Vol. 9, Issue 3, September 19, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition:Last chance to complete the Hamilton Job Satisfaction Survey; Canada's skills mismatch is a cause for concern; Celebrate Financial Literacy Month with Money Matters: Ontario
Your last chance to complete the Hamilton Job Satisfaction Survey!
Thanks to all of our partners who have shared the Hamilton Job Satisfaction Survey with their clients and employees. Close to 400 people have completed the survey and shared information about the quality of their job experiences, what they value in a workplace and what makes them stay in or leave a job.

The survey concludes at the end of September and there is still time to share it with your contacts.

In particular we need to hear from people under 35, males, people who work in the skilled trades, and people who have not completed post-secondary education.

If you are an employer please share the link below with your employees. All responses are confidential and the names of workplaces are not identified in the survey.

Those that complete the survey will have a chance to win one of three $50 gift cards.

Why Canada’s skills mismatch is cause for concern

A recent C.D. Howe study, Bad Fits: The Causes, Extent and Costs of Job Skills Mismatch in Canada, shows that about 13 per cent of full-time workers in Canada are either under- or overskilled, in terms of literacy, numeracy and problem-solving, for their job, with the underskilled and overskilled about equally divided for each skill. 

While skills needed in today’s labour market are not limited to these cognitive skills, they are skills that workers need to use essentially in any occupation (but to varying degree) and are fundamental to all learning.

The good news is that Canada generally ranks among those developed countries with relatively lower levels of skills mismatch.

The skills mismatch problem is significantly more pronounced among certain socio-economic groups. While workers with higher educational attainment are more likely to be overskilled, women, immigrants and older workers are more likely to be underskilled for their jobs. 

Celebrate Financial Literacy Month with Money Matters:Ontario
When: Thursday, October 10, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Join ABC Life Literacy Canada Programs Coordinators, Camille and Jesse for a webinar to learn about a 
free financial literacy programs for adult learners, Money Matters.

Learn about:
  • Program content
  • A new program, Money Matters for People with Diverse Abilities
  • How Money Matters helps adult learners improve their knowledge and confidence around finances and money management
  • How to get a free program running at your organization

Labour Force Information, Hamilton, August 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca