What is Door County Missing?

We need your help to make our Door County community a better place. 
We've all done it, whether by choice or by necessity...We've left Door County to make a purchase for our home, business or ourselves. 
If you leave the county regularly, or semi-regularly, even once a year to shop, please take a few minutes to tell us what you're shopping for and an estimate of how much you spend. 
Why? We at Door County Economic Development Corporation are working to help our existing county businesses improve and expand their offerings, and to potentially bring new businesses into the county to fulfill your shopping needs.
So please, click below on 'Take this survey' and tell us why you leave to shop and spend money elsewhere.

Don't have time to take the survey? Please forward it to a Door County-residing friend!
Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we work to continuously improve our Door County community.

Paige Funkhouser
Economic Development Manager,  Door County Economic Development Corporation
Door County Economic Development Corporation