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September News 2019
Earth with a Snowdrop
We're definitely living in 'interesting times'.
In the same way that when we're ill we may have to go through painful and sometimes alarming or even violent symptoms in order to heal, it seems that society, political systems, the economy and the Earth itself is now engaged in a critical phase of that journey.

The greater the power-play, conflict, abuse, deforestation and pollution that the Earth has to heal from, the more obvious the symptoms become, as she tries to balance her fragile ecosystems.

The point of this is that we don't emerge from serious illness the same person that we were at the start. We learn tough lessons about vulnerability, about the nature of love and the importance of kindness, compassion and the power of community. We may never again take each day for granted and develop a far greater capacity for thankfulness and joy, as well as an appreciation of our purpose, our limitations and the intelligence of our body. These can all be the gifts of 'interesting times'.

I hope that we're in time to reverse the damage and that we evolve new social structures which reflect the learnings and values that this time on the planet is asking us to embrace, in order to recover.

Below you'll find suggestions and ideas on how to make small daily gestures that will help the Earth and that will also help you to ground and connect with your heart and spirit at a time when many of us may be finding it hard.

Wishing you clarity and strength

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

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Content Links
Quick Deadline Reminders
What on Earth is Happening?
Pop into the Future with Anne Jirsch
Metaphysics & Mastery - Online Course
Karma Connection - Nine Types of Rest
Don't Cry Wolf
Free Tarot Card Reading
The Next Ten Years - with Matt Kahn
Evidence-Based Healing & Psychic Skills
Soothing Massage Oil & Free Travel Pack
Heavy Metals & Water Pack Offer
Quick Deadline Reminders
This month's offers: 
  • Book Writing
    40 Days to a Finished Book This online course by best-selling Australian author Leonie Dawson starts Sunday Sept 1. 
    It's full of expert advice, accountability, forum buddies and live Q & As - from how to start to how best to publish or be published. You can sign up until 8am this Sunday UK time - there's a time counter once you click through.
  • Lotus Flower in the light
    Two for one personal attunement offer As a response to the huge shift happening at the moment I'm offering a second bottle or essence transmission free of charge until Monday Sept 2.
    That means that if you order an attunement - whether Standard or De Luxe - with the usual 15ml bottle, you'll get a second identical bottle worth 9.95 GBP completely free - no extra postage either. If you order a transmission you'll get a second transmission of the same blend, worth 20 GBP, 3 weeks later. 
    How to Order: Just order from the website as normal and any orders before Sept 2 will have a second bottle or transmission added or diarised in the office, before they go out.  
    'I'm feeling the effects of the attunement transmission so deeply! I feel calm and at ease ... my cells are bathing in a new light.' Kyala, Canada,
  • Shipping Label
    Nikken - £1 UK Shipping Offer In theory the last day of this shipping offer by this Japanese wellness company is Saturday 31 August but in practice the website probably won't be reset until lunchtime on Monday Sept 2. You'll be able to see if the offer has still been applied when you reach checkout. 
    If you want to try the positive effects of magnets, far infra-red and negative ions and avoid the usual minimum shipping charge of 10.20 GBP, read more about products & the shipping offer here
  • Tired Woman Burned out? Drifting? If you need a top-up of self-nourishment, you'll benefit from Hara Lightbody essence. It resonates for the spleen and is wonderful for bringing you back to your centre and your purpose. 
    Spleen energy often needs replenishing if you're often diverted from your path by the needs of others or you're in a caring role where it's hard to get respite or self-care has simply slipped to the end of your to-do list. 
    Hara Lightbody essence is currently available at a 20% discount as part of Crystal Herbs Special Offers.
What on Earth is Happening?
Are you feeling the Earth's suffering? Many of us chose to incarnate at this time of transition, because we've been through similar times in Earth's history. That means that fires, floods, earthquakes and other signs of climate emergency may not only be the source of current concerns, but also awaken memories of past planetary catastrophes.
If you're being triggered by cellular memories as well as picking up global fear and Gaia's distress, it's easy to become ungrounded and react in whatever way is your most common response to trauma. 
The important thing to remember is that we were in a place of much greater wisdom when we chose this lifetime, so even if we can't see how we're helping right now, our very presence is precious. As the situation continues to unfold, stay aware, look for signs and keep grounding. 

