JP has captured the hearts and imaginations of young lives for 22 years, challenging and equipping each person to reach new heights of achievement.
We could provide a list of impressive stats to anyone who asks, but we believe people may be more interested in a number that's most important to us.
That number is one.
It's the one person we're involved with at any given moment.
How do we accomplish a vital depth of attention to each individual?
We do so primarily through a web and mobile App designed for such depth of engagement.
Specifically, we use technology that helps a conversation go deep, right down to the place inside a person where major impediments to healthy beliefs start to unravel and real change begins. These interactions occur over time until positive transformation becomes ingrained and later sustained.
We look for what's actually bothering a teen when they first arrive on the site, not the surface issue that they typically discuss. The real gem usually is buried a few levels deeper and often carries negativity that they would do anything to hide, yet it's the one steering them onto a collision course. We all have these kinds of demons to battle somewhere in our lives. These kids have more than their share.
As they do each day's navigational steps, called navitents, we can see the precise point at which the lights go on for a person, and it's there that things begin to change.
We love it when a teen posts back in all caps and exclamation points and progresses with burgeoning confidence. "I AM HUUUNGRRRY!!!," cried one guy. In a good way.
They're so real, so vulnerable. They've taught us a lot about humility. They'll say things to a computer they would never have the courage to say face to face. We handle those comments with the utmost care.
To help us get to those deep places within each person, the site captures the right kind of data to show how the material in the navitent landed: who did what, at what level of engagement, where did they have success or where exactly did they did they fall off. It makes it much simpler to be able to help them navigate through life's scary new, adult challenges when we have the right information guiding us.
Teens weigh in with each other, too. The campfires, as they're called, are part of the site's social media forum where youth are placed in small groups, all moving toward the same goal. They encourage each other as they go, keeping each other on task. Their level of leadership and engagement in these interactions is nothing short of impressive.
But the best part is that we have a front-row seat to watch the exact day and step that gives an individual back their personhood and, with it, a vision for what's possible.
One step, One task, One breakthrough moment that changes everything!