A Note from our Executive Director
Dear friend,
“What are the little things that make you feel grateful?” This is one of the questions our School Based Family Advocate, Miguel, uses to engage students in mindful conversation. One student replied, “When my parents come to my soccer games.” Of course! When we show up for our children, or our partner, or our friends, we communicate how much we value that person. When we are present, not only do we convey our esteem, we lessen our own stress.
So, what are the little things that make YOU feel grateful?
I’ll share mine. I am grateful for the IVYP staff who continue to show up every day to care for our community. On Friday, we’re hosting a vaccine clinic. That’s an extraordinary effort, but so important in ensuring our collective health. I am grateful for my family. We play trivia games together and every evening we discuss questions and answers over the dinner table. It’s a great way to be present with one another. I am grateful to live as a member of such a caring and engaged Santa Barbara County community. Our nonprofit sector is remarkable, collaborative and effective.
And, I’m grateful for you, IVYP’s supporters, for your wisdom, your support and your belief in our organization.
Lori Goodman
Executive Director