The Whelan Group worked with the Board’s Governance Assessment Working Group to address a range of issues. This review resulted in a series of board development recommendations:
- Clarify membership requirements and expectations
- Enhance and diversify board composition
- Adhere to specific board and committee membership terms
- Improve board culture as institutional stewards
- Revise and update board committee roles and responsibilities
- Define and clarify board roles in fundraising and resource development
- Tighten board communications – internally and externally
- Strengthen board orientation and engagement processes, and
- Establish annual board evaluation process
Before the assessment was complete, the Trustees enacted significant recommendations – a trustee orientation process, a board retreat program, and an enhance board communication program, to name a few early steps. And in March of this year, the Trustees announced that, within a decade, The Cooper Union would once again be a tuition-free institution.