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PH - How does it affect you?
Too much acidity in the human body can lead to a variety of health problems. According to "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," acidity and alkalinity are measured by the pH scale. PH literally stands for potential of hydrogen. Water is neutral with a pH of 7.0. Anything below 7.0 is acidic, and anything above 7.0 is alkaline. According to the text, "the ideal pH range for the human body is between 6.0 and 6.8." PH test strips can be purchased so the pH levels can be tested at home.
A poor pH balance in the body can cause many health problems and a general feeling of ill health.
Acidosis is a level of high acidity in the body. According to "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," symptoms include insomnia, headaches, frequent sighing, water retention, low blood pressure, foul-smelling stools, difficulty swallowing, sensitivity to vinegar and acidic fruits and bumps on the tongue.
According to, other symptoms include fatigue, lack of energy, low body temperature, depression, frequent infections, teary eyes, sensitive teeth, gastritis, dry skin, brittle nails, hives and leg cramps.
If one's body is too acidic eat more alkaline foods to help balance it out. Alkaline forming foods include avocados, figs, honey, corn, raisins, molasses, coconut, fresh fruits and vegetables and soy products.
According to "Personal Nutrition" by Marie A. Boyle and Sara Long, "the acid-base balance of the blood is one of the most accurately controlled conditions in the body." They say too much alkalinity in the body can cause alkalosis, which can cause coma or even death.
If the body is too alkaline, it can be brought back into balance by eating foods that are more acidic. According to "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," acidic foods include asparagus, coffee, alcohol, meat, eggs, legumes, oatmeal, sauerkraut, tea and vinegar.

What can you do?

12 Ways To Balance Your Body's pH

  1. Choose only organic, non-GMO foods. You'll avoid pesticides, chemicals, and other contaminants that are acid producing.
  1. Eat alkaline forming foods. Most fruits and veggies are. Avocados, strawberries, and almonds are my favorite, but every leafy green vegetable and every herb is as well.
  1. Eat less refined sugars, flours, and meats, including fowl. You should eat roughly 40-50 grams of protein a day. These acid-forming foods all contribute to an unhealthy pH balance.
  1. Prepare meals intelligently. Combine alkaline foods with acidic foods in a meal together to create better balance and ensure neither throws the balance off.
  1. Drink 1-2 glasses of apple cider vinegar and water daily. Mix 1-2 Tbsps of ACV with 8 oz of water.
  1. Conversely, you can combine 2 Tbsps of lemon or lime juice with half a tsp of baking soda. After the foaming stops add 8-12 ounces of water and drink immediately.
  1. You can also try 2 tsps of baking soda mixed with 8 oz of water daily. If you have hypertension or edema this may not be a good choice for you. Talk to your doctor first.
  1. Eat potassium rich foods. Lemons, bananas, honey, sweet potatoes, or raw, natural yogurt.
  1. Drink a glass of warm lemon water in the morning. Juice half a lemon and mix into an 8 oz glass of water to rid your body of excess acids and create an alkaline state. Drinking this first thing in the morning flushes your system and prepares you for the day. The reason it should be warm (and not cold or chilled) is to put the least amount of stress on your gut.
  1. Mix 1-2 tsps of cream of tartar with 8 oz of water. This will help put your body in an alkaline-forming state. This is especially good to calm nausea, relieve a headache, or overcome shock.
  1. Drink lots of water daily. This is the best way to ensure your system is "well oiled". Drinking water helps move the waste to where it can be expunged. Drink 7-8 glasses a day.
  1. Supplement with digestive enzymes. This will balance the pH levels and help your body overcome acidosis. The pancreas is largely responsible for digestive enzyme production, so if your pancreas isn't working properly your natural enzyme level is not where it needs to be.



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 Jack Morris AP| St. Matthews House | 239-774-0500 | [email protected] |

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