Dear Friends,

Although Unity recently began using a different symbol to brand itself, I am partial to the original symbol Charles Fillmore chose, the Winged-Globe, which you will see over the doors of our sanctuary, and embedded in the stained-glass hanging in the front of the sanctuary. As we continue our study of Unity's beginnings, this symbol informs our understanding.

According to TruthUnity.net: Mr. Fillmore found the "Winged-Globe" in F.B. Dowd, The Temple of the Rosycross, (Chicago: F. B. Dowd Publishing Co., 1897). Mr. Dowd said it was the symbol of a "perfected soul." Modern Thought, I (Nov.., 1889), 11. Mr. Fillmore now gives the following explanation of its symbolism: "The winged globe or sun disk, as a religious symbol, had its earliest use in Egypt, but it is found in various forms in the religions of other races. It represents the relation existing between Spirit, soul and body. Soul gives wings to the body. Spirit is the enveloping principle, like the atmosphere in which both soul and body exist, and from which they draw their original inspiration.

The winged globe is also a symbol of the earth and the soul. The earth has soul, as have its products of every description. All exist in the luminiferous ether the anima mundi, the divine mother. When the people of the earth lift up their thoughts to God, the Animus Dei or directive Spirit, then the planet takes wings into a higher radiation of universal life -- the mortal puts on immortality.

As man develops spiritual consciousness, he attains the realization of the soul as the wings of the body. Back of the soul is Spirit. It quickens ad energizes the soul that is, it gives the soul wings. Artists paint their angels with wings, representing in this way their freedom from physical fetters. But the soul does not have wings like a bird. The life activity of the soul is quickened by Spirit until it rises above the thoughts of matter and floats free in the ether or fourth dimension which Jesus called the kingdom of the heavens.

Follow the teachings of Unity and you will realize for yourself that you are the winged globe." Charles Fillmore, "The Winged-Globe," Unity, LXXXIV (June, 1936), 66 f.


How do we become "The Winged Globe?" Why would our soul need to rise? What did this symbol really mean - and what is the soul, anyway? We'll talk about all of this - and so much more this Sunday at 9am and 11 am!


Reminder:  Please join us for the The Twelve Powers movie, this Friday night at 7pm. Doors open at 6:30, tickets are $10, and we'll view the movie on a large screen, rather than the small monitors. I hope you'll plan to join us - and bring a friend, too! Click below to view the trailer:


The Twelve Powers Trailer
The Twelve Powers Trailer


I look forward to sharing sacred space with you!

Blessed be,
Rev. Ahriana
What's Happening in January
Fourth Sunday Fellowship

A reminder to all those whose name ends in R-Z this is your week to bring goodies to share with your Unity community in Fellowship Hall after either service.  Please bring light snacks, finger foods, and tea to Fellowship Hall before the service. We appreciate you help!

Thank you, thank you for your continued support.

Your Fellowship Team
The Twelve Powers Movie Screening
Friday, January 20th 7:00-9:00 pm
$10 at the door

Charles Fillmore's spiritual classic The Twelve Powers of Man comes to life in this exciting documentary directed by NY Times bestselling author and award winning filmmaker James Twyman.

Over thirty well known Unity ministers share their insights on each of the Twelve Powers, including Rev. Ed Townley who also produced the film. The movie follows James Twyman as he travels to Syria to host a synchronized meditation which millions of people from around the world participated in on February 1, 2016.

Breaking the Ten Commandments  - Book Study

Friday, January 27th
Daytime discussion - 1pm - 2:30pm in Fellowship Hall
Evening discussion - 6:30pm - 8pm in Fellowship Hall
A basket will be present for Love Offerings

Join Rev. Ahriana as we delve into the first three chapter of this engaging book. Read chapters one through three before you attend, or, if you don't have a chance to read, join us and listen to what others have learned from their reading. Cut through the archaic language and unlock the hidden meanings that hold keys to expanding your moral character, spiritual consciousness and your loving contribution to society.  
Sound Healing Meditation and Ceremony
Saturday, January 28th, 4:00-6:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Cost: $15

Contact: Debi Flora at 719-440-8931 or debi@sacredwavehealing.com
Join Debi and Larkin Flora for a spectacular sound healing meditation and ceremony. The beautiful and soothing sounds and vibrations of the Flower of Life gong, Tibetan bowls, and other instruments will help support a powerful healing journey. This spiritual and emotional reboot leaves you with feelings of calmness, love, and gratitude.
Chairs are available; bring a mat or blanket if you'd like to sit/lay on the floor during the meditation. 