Move your body, breathe consciously and get outside as much as you can. Every chance you have to touch a tree, the earth or a flower, remind it that it's loved. Take every opportunity you have to turn your face to the sun and consciously send its light through you and into the Earth, feeling thankful for its life-giving rays. Each time we do these things it's as if we sound a high frequency note of love and, if enough of us sound it, the resonance will build and make a difference.
To help with this I've arranged a reader offer with Crystal Herbs. It's for Volcanic Lava + any Divine Harmony essence at 25% off. Volcanic Lava is wonderful for releasing trauma from previous Earth shifts, so that you can ground. As it's a single essence you can either take it alone or add it to others to make a bespoke blend - just don't add it to Bach remedy blends.
Gifts With Faces Reader Offer: If you order Volcanic Lava essence at the normal price you can get 25% off any one of the 40 blends in the Divine Harmony range - either 10ml or 25ml.  Just put in the code volcanic at checkout. 

You can order other essences as well, but the offer will only apply to one from the Divine Harmony range which  includes Auric Protection, Confidence, Feeling Worthy, Feeling Safe, Healing Relationships, Inner Joy and Transforming Addiction among many others.

Coaching: If you'd like to work with me more in-depth, you can book a coaching session. They're particularly effective as a follow up to an attunement, which will point to the areas that need attention. game
'I wanted to say a big Thank You to you for all your kind wisdom and support during such a difficult time. It has helped me immeasurably and I often find myself mulling over some of the things we've talked about, which helps me to feel more positive.' M.A. Life Coach
Pop into the Future with Anne Jirsch
Book Cover Would you like to take a look into your future? Would you like to ask advice from your future self?  
Anne Jirsch used to do Past Life Regression until she discovered that it was possible to go into the future too. 

She's developed this technique, called Future Life Progression, over 30 years and has used it to find out the titles of the books she was going to write and the house she was going to move to. She also finds the future a constant source of successful business ideas for herself and her clients. 

Free Future Life Progression: Here's a free link to a Facebook Live where she takes you into your next life, so you can try it for yourself as a taster. 

Would you like to train in Future Life Progression? If you're interested in learning this technique yourself Anne's running a 3 day intensive training from Friday 27-29th September in Maidenhead, Berkshire. 

You'll learn how to do Past Life and Future Life Progression (both your next life and far distant future lives) as well as Alternate Futures which helps you see how different decisions will play out. You can do it simply out of personal interest or as an add-on to your professional offerings.
Metaphysics & Mystery - Charles Eisenstein
Amazon Rainforest Fires - Avoid This Trap
Amazon Rainforest Fires - Avoid This Trap
Why am I here?
In investigating anything about our world, the mind tends to lead us into deeper and deeper questions. We might start out trying to understand politics, or money, or ecology, and if we're humble, each insight brings up new. more profound questions. 

Contradictions arise that point to an incompleteness in our knowledge. Eventually we reach questions like: Who am I? What's real?Why am I here? What does it all mean?

This online course, which has just started, aims to explore questions that may seem unorthodox and even outrageous. The course is for people who examine their beliefs and are disturbed by the loose ends and contradictions. You might say it's a kind of intellectual yoga: stretching, rewiring, taking apart and reassembling core conceptions of self and world. And you'll quite likely find that it changes the way you think, see, and experience.

Book Cover
Cost : As much as possible I offer my work as a gift. I put it online without a pay wall of any kind. My events are generally by donation as well, and online course contributions are self-determined at the time you register for each.

If you have to miss a few days it's easy to catch up as everything's recorded, although it's worth being on the live calls, to ask specific questions. 

Visit Charles's website for courses, podcasts and upcoming events in the Netherlands, Austria and the USA
Need to dissolve & evolve? Try Your Divine Blueprint - Live Soulfully essence
Join the Karma Connection  
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Mugs and Chat
Recent posts include:  nine types of rest, grief is healing in motion, the secrets men carry, ageing and the baby boomers, masculine & feminine balance, the more you know the less confident you are and why your childhood really matters.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on Facebook or Twitter) please sign up to the newsletter first on the website or use the gold 'Join My Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection
Not Yet Approved to Join? If your name on the mailing list is different to your Facebook name you won't be approved to join, so please answer the questions to join the group which elicits this information  (I don't 'private' message). 
Don't Cry Wolf
How Wolves Change Rivers
How Wolves Change Rivers
This short but fascinating video explains how the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone Park changed not only the numbers and variety of other wildlife but also stabilised its riverbanks.

