We Care is sponsoring a Mobile Food Pantry and are in need of volunteers to help. You can sign up for the full 5 hours or a minimum of 2 hours. For details contact Betty McNitt at 850-867-7342 or mcnittgb@bellsouth.net.
Saturday, October 13
7:30am - 12:30pm
The Woodlawn Way is an introduction to the life and membership of Woodlawn UMC. We will learn the fundamentals of the Christian life, identify your spiritual gifts, and connect you to a LIfe Group and serving opportunities. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Cancer is a scary diagnosis. The mental, physical, emotional, & spiritual impacts are huge; many of which others don’t understand. Come meet with those diagnosed with cancer to discuss your experiences, struggles, & successes in the fight against cancer. See how Scripture can guide your journey to peace & healing as you find support with one another. Please contact Jimmy Kent at 850-235-0305 or jimmyckent@knology.net with questions or for more information.
2nd & 4th Mondays
Calling all crocheter’s hands to do God’s work. If you want to make a difference in someone’s life, come join our crochet group. We make sleeping mats from recycled grocery bags for the homeless, and prayer shawls for those in need for God’s healing. Contact Darlene Brammeier at 850-230-8872 for more information.
The Pour
(located at 12902 Front Beach Road)
The 2018 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Christmas season is here. Please help spread the word of Jesus to children around the world. What a great way to spread Christianity than through the resources of Samaritans Purse. Drop off your filled shoeboxes at the church by November 12. Please see the OCC display in the main lobby of the church or you can contact David Holt at bikinidavespcb@gmail.com.
We will once again supply needy children in our beach schools with gifts under their Christmas trees. You can help by sponsoring a child (purchasing gifts of about $125), by being a shopper with designated funds, or by donating funds of any amount. Sign-up forms are available at all services or contact Susan Baer at 570-814-6989 or Janet Williams at 850-896-0265 for more information.
219 N. Alf Coleman Road, PCB, FL 32407 | 850-234-3196