"...we are called to make the earth a
beautiful garden for the human family."
~ Pope Francis
Volunteer in the Garden!
Monday 5pm-7pm
Tuesday 9am-11am
Saturday July 24th
*Includes New Volunteer Orientation
New Volunteer Orientation
Saturday July 24 @ 11am
Are you interested in volunteering with us but haven't gotten started yet? Join us next Saturday! You'll have the opportunity to complete new volunteer paperwork, hear about how we support the Cathedral Kitchen, tour our beautiful space and get started volunteering. Orientation 11am-11:45am, volunteer until 1pm. RSVP to Lonnie by Thursday July 22nd @ 5pm. Can't wait to meet you!
General Volunteer Opportunities
Hydroponics Volunteers
No experience necessary! Interested in learning a new skill? Join our hydroponics team to grow fresh greens and herbs for our Cathedral Kitchen guests. Interested? Contact Lonnie
Garden Leadership Committee
The Cathedral Kitchen Garden is gathering current and new volunteers to join our leadership committee. Can you commit a few extra hours every month to food justice? We need you! Especially interested in volunteers with experience in finance, education or who are First Hill neighbors. Interested? Contact Lonnie
Volunteer Photographer
Are you an amateur or professional photographer who is interested in garden photography? We'd love for someone to spend time taking photos in the garden once a week to document this summers growth in photos! Interested? Contact Lonnie
Hillside Irrigation Fixed!
Big THANKS to Seattle University Engineering Professor Phil Thompson (Center for Environmental Justice & Sustainability) for fixing the hillside irrigation!

Another big THANKS to the volunteers who helped us hand water through the heat! It's now set to water @ 5:30am every morning for 20 minutes. If you swing by and the hillside still looks dry, please let me know and we'll continue to do some trouble shooting. 
Prepping for Fall
Believe it or not we are in the thick of planning for fall and winter harvests! If you're interested in learning how to start seedlings or are a garden start pro who'd like to donate fall starts, let us know! We need your help!
Welcome New Volunteers!
Saturday July 10th we held our first New Volunteer Orientation event! WELCOME: Pat Gonzalez, Josh Sebastian, Grace Scorpio and Rachel L'Heureux. Please take a chance to say hello!
King Conservation District
Community Ag Crop Rotation
It's time to plan for fall and winter harvests! New to gardening and interested in how to make a plan for garden rotation? Check out this video from the King Conservation District!
WSDA Launches Citizen Science Trapping for Asian Giant Hornets
Asian giant hornets pose a serious threat to honey bees, other insects, and even humans. By participating in trapping, and reporting the results to WSDA, you can help officials understand and limit the spread and possibly even eradicate these invasive hornets from Washington State.

Trapping for 2021 started on July 1. Visit the website for the instructions and to see what supplies you’ll need to get involved.
Employment Opportunity:
Riparian Habitat Stewardship Coordinator
The Riparian Habitat Stewardship Coordinator is responsible for supporting KCD's Riparian Habitat Stewardship Program and associated volunteer events. This is an 11-month AmeriCorps position starting October 4, 2021, and ending September 9, 2022. Members are expected to serve 40 hours over four or five days each week.
Support the Cathedral Garden
In Kind Donations
We are in need of power tools! Do you have a power drill, driver and/or circular saw you'd like to donate? Because the garden has no electricity the power tools MUST be battery powered.
Monetary Donations
Donations of hardware store gift cards are always welcome! Gift cards to the Territorial Seed Company would also be appreciated. To make a donation directly to St. James Cathedral earmarked for the Kitchen Garden contact mmcclean@stjames-cathedral.org
