cup of coffee.

Thank you to the current MINYANAIRES: Sanford Lewis, Avi Shilian, Michael Grieff, Burt Falkenstein, Rob Salzbank, Sam Glasser, Bryan Sherman, Larry Hollander, Yaniv Konfino, Howard Abrahams, Jerry Kramer, Jonathan Kramer, Sy Kaplan, Larry Smith, Ron Bieber, Jimmy Neuwirth, Len Schaier & Rabbi Paltiel.

Want to join? Simply email: [email protected] and let the rabbi know. Small investment of time, huge return in terms of focus, inspiration and community connection. The Minyanaire's Club is open to any Jew in the area. One need not be a Chabad member to join. Please come on board and make us stronger!

In the News
The Times of Israel

New Big Bang evidence supports Biblical creation, says Orthodox physicist

Counters nonreligious professor: The Genesis account of the formation of the heavens and the earth has nothing to do with science.

That there was a creation event as described in Genesis is indisputably confirmed by this week's Big Bang scientific breakthrough, an Israeli physicist who is also an Orthodox Jew claims. A secular Israeli professor, unsurprisingly, insists that the Bible and the Big Bang are "not related"...

Click here to r
ead more.

My thanks to Michael Samuel for bringing this article to my attention

Calendar of Events


Ohel Trip

Trip to the Ohel | Sunday, April 6 | 10 AM

Join us for a visit to the Ohel - Gravesite of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in honor of the Rebbe's birthday and Passover.

Email [email protected] if you'd like to join. Leaving Chabad 10am returning approx noon.



Sisterhood Shabbat | April 26 - 9:30 AM

The Chabad Sisterhood has instituted a monthly "Sisterhood Shabbat", usually on or around Rosh Chodesh, in celebration of the Jewish Woman.

Upcoming Sisterhood Shabbats:
April 26 (holocaust remembrance Shabbat)
May 10 (in honor of Mother's Day)
June 14 (in honor of Father's Day)

Click here for more info about the Sisterhood.


Save the Date

Save the Date | Gala Dinner
Monday, June 2, 2014

Please save the date for Chabad of Port Washington's annual dinner celebrating our 23rd anniversary.

Formal invitation to follow.


Camp Gan Israel

Camp Gan Israel 2014
Registration now open!

Click here for more info and to register.

Question of the Week
Question of the week
Do I must Remove it?
By Chani Benjaminson

Question: Is it really necessary to have leaven "removed" from one's property during the eight days of Passover? My plan was to box it up and put it in my shed for the week. Is this acceptable according to Torah? If not, why?


Shabbat Times
Candle Lighting Times for
Port Washington, NY
[Based on Zip Code 11050]:
Shabbat Candle Lighting:
Friday, Mar 21
6:49 pm
Shabbat Ends:
Shabbat, Mar 22
7:49 pm
Torah Portion: Shemini

Kiddush Calendar

Click here to let us know if you can sponsor a kiddush.

Community News

Mazel tov Sam and Sally Glasser on the birth of their grandson, born to Chana and Ira Glasser


Bryan Sherman Adar 18

Rochelson 3/21
Talia Eshel 3/23
Julia Natalie Kaplan 3/23
Rebecca Pearl Kaplan 3/23
Jackie Kalinsky 3/24
Sarah Adina Pinner 3/26


Murray Schneider,
(Meir Eliezer ben Betzalel)
3/21/2014 | Adar-II 19, 5774
observed by Edith Schneider and
Victor & Terri Hovanec

Morris Levine,
3/24/2014 | Adar-II 22, 5774
observed by
Jesse Levine & Lynn Silverstein

Samuel Prus,
3/24/2014 | Adar-II 22, 5774
observed by
Adam & Daphne Levy

*CLICK HERE to convert any regular calendar date, birthday or Yahrtzeit to its corresponding Jewish-calendar date!

