Commercial & Industrial Interlocking Flooring
What if there’s another outbreak?
With winter coming that possibility certainly exists. Yet one of the silver linings of the first part of the pandemic was how the public and private sector worked together to come up with temporary medical facilities—even ones outdoors—as a solution. SelecTech, with our interlocking FreeStyle BioLock product, was part of that solution.

FreeStyle BioLock, whether sold in sheets or our patented interlocking solution—can be installed in very short order with little to no floor prep—particularly our interlocking product. It also provides the qualities in a lab or healthcare setting such as:

  • Liquid-Tight Seams
  • Slip-resistance
  • Easy maintenance 

The true beauty of all our flooring products is that they are 100 percent recyclable. So, if the flooring can’t be used elsewhere after closing the temporary facility, it can be recycled.

For more details on how SelecTech flooring products can be used for temporary clinics and facilities, check out the article below.
Children’s Hospital in Boston Case Study
In this short video, Tom Connors, owner of ProSpec Solutions and a SelecTech rep, talks about how our interlocking BioLock product provided a perfect solution for the access flooring at Boston’s Children’s Hospital.
Chemical Labs
In an environment where chemicals and/or drugs are manufactured, chemical labs operate under stringent guidelines and restrictions. Safety is integrated into the cycle of product from procurement to storage, handling to transport, and even disposal. There is no room for error.

33 Wales Avenue, Suite F
Avon, MA 02322
Telephone: 508-583-3200