Become a Member of Unity Spiritual Center in the Rockies!
There are 2 parts to becoming a member:
  1. Attend a New Member Orientation
  2. Read one of the approved books OR
    Attend the 4 session Unity Basics Class
Unity Basics class 
Sunday January 29th, February 5th, 12th, and 19th, 9:15-10:15 am in the Fillmore Center

If you're interested in becoming a member of USCR, or would just like to know more about the Unity movement, join Licensed Unity Teacher Linda Anthony for Unity Basics! This is one of two ways to pursue a path to membership. To register, please contact Larkin in the office at unity@unityrockies.org or sign up on the bulletin board in the hall.

Approved books
Lessons in Truth by H. Emily Cad
Unity, a Search for Truth by Eric Butterworth
Heart Centered Metaphysics by Paul Hasselbeck
The Story of Unity by James Dillet Freeman
Five Basic Concepts by Rev. Ellen Debenport

New Member Orientation
Tuesday, February 28th, 6-9 pm in the Sanctuary

This 3-hour session led by Rev. Ahriana gives you all the information you need to make a decision about membership.

Help the Library Team!

Once a year, the Library team conducts an inventory of our lending library.  That inventory will take place the beginning of February.  Please take a look to see if you currently have any checked out books and return them to the lending library by February 1st.  Your dedicated and hard-working library team thanks you!
Recurring Events
Youth and Family Ministries at Unity

Every Sunday
open 10:30 am-12:30 pm, class from 11:00-12:00

Nursery and Uni-tots- toddlers and pre-school
Uni-kids- elementary school
Uni-teens- middle school
Y.O.U. (Youth of Unity)- high school
A Course in Miracles

Every Tuesday evening
Fellowship Hall
Board Meeting

Next session January 25th
Fellowship Hall

Unity Spiritual Center Bingo!

Every Wednesday at 12:15pm
Carefree Bingo
3440 N Carefree Circle  80910

Great prizes and big wins could be yours, while having fun with your friends playing BINGO! We are giving away 4 - $25 Restaurant gift cards, and winnings range from $25 - $700! You've got to play to win...proceeds benefit our fundraising program here at Unity.
Unity Men's Group

Every other Saturday
Next gathering is January 28th
8:30 -10:00am
Fillmore Center (right next door to the main building, at 1965 Mesa Road.)
To be added to the contact list, send an email to Roger.
Contact: Roger 719-433-3135 or rogerbutts80905@gmail.com  
Sacred Women's Circle and Potluck 

Next meeting: Thursday, February 23, 2017
6:00-7:00pm dinner in Fellowship Hall-bring potluck or just come!
         All are welcome to gather and share food and conversation.
7:00-9:00pm sacred study/discussion in Sanctuary:
        "Women's Rites, Rituals, and Ceremonies: a One Year Journey"
Women 12 and older are welcome.
All Love Offerings received are used to support future Women's Retreats.
Heart-Broken to Empowered Support Group  
Motivation and Mindset  

with Melissa Perez
First and third Fridays of the month 
Fellowship Hall 
Contact Melissa: 512-350-1307
Are you struggling with feelings of sadness and depression? Have you recently gone through a situation that left you feeling lost, lonely, and confused? Come join the Colorado Springs Heartbroken to Empowered Meetup!  The group's mission is to help people who are ready for positive change.  The sessions will focus on breaking old, negative thought patterns in order to shift into more positive thinking while learning strategies to enhance confidence, courage, and resilience.

The group is donation-based and led by Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Melissa Perez. She is thrilled to meet like-minded people, facilitate a movement of positive expansion, and share her passion for personal development.    
Jung Society

Monthly, no meeting in January
Next gathering February 10th
Contact: Donna Van Hook at 719-527-0622
$8 members/$12 non-members  
Unity Art Circle 

Next gathering January 21st
10 am - 1 pm
Fellowship Hall

Creating art is a beautiful way to meditate, calm the busy mind, and express joy. Break out your crayons, watercolors, and sketch pencils and join the Unity Art Circle. We gather every third Saturday for three hours to create our own works of art, bringing all our own supplies (cleaning up after ourselves) and enjoying good company!  Come and create in a calm and quiet social environment. "Artists" of any level of experience are welcome. (And, those who don't think of themselves as artists are especially welcome!)
How you can help support the Unity Community
Amazon Smile
If you are an Amazon shopper, please consider supporting Unity Spiritual Center by using our AmazonSmile account. For eligible purchases, Amazon will donate a percentage of your total purchases to Unity. There is no extra cost to you.
Also, please remember to use your King Soopers, Safeway and Natural Grocers cards. 5% of each reload is given to support our community. Not sure how to reload, click here!
Volunteer Opportunities
As we move into 2017, we are looking for several volunteers. Help is needed with the kids program, fellowship, the bookstore, the library team, and ushers. If you can help, even one Sunday a month, please contact Larkin, our office administrator, in person, or at Unity@Unityrockies.org.