APEX Insights
What can we learn from Michael Jordan's leadership style?

A team's or an organization's performance rises and falls with the quality of the leadership. Michael Jordan was a great leader as measured by the outcomes that he achieved. However, he was not a perfect leader. His lack of caring for others is a fatal flaw for 99% of leaders. Michael's excellence in the other aspects of his leadership enabled him to succeed.

We can learn from both his positive and negative leadership traits.

Read below for insights.
Becoming a Better Leader

Leadership always matters as it has a significant impact on the organization's performance and the lives of employees. We have an obligation to become the best leader that we can. Since none of us are perfect, we need to work on becoming better.

  • Pacesetter Expectations - If Michael Jordan is a 10, most leaders are less than 5. This aspect of leadership has the most opportunity to move the dial on organizational performance. All of us should sit back and reflect on where we are and on our next steps.

  • Accountability - Without accountability, our expectations do not matter. We are not serving the high performers or the low performers when we do not instill accountability into the fabric of the organization. People cannot grow without it. Organizations cannot thrive without it.

  • Caring for Others - Do not be Like Mike in this aspect of leadership. People follow leaders who care about them. People quit leaders who do not. People are willing to give more of themselves when they believe that their leader cares about them.

  • Focus - Eliminate distractions. Decide on the few critical things that matter. Execute these things at a very high level. Please note that multi-tasking is over-rated.

  • Commitment- Success is still a function of hard work. Silver bullets never work. You and your team must be committed to do the work.

Why it matters? The success of your organization is correlated with the quality of leadership. If you are committed to the success of your organization, you will take steps to improve the quality of leadership.

Call to Action:

  1. Assess the leadership of yourself and your top executives using 360 evaluations.
  2. Get an executive coach to work with you and your key executives to improve.
  3. Engage APEX if you need help.

APEX Management Partners, LLC works with its clients to supercharge their performance. When your team struggles, think of APEX.

Click the icon below to setup a free consultation.

What areas do you need to improve?
Pacesetting Expectations
Caring for Others
Perfect already

Steve Thornton
mobile: 713 208 6265