Seneca Past and Present 
August Newsletter
Issue #2019-08
August, 2019
Quick Links

It's the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year and there is a lot happening at Seneca.  Check out just a few things below.  If you are interested in knowing more or volunteering, please join us for our next meeting on Monday, September 9, at 6:00pm in the Band Room at school.  We need you!
It's Time for the Hall of Fame Banquet

The 2019 Seneca High School Hall of Fame banquet will be held on Saturday, November 2, at the UL Alumni Club. Dinner will begin at 6:00pm. Tickets are $45 per person. If you wish to purchase tickets, you can do so through PayPal on our website or through snail mail sent to PO Box 20856 Louisville, KY 40250-0856. Checks should be made payable to Seneca Past and Present.  Either way you pay, MAKE SURE you note that your donation is for Hall of Fame tickets and provide the names of attendees.
Ready for Football?

We are so excited for our football season this year! Seneca's new Athletic Director, Paul Holien, has kept Seneca Past and Present up to date on all of the great things going on in Athletics this summer and now we are ready for the football season to start. We have a new coach, Keith Eckloff, committed athletes and now it is your turn to show committed support! Come out for our scrimmage THIS FRIDAY, August 9, at 6:00pm and support the team. Admission is FREE and all Seneca alumni are welcomed.  It would mean a lot to the boys if there were a lot of former football players there so, get the word out!  Seneca Past and Present will have hamburgers and hot dogs FREE for alumni. So come out and support the team!
Carole's Kitchen at Seneca

In case you didn't know, Seneca High School has a food pantry run by a community charity, Carole's Kitchen. This charity can help students who might need a little assistance with adequate nutrition. Carole's Kitchen is having a couple of fundraisers that we want you to know about in case you would like to come out and support this effort!

On Saturday, September 28, there will be a Golf Scramble at Seneca Golf Course at 8:00am. The cost is $75 per person or $300 per foursome. There will be several opportunities for prizes - men and women closest to the pin, longest drive, hole-in-one contest and team prizes. There will also be a Silent Auction with lots of great stuff!

A partial list of silent auction items include:
  • Lunch for 3 at Martini's with Billy Reed (includes autographed book)
  • Golf and Lunch for 3 at Valhalla Golf Club
  • Personalized Tour for 6 of YUM Center including UL Men's Basketball locker room
  • Autographed sports paraphernalia signed by local sports legends
  • Autographed basketball signed by Seneca High School '63 State Basketball Champions
  • Rounds of golf for 4 at Greenbriar in Lexington, Big Spring and Midland Trail in Louisville
  • Rare bottles of bourbon
  • Dinner for 2 at many popular local restaurants
Starting September 1st, you will be able to bid online at
 by searching for Seneca High School Pantry/Carole's Kitchen. For more information or to be assigned to a team, contact Bob Jones (c/o 1976) at or 502-905-5595.
A concert to benefit Carole's Kitchen will be held Friday, September 13 at American Turners on the river. Admission is $20. Festivities are 5:30 to 11pm. Happy Hour with heavy hors d'oeuvres and cash bar from 5:30 to 8:00. Live music will be from 7 to 11 with The Starting Five.
Is It Your Reunion Year?

If you know of additional reunions being planned.  Please let us know - we can help!  Contact us!
  • Class of 1964 - Pat Seitz is contact for 55th reunion at Wildwood Country Club on October 12, 2019.
  • Class of 1969- 50th reunion to be held on weekend of September 20th - 22nd. There will be a picnic at Pleasant Run farm on Friday. Saturday morning the group will tour Seneca. Saturday night there will be a sit-down dinner at the Marriott on Hurstbourne Parkway with a DJ. On Sunday there will be a Jazz Combo at the Big Four Bridge. You can go to the reunion website for more information - 
  • Class of 1970 50th reunion. The committee planning the 50th reunion for the class of 1970 has firmed up the dates and venues. The reunion will be held the weekend of October 9th and 10th, 2020. A Friday evening event will be held at Captain's Quarters and a more formal event will be held at Wildwood Country Club on Saturday evening. Mark your calendars today and make your plans to attend.  Contact Lawrence Reynolds or Gregory Bethards for more info. 
  • Class of 1980 (w/ 1979 and 1981) - Plans are in development.  Mark Duman and Maggie McGrath are contacts.   Check it out here!
Bingo and Kroger

If you like to play bingo, come out and support Seneca Past and Present at our sessions. We currently run sessions on Thursday and Saturday nights, 7:00, at Sunshine Bingo Center 5712 Outer Loop.
Do you want to painlessly donate to Seneca Past and Present? Use your Kroger Plus card to donate a percentage of your purchases to Seneca Past and Present by selecting us as your charity of choice when you sign up. It is free to you and benefits the scholars at Seneca!
Seneca Forever,

Board of Directors

Seneca Past and Present