Schedule of Services

Sunday Morning

Services: 9:00 AM

Monday & Thursday
Services: 7:00 AM
followed by Coffee & Parsha

Friday Evening: 6:30 PM

Saturday Morning: 9:30 AM
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon at 12
Mincha: Following Lunch

Schedule of Classes

Sunday | 9:45 - 10:00 AM

Coffee & Parsha Class

Monday - Friday | 7:45 - 8:15 AM

Tanya Class
with Rabbi Paltiel
Saturdays | 8:45-9:30 AM

Quick Links

The Rebbe


This Week @
Food for Growth
Split hooves, cud chewing, fins and scales, a tradition of edible birds-as lessons in parenting.
Why Are Things Going Wrong?
A candid texting conversation between a teen and a rabbi about the big questions we all have but are afraid to ask.
Your Questions
I Have a Great Job, but It Requires Me to Work on Shabbat . . .
In this industry, I have only Saturday and Sunday to conduct business.
It's All About the Timing
But did you ever wonder what would happen if the bird got there too early?
Chabad-Lubavitch News from Around the World
Former Soviet Union
In Kharkov, Ukraine, Purim Offers Some 'Clowning Around' for the Day
A bit of a respite as thousands celebrate the Jewish holiday and circus theme
Book Bag
19th-Century Documents Uncover Origins of the Rebbe's Hereditary Honor
Discovery is the result of exhaustive research into the Rebbe's life, to be chronicled in a book titled "The Rebbe's Early Years"
Reb Mottel der Shoichet, 97, Survived and Detailed Life in the Gulag
He witnessed the tides of Soviet change, and for decades served as Moscow's only shochet and mohel
Holiday Watch
Purim: Chock Full of Food, Festivities and Fun for 'All Ages, All Stages'
The themes may vary but the message is the same: There are 'miracles all around us'
The Jewish Calendar
Friday Adar II 19 | March 21
Today in Jewish HistoryIsrael Secures Ein Gedi (1949)
Shabbat Adar II 20 | March 22
Today in Jewish HistoryChoni the Circle Maker prays for rain (1st Century BCE)
Today in Jewish HistoryPassing of "Bach" (1640)
Laws and CustomsParshat Parah
Sunday Adar II 21 | March 23
Today in Jewish HistoryPurim Narbonne (1236)
Today in Jewish HistoryR. Elimelech of Lizhensk (1786)
Monday Adar II 22 | March 24
Today in Jewish HistoryEarthquake Saves Jews (1430)
Tuesday Adar II 23 | March 25
Today in Jewish HistoryMishkan assembled; 7 "days of training" (1312 BCE)
Today in Jewish HistoryPassing of 1st Rebbe of Ger (1866)
Daily Thought
A World Becoming

The times our generation lives in are not ordinary times. We dwell on the interface between two worlds-a world as it was and a world as it is meant to be.

Everything is in place, all the infrastructure to bind the world together as one, the technology by which all of humanity can share deep wisdom, to grasp the secret of oneness with the human mind.

The stage is set.
All that's left is for us to open our eyes.

The Parshah In A Nutshell
Parshat Shemini

On the eighth day, following the seven days of their inauguration, Aaron and his sons begin to officiate as kohanim (priests); a fire issues forth from G-d to consume the offerings on the altar, and the divine presence comes to dwell in the Sanctuary.

Aaron's two elder sons, Nadav and Avihu, offer a "strange fire before G-d, which He commanded them not" and die before G-d. Aaron is silent in face of his tragedy. Moses and Aaron subsequently disagree as to a point of law regarding the offerings, but Moses concedes to Aaron that Aaron is in the right.

G-d commands the kosher laws, identifying the animal species permissible and forbidden for consumption. Land animals may be eaten only if they have split hooves and also chew their cud; fish must have fins and scales; a list of non-kosher birds is given, and a list of kosher insects (four types of locusts).

Also in Shemini are some of the laws of ritual purity, including the purifying power of the mikvah (a pool of water meeting specified qualifications) and the wellspring. Thus the people of Israel are enjoined to " differentiate between the impure and the pure."