On Thursday morning, October 3rd @ 10AM you are invited to attend an event sponsored by the Grace United Women in Faith.
Food, Faith and Fellowship
Nutrition: Relationship to Self
We will gather to learn creative and delicious ideas for making simple nutritious snacks and meals.
At 10AM Join Mary, a dietitian from Essentia Health, as she shares recipes, advice and answers our questions.
Following her presentation at 10:45AM, we will cook up some "Stone Soup" together on our new stove! Please bring one cup of your favorite chopped and cleaned veggie and an extra container.
Come and find out how cooperation, generosity and kindness can become a community building experience.
We will share a simple "soup and bread" lunch at 11:30AM.
Grace ladies, please sign the sign-up sheet on the high-top table in the Narthex by September 29th. Pine River ladies can call Ann in the church office M-W, 9-12
(218) 568-5755. It is important to know how many people will be attending. Thank You.
There will not be a business meeting this month. So come enjoy an informative, relaxing morning with food, faith, fellowship...and fun!