Happy Cold January!
Winter arrived! Hope you are warm and safe.
So many of us are feeling challenges these first weeks of a new year with a variety of illnesses, exposure to illnesses and breaks in school availability. We continue to pray for those on the front lines in health care, in schools and with complicated health issues.
For a much-needed bit of January joy, we have a very special worship experience planned for our 10:30 service.
The Chivaviro family, who has been worshiping with us for the last year, will come out from our pews and teach us some new music while sharing their story to serve God. Rev. Togarepi Chivaviro (Pastor Toggie) is a Methodist pastor from Zimbabwe. He has been writing music for years, as well as leading worship. We will hear his original songs that are being released on his birthday this week. Pastor Toggie will share with us the way God has called him to share witness through music. They have invited friends and neighbors to join us for worship and fellowship following the service. Please come to be a part of this very special celebration with Pastor Toggie, Juliet and the children: Tinashe and Munashe.
If you are a part of our 8:30 worship service, I will be sharing witness with you.
I look forward to greeting you on Sunday!
Stay warm!
Shalom Blessings,
Pastor Cheryl