"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
This inspirational quote—at different times attributed to the Bible, Alexander Hamilton, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, and others—challenges us to step up and take action on issues close to our heart.
So, what do we passionately stand for? Housing Unlimited stands for the independence and community integration of adults in mental health recovery by providing affordable and comfortable homes. With the peace of mind of knowing that their housing is secure, our tenants can focus on pursuing their life goals and aspirations and becoming active members of the community.
We also proudly stand with Montgomery County’s nonprofit community. The Listening Post Project, an initiative of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Civil Society Studies, produced the insightful survey What Do Nonprofits Stand for? Renewing the Nonprofit Value Commitment (25 pages, PDF). The survey indicates that nonprofits are seen to be productive (they generate jobs and economic activity), empowering (mobilize citizens), effective (provide quality programs and services at reasonable cost), enriching (give expression to central human values), reliable (are resilient and accountable), responsive (meet needs that government and markets do not), and caring (aid underserved populations). At the same time, survey respondents want nonprofit values to be better communicated to key stakeholders in government and the media, as well as to the general public.
Housing Unlimited is staying the course with its core programming: Affordable Housing, Tenant Empowerment, and Extra Measure Property Management. We have also recently made an intentional effort to increase our reporting on social media, here in our monthly newsletters, and in our annual report (which, by the way, will be in your hands by October and/or published on our website).
Our commitment to Housing Unlimited's mission and to you is unwavering, and we want you to know that we will continue to stand with adults in mental health recovery. We hope that you will continue to stand with Housing Unlimited, too!
Hurry: Offer ends November 30, 2022!
Donate to Housing Unlimited and Receive a Maryland Tax Credit Equal to 50% of Your Donation!
CITC supports nonprofits by awarding Maryland tax credits to individuals and businesses who make donations. When you make a gift of $500 or more to Housing Unlimited, you may be eligible to receive a Maryland tax credit equal to 50% of the value of your gift! The credit may be taken against your Maryland corporate income tax, personal income tax, insurance premiums tax or public service company franchise tax.
Housing Unlimited Tenants Council is in full swing!
We are very proud of the Housing Unlimited (HUI) Tenants Council! The Council is led by elected members of the HUI tenant community.
Throughout the year, the Council plans get-togethers and activities for the HUI tenant community -- from a picnic in Wheaton Park to a visit at the Phillips Collection in Washington, DC.
Along the way, HUI Council participants learn valuable leadership skills and build bonds of friendship and camaraderie. Angie Foster, a current Council member and former Council President, shares, “I like being able to meet with other members of Housing Unlimited to discuss common issues as well as the many things we enjoy about being a part of this organization. I look forward to getting more involved now that Covid-19 is coming more under control."
For many HUI tenants, service on the Council is an opportunity to give back to the community. Council member Camila Rozier sums it up this way: “One thing that encouraged me to join is that I always wanted to be a part of a team that made some kind of change."
Standing together with their fellow tenants. One Council event at a time. Camila and Angie and our other Council leaders are indeed building community and creating positive change.
We are so excited to present our new and beautiful website:
Please take a few moments to check out Housing Unlimited's new look which includes a video tour, a podcast page, links to important files like our 990s and our Annual Reports, a new online housing application and so much more!
Thank you, Pablo Gomes (www.pablogomesfilms.com), for sharing your artistry and talent with us and creating this wonderful new website!
Did you know that Housing Unlimited takes donations
of furniture and household supplies?