If Wolf shows up in your De Luxe Attunement, your role is that of a wayshower. You're intended to run ahead of the pack and come back to tell others what lies ahead. 
Wolf also brings the qualities of loyalty, co-operation and sociability. As a totem it supports us in balancing our needs with those of our family and community. 
Free Tarot Card Reading
Card Reading These tarot cards offer a celtic cross showing how this month will unfold for you .

Focus on opening to guidance then choose seven cards in a two step process to divide them into different areas. matt  
From Clarity to Embodiment - Matt Khan
Tuesday 17 Sept Free Online Event
Book Cover
What do the next ten years hold?
For many empaths and light workers, 2019 marks the end of a pivotal 10 year cycle. One where our deepest inner work has created necessary space for the light of the soul to awaken, enter the body, and integrate into radiant perfection.

While this is occurring with absolute precision, many undergoing the process are left feeling less than the wholeness of their soul's true essence.

If you're ready to say farewell to the endless rounds of inner processing and purification, then please join spiritual teacher Matt Kahn for an overview of the next 10 year cycle.

During this call you'll come to understand the themes of the next ten years and the rhythm of how global awakening will unfold. 

This call is free and open to all awakening souls who are ready to create a new consciousness by making the next 10 years your most incredible time on Earth. 

Visit Matt's website for free videos and articles as well as his upcoming events online and in person.
Evidence-Based Healing & Psychic Skills
Sat 5 Oct 10-5pm London W8
Practical Intuition You have the power to change your life and the lives of others. Spend a day with Laura Day learning simple techniques to expand your intuitive ability and to create healing in your body, your life, your business and for those around you.

Laura Day's been teaching psychic and healing skills to businesses and communities all over the world for nearly 40 years. Her bestselling books have been translated into twenty-seven languages and she's been featured on Oprah and Good Morning America.

In this transformative day you will: 
  • Practice healing techniques to transform your body 
  • Learn mobile attention techniques to allow you to receive psychic information 
  • Learn about your Crisis type so that you can live each day more joyfully 
  • Learn to communicate with people at a distance using telepathy 
  • Experience the basics of mediumship and how to heal relationships with the living as well as those who have died.  
  • Experience a powerful technique for using your psychic and healing skills to manifest your goals 
  • Learn laying on of hands techniques to use in your group work
Laura will be doing readings and healings along with the group We'll be working with her book The Circle: How the power of a single wish can change your life

Visit Laura's website for intuitive coaching in person or on the phone, free meditations & videos plus future events in London & New York
Geranium & Orange Massage Oil & Travel Gift 
Geranium Massage Oil
Want to be soothed and uplifted?
Calming Geranium and joyful orange go beautifully together, creating a relaxing massage blend that leaves you feeling pampered and positive. The addition of almond, olive and sunflower oil softens the skin and promotes speedy healing too.

It's the ideal choice for a massage when you need to unwind and get a fresh perspective.

Travel Essentials
Shop Travel Essential Offer
At the moment if you spend 60 GBP or 69 Euros or more you'll get this beautiful bag of travel essentials including: 

Wild Rose Beauty Balm, Rose Toner, Rose Facial Wash, Beauty Sleep Concentrate, White Tea Face Mist, Frankincense Toner and Cream and more.

This cannot be used with any other offer.

Birthday gifts to find?  Browse Gifts

NYR Spring Brochure
Summer Brochure
Follow this link for August offers which will update to September as time passes.

Products are available in the UK, Ireland, France & Germany. Browse Brochurenikken

Please follow my Neal's Yard Facebook page to be first to hear about offers and new products.
Heavy Metals & Water Pack Offer 
Green JuiceAccording to Anthony William aka the Medical Medium:
'Toxic heavy metals are behind some of the most widespread health issues today: ADHD, autism, Alzheimer's, infertility, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, depression, anxiety, cancers, seizures, and more. These metals are also fuel for viruses, and it's these viruses that are the unknown cause of so many chronic mystery illnesses today.

'Lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, and aluminum can all build up in the body to create or contribute to illness. When was the last time you used aluminum foil? Or perhaps you live in a house with copper pipes. Or you regularly walk through a park treated with pesticides (which often contain toxic heavy metals). 

Book Cover Potential exposure is everywhere, and sometimes unavoidable. It's even falling out of the sky in vapors. In some cases, the heavy metals in our cells have nothing to do with exposure in our lifetime. Mercury, the most corrupting of the toxic heavy metals, can easily stick around in a bloodline for millennia, passed from generation to generation, amplifying as it goes.' Excerpt from Life Changing Foods

I've been following his advice while listening to the pace at which my body wants to go, because we're all different and what we can cope with and benefit from varies from person to person and from day to day. I've seen huge improvements and so have many people who are following his recommendations. Although detox can sometimes be unpleasant, I always feel better once I'm the other side of it. 

Something he recommends is a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie. The ingredients work with each other to produce a really effective result. If you're interested, there are Facebook groups for different countries where you'll find support and practical advice on where to source products locally. The one for UK & Europe is here

Just be aware, when starting a detox, of how toxic your body is and stay well hydrated. If you find it hard to drink lots of water, these are the most hydrating fruit & veg with smoothie recipes that might be a more tempting way to enable your body to keep comfortably diluting and excreting toxins.

Nikken's Organic Jade GreenZymes®
Nikken's Organic Jade GreenZymes®
Barley Grass Juice Extract: You can see what Anthony says about barleygrass juice here. It's an essential resource when fighting viruses and one of the five ingredients in his heavy metal detox smoothie.

Barleygrass is the only land-grown wholefood as it has all the nutrients you need for health. It's alkalising, wonderful for sluggish digestion and a more natural solution than taking antacids. 

Importantly Nikken's Jade GreenZymes are barleygrass juice extract, rather the grass itself, which can irritate the stomach lining. It's an organic, vegan, GMO and gluten-free product, harvested when the grass is very young and the nutritional value is at its highest.

How to Order - UK: It's available in a jar  online here or in convenient sachets here or you can order via autoship which gives you 10% off and slightly cheaper shipping. More order details below. 

PiMag Waterfall®
PiMag Waterfall®
Another way to reduce heavy metals is to filter your drinking and bath water.

Nikken shower head and water system's are both designed to filter out lead, mercury, nickel, iron, aluminium, copper, arsenic chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other contaminants.

Water Pack Water Pack Offer: If you'd like to filter your bath, shower and drinking water and also have a filter bottle to take around with you, the water pack is ideal. It gives you 10% off the bottle, shower head and Waterfall plus extra filters too. And if you already have a Waterfall there's nothing to stop you sharing a pack with a friend who'd like one. Offers ends Sept 30.

If the links don't bring up my photo in the left corner, please put my name into the 'find a consultant' form. More order tips below. 

  Calculator Would you like wholesale prices?  Sometimes you may want enough items to make it worth joining as a consultant, which costs 78 GBP for the first year. The saving on the water pack, for example, would cover a sign up fee, because if you buy it as a new consultant, you get 20% wholesale discount, 5% commission, 10% pack discount, a £30 summer bonus and free shipping on the pack. There's no pressure to sell or to renew after that. 

You can read more about being a consultant here. Just email  me to fix a time to discuss it, if it's of interest. You can sign up through me from any of the 17 countries where Nikken is registered to trade.

How to Order - UK You can order online or, for smaller repeat items such as nutritional, skincare and filters, via autoship which gives you 10% off and slightly lower shipping costs.  If it's your first time ordering online you'll be asked to register at checkout. Once registered you can also use your Customer ID to order over the phone Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm on 0800 0132 142.  Please tick during registration to say you're happy to be contacted by me or I won't be able to help you.
Waterfall and Bottle

Outside the UK? Order either by phone on +44 1908 202422 Mon-Fri or online via the international website. Link and instructions here If you'd like the new filter + bottle offer it's #88056. 

For the USA please contact Nikken consultant  Vanessa Francis or go straight to her Nikken website 

Making Light of It
Glass Empty
'Is the glass half empty, half full, or twice as large as it needs to be? '  

Try Finding Perspective essence
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