Preparing for Sunday, September 24, 2023

Worship Sunday

9:30 a.m. Hickey Hall · Livestream

11 a.m. Sanctuary · Livestream

Church Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

SPARK Book Group

Thursday,September 21; 1:30 a.m. in the Parlor

Join us as we discuss The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams by Stacy Shiff. Contact Linda Burnard at 248-765-5511 for more information.

United Women in Faith Book Club

Thursday, September 21; 6:30 - 8 p.m. in Room 132

Join us as we discuss Together, the Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World by Vivek Murthy, MD.

All are welcome!

Poverty: A Conversation that Matters

Saturday, September 30

9 a.m. - 12 p.m. in the Sanctuary

What does it mean to live in poverty? How does it affect physical and mental health? What does poverty look like in the greater Rochester area? St. Paul’s will host a program on poverty with guest speakers Umeika Stephens, family and psychiatric nurse practitioner, Cynthera McNeill, assistant Professor at Wayne State University, and Michael Dreon, Executive Director of Rochester Area Neighborhood House. This is a free program that will be open to the public. See more

Marriage Renewal Service

Sunday, October 8

11 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Couples celebrating their 5th, 10th wedding anniversary, etc. (in 5 year increments), or any anniversary over 50 years, are invited to participate. Call the office at 248-651-9361 by Wednesday, September 27 to have names printed in the worship program.

October Evangel

Now Available

Find out what is happening at St. Paul's in October.

Pick up a copy in church on Sunday or see it online.

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The Evangel
Online Services
A Word from the Pastor

Sunday Worship

9:30 a.m. Open Door Outdoors & Livestream

11 a.m. Sanctuary & Livestream

Where You Belong: Finding Unity in a Diverse World

How do we remain united in a world polarized extremes? When deep divisions seem to be the norm is there a way to come together in the face of differences and still honor one another’s faith journeys? Is it even possible to “live peaceably with all”? Join us this week as we rediscover unity in all of our diversity.  Find us on Facebook at St. Paul's United Methodist Church-Rochester.

Rev. Elbert Dulworth

Vesper Service Thursday

Thursday at 7 p.m. on Facebook

Unwind, relax, reflect, and connect with God.

Dealing with Grief

Grief may be the hardest emotion to carry. There is no right way to grieve nor is there a timeline for it. Is there encouragement from God about the journey of grief? Consider Jeremiah’s conclusions in Lamentations 3:21-26 as a way to deal with your grief. Tune in to find encouragement for yourself. Vespers at

Rev. Rick Kress

Prayer List

The following prayer requests have been received by our church. Please contact the office at 248-651-9361 with your prayer requests.

Healing & Comfort

Rev. Dwayne Kelsey,Thom Parker, Maggie Meyers - mother of Rebecca Lawson, Peggy Roberts, Diane McElreath, Shannon Hickey - niece of Debbie Kelly, Martha Mishler - sister of Vern Pixley


Cancer Support Group

Tuesdays, September 26 – November 7

7 p.m. in Room 128-129

This non-denominational support group is open to the community for cancer survivors, both those going through treatment now or in the past, as well as for family members, friends and caregivers. We would love to have you join us for as many of these meetings as you can make during the session. See more

Third Grade Bibles

Sunday, October 1; 9:30 & 11 a.m. services

Third graders will receive their Bibles on October 1 during worship. If you would like your child to receive a bible, please contact Amy Heitman at 248-651-9361. Please register to let us know which worship service you will attend and write your child's name in the comment section as you would like it appear in the inscription.

New Member Class

Discover St. Paul's

Sunday, October 1; 5 p.m. in the Parlor

If you are new to St. Paul’s, we would like to help you and your family connect with people in the church. Learn more about small groups and ministry teams that are offered, visit with the pastors, learn more about the United Methodist Church, and tour the building. We think you will discover St. Paul’s is for you! See more


Belonging and Beloved: The Book of Philippians

Mondays, October 2 - 23

6:30 - 8 p.m. in Room 132

Join Rev. Rick Kress for a study of the book of Philippians, a book that features a young church facing problems, and Paul’s pastoral advice for how to make their way as Christians. It is about belonging to a church community and to Christ, while treating one another as God treats us— as the beloved. Full of practical advice, Philippians is an inspirational book for modern readers. There is no text except for the Bible. It’s an inductive Bible study, meaning that we delve into the text itself, rather than a book’s interpretation of it.

Changing to Zoom Study on Tuesdays

A Study of the Book of Romans

Tuesdays, beginning October 3; 7:30 p.m. on Zoom

Gerry Bryce will be leading an in-depth 32-week study of Romans, the Apostle Paul's letter written to the Christians living in Rome. See an detailed description of the class. If you are interested in this study, please contact Gerry Bryce at 248-520-1771.

Blessing of the Animals

Saturday, October 7

10 a.m. - 12 p.m. outside Hickey Hall

Celebrate the animals that make our lives special. All pets are welcome to receive an individual blessing but must be crated or leashed. Don’t have a pet? Children are encouraged to bring a stuffed animal and receive a blessing as well. See more

Harmony in the Hills Concert

Duo Clarion

Chad Burrow & Amy I-Lin Cheng

Sunday, October 8; 4:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Please join us for a dual recital of Chad Burrow on clarinet and Amy I-Lin Cheng on piano. Suggested donation $20.

Hats & Gloves for Baldwin

UWF accepting donations until October 15

During the winter months there is a great need for hats and mittens at Baldwin Mission and Neighborhood House. For many years the United Women in Faith has donated hats and gloves that they buy at a discount from Broner Hat Company to maximize our donation. UWF welcomes any donations to help us continue this ministry. Please make checks to UWF with ‘hats and gloves’ in the memo line and mail to 620 Romeo St. Rochester, MI 48307 or donate online. If you donate online, email Lynn Loebs so she can track your donation. Many thanks from the United Women in Faith.

Health Ministry Team has provided the following important information:

Children's Health Tips

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Contact your pastors:

Rev. Elbert Dulworth -

Rev. Dr. April Gutierrez

Rev. Judy May - 

Rev. Rick Kress -


Church Office               248-651-9361 


Dr. Timothy R. Hickey  Pastor Emeritus