Recovery can sometimes feel like a battle with your own reflection. Too often, we find ourselves trapped in a storm of self-criticism and remorse, struggling to show ourselves the same kindness we freely give to others.

Yet, amid these internal struggles, there's an often overlooked ally - self-compassion. 

The concept of self-compassion might seem foreign, or even mistaken for an easy excuse for past errors. But it's not. It's a necessary tool to accept, learn, and bravely step forward again.

Let's together explore this gentle power that paves the path toward true healing.


At its core, self-compassion is kindness directed inwards. It’s treating ourselves with the same empathy, understanding, and patience that we typically extend to others when they're going through tough times. 

It involves treating yourself with the same understanding and empathy you would offer to others in distress.

Self-compassion is a fundamental part of emotional well-being and resilience, especially in the face of challenges like overcoming opioid use disorder.

According to Dr. Kristin Neff, key elements of self-compassion include:

Adolescent Therapy

Adolescents have many pressures coming from society today, from friends, social media, school and more. At times, these pressures can become overwhelming and lead to adolescents' experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.


Siyan Clinical is here to help support your teens through this time and help find resolution to support both your teen and you. 


Ages: 12 to 17.


Contact Siyan Clinical at (707)206-7268 Ext. 125

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This monthly Recovery Newsletter is now a part of our new endeavor to become a Certified Community Behavioral Health Program (CCBHC), funded by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Topics will range from addressing managing mental health as well as substance abuse. To learn more about Siyan becoming a CCBHC, please visit:

If you or someone you love would like to schedule an evaluation to see whether you are a fit for the CCBHC program, please contact us at 707-206-7268 or email to enroll. We are accepting new patients and accept most insurances including Medi-Cal and Medicare for our CCBHC program.

Every conversation is confidential and we offer telehealth. One day at a time.


The CCBHC Team

Disclaimer: This product was supported [in part] by grant number H79SM086652 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or polices of SAMHSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


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