If I asked you, “Where is God?” how would You respond?

I know you’d understand a theological answer. But have you thought how David might answer? The one God called the "apple of his eye"?

David gives us this excellent answer. “Where could I go to escape from your Spirit or from your sight? If I were to climb up to the highest heavens, you would be there. If I were to dig down to the world of the dead, you would also be there. Suppose I had wings like the dawning day and flew across the ocean. Even then your powerful arm would guide and protect me” (Psalm 139:7-10 CEV).

It’s mind boggling to think that God never has to go anywhere because he’s already there. But God’s omnipresence isn’t just an awe-inspiring theological idea; it’s a powerful application to how we deal with life's most difficult experiences.

When you recognize that God is with you wherever you go, that he is as close as your next breath - his presence will help sustain you when you struggle in life and especially in these four areas.

1. When you’re lonely, God is your companion.

Each of us face different kinds of loneliness. There’s the kind that comes when we’re afraid to open up about our own pain and insecurities. The kind we feel when our marriage or relationships are stretched beyond their limits. There’s also the loneliness that comes when our financial circumstances change and others find out, or when our friends make other friends and no longer call or show up.

We all face loneliness. But God’s Word is filled with good news about our loneliness. If we recognize God’s presence in our lives, he will bring joy in the midst of our struggles.  The Bible says this in Psalm 16:11, “Your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure forever” (GNT).

You might feel alone right now, but you’re not. Remember God’s promise, “I will never leave you or let you be alone” (Hebrews 13:5 NLV), will bring you joy.

2. When you’re worried, God is your confidence.

We all go through “the fire” in life—you know, those tough times when we’re overwhelmed by stress and the pressures of life. And God knows how easy it is for us to worry when we’re in the middle of a fire. That’s why he gives us his presence.

The fact that God is with us changes everything. His presence gives us the stability we need to say, as David does in Psalm 23:4, “Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way” (TLB).

3. When you’re tempted, God is your counselor.

1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that temptations are common for everyone. No one is immune to them.

We’re reminded that God provides us with counsel when we face temptation. Paul writes, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT).

God is a counselor who shows you a way out of the temptation. He is not surprised by your temptation.

He knows what you’re going through, and he’s pulling for you to succeed. You don’t have to just depend upon your own willpower, God has an escape route plotted out for you. He will always be with you to guide you along the right path.

4. When you’re discouraged, God is your comforter.

You might feel discouraged right now as you read this. If that’s how you feel right now, the Bible has something to say to you: “The Lord saved me from death; he stopped my tears and kept me from defeat. And so, I walk in the presence of the Lord in the world of the living” (Psalm 116:8-9 GNT).

God’s presence will give you the power to keep going. But you have to tune into it, and “walk in the presence of the Lord.”

Recognizing the presence of God in your life changes everything. No matter what you’re going through, he is right there with you, providing companionship, confidence, counsel, and comfort.

Remember, You are NOT alone!


Pastor Bob

At some point, you're going to face trauma in your life if you’ve not already! What does God say about it? What does God say about evil in the world and what does God say about trauma?

People always ask me - If God is truly good, if God is truly loving, if God is so loving and good and gracious, why didn't he just get rid of evil?

Why didn't he just wipe it out? Why does he let bad things happen to good people? Why didn't he just wipe out all kinds of evil? Those are good questions, legitimate questions. First, you have to define evil. What is evil? Because we always think evil is something out there. Evil is anything that opposes God, rebels against God, disobeys God, rejects God or ignores God.


Now, if that's what evil is, the opposite is what God is. God is good and evil is the opposite of God, then I have made evil choices in my life and so have you. We have not always done what God said to do. We have not always done what's best for other people. We have at times made evil choices.

Sunday, we’re going to look at our freedom of choice and how that plays a part in our personal trauma. We’re also going to find out that God is a GOOD GOD – and that He only has GOOD THINGS in store for us. It’s the devil who wants to destroy you and your faith in a loving, heavenly father.

Don’t Miss this Sunday. It will answer many questions that you may have had.

Sunday, March 17th - at 10:30 am

"Resilience: Recovering from Traumatic Experiences"

Crossroads Community Church

I am SO very thankful for the family of Crossroads Community Church. They are the "giving'ist" people I know. Our LGBTQ community needs to know that they have a place where they can come and be loved and hear the Word of God each week. And YOU make that happen! Don't forget God's blessings are coming your way!

God Loves a Cheerful Giver -  Click Here, and smile as you give!

EASTER SUNDAY is not too far away!

This is the time of the year for new beginnings. We see it everywhere we look. The trees, the flowers - just about everything around us is new.

Easter Sunday is a time for You to become new and start fresh with your relationship with the Lord. Join us at church on EASTER Sunday - 10:30 am. Start something new!

Something Funny for You!

Crossroads Community Church - OUR MISSION - To bring to the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex the timeless, loving and inclusive ministry of Jesus Christ in an up-to-date and contemporary manner.