Volume 9, Issue 8 / August 31, 2018
Quick List: Ways to Get the Most from Your Membership
OCDCA 2018 Annual Conference Registration Early-Bird Ends Today!
Building Community Together

October 3-5, 2018
Recently renovated and historic The Westin Great Southern Columbus

Follow the excitement on Twitter with #cdcOhio18

2018 Ohio CDC Association Annual Conference Made Possible By:
Students & Young Professionals - Apply for an OCDCA Conference Scholarship
If you are a young professional or student who needs financial assistance to attend the conference, please fill out the  online application by August 31st to apply for a registration scholarship. Registration scholarships only cover the cost of registration. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Much at (614) 461-6392, ext. 211. This opportunity is sponsored by Huntington Bank.
Need File Cabinets?
We're growing! Over the next couple weeks, we are adding four people to the office. As a result, we are condensing our files and getting rid of several file cabinets. If you or one of your clients are in need of file cabinets, please contact Suzanne Parks at (614) 461-6392 ext. 206 to arrange a pick-up.
Need Interns, Volunteers, or Want to Attract Young Professionals?
We're pleased to offer a Young & Emerging Professional Networking Panel at this year's 34th annual conference, which will be held October 3rd from 3:30 - 5 pm. We welcome people at all stages of their careers! We are seeking opportunities in community development that may be appealing to young and emerging professionals. If you have a program or position, please send information to Lisa Much by September 26th. 
Ohio Microbusiness Development Program RFP
OCDCA welcomes current, good standing members to apply for the Ohio Microbusiness Development Program. The purpose of the Ohio Microbusiness Development Program is to provide funding for OCDCA nonprofit members to further develop a local delivery system that encourages microbusiness development, provides low- and moderate-income households with access to capital for business development and self-employment, and creates and retains long-term jobs in the private sector. The maximum grant award is $40,000. Of this, up to 10% may be used for administrative expenses. The structure of the lending allocation for the microbusiness program has changed. Applications are due September 28th at 4 pm. Please contact Suzanne Parks at (614) 461-6392 ext. 206 or sparks@ohiocdc.org for any questions.
Member News
Welcome New Members!
HFLA of Northeast Ohio in Beachwood, Northsiders Engaged in Sustainable Transformation in Cincinnati, Historic South Initiative in Toledo, and Smart Development Inc. in Lakewood join OCDCA as our newest 2018 members. Welcome!
Rebuilding a Neighborhood, One House at a Time
"Today, there's another sight popping up in Slavic Village: brand new houses, with white trim and wood porches, all built by the nonprofit developer CHN Housing Partners." Hear the piece which was recently featured on Marketplace
Kiosk Offering Healthy Produce to be Introduced at Dayton Children's
"It was created through a partnership involving Dayton Children's, Hall Hunger Initiative, and Homefull to help people without access to healthy food." Read more in Dayton Daily News.
To Solve Food Access Problem, Cincy Neighborhood Looks to Model from Spain
"Apple Street Market is connected to a number of local organizations that are working together to make it a reality. There's Northsiders Engaged in Sustainable Transformation (NEST), a "conscientious community redevelopment corporation" that brings vacant properties on the Northside back into use." Read more in Next City.
Share Your Stories
We love hearing about the awesome work you do throughout Ohio. If your organization is mentioned in the news, please share it with us. We love photos too! If you send it to Lisa Much , we can put it on our blog and in this newsletter. 
Partner News
RSVP to an Ohio Votes Training Near You
The election is in less than 70 days, and there are only 41 days left to register voters. Let's get moving! Join Ohio Votes at a city near you to learn how to register voters and turn out the vote on Nov. 6! Ohio Votes is conducting voter registration trainings across the state. You can RSVP to an Ohio Votes Training near you (Sept. 4-11). Click here to find printable flyers for each training session. Sign up to participate in planning calls (Sept. 12 & 13).
New report! "Creative Placemaking on Vacant Properties: Lessons Learned from Four Cities"
In Center for Community Progress's newest report, Creative Placemaking on Vacant Properties: Lessons Learned from Four Cities, they offer practical guidance for communities curious about how to leverage the power of creative placemaking to transform vacant properties.
Greater Ohio Policy Center 2018 Candidate Questions
It is imperative that state policymakers, including the next governor, be well informed about the issues and opportunities facing Ohio. What follows, is a series of questions that GOPC believes candidates should have answers for going into the 2018 election.
AmeriCorps VISTA Spotlight
Since our July training, the VISTAs have been getting into the rhythm of their new sites.  We also welcomed three new VISTAs that started in August.  Allison Farrell, a 2018 Summer Associate, will be working with Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership to increase the community's access to fresh and healthy foods.  Alex Frantz, also a 2018 Summer Associate, started at Community Food Initiatives as their new Social Impact Coordinator.  Finally, Joseph Royer is starting his service year at FutureHeights by working on affordable housing.  We are excited to have these three on board!
Enterprise Community Partners Ohio 30th Anniversary
Save the date for Enterprise Community Partners Ohio's 30th anniversary at the LaSalle Theatre in Cleveland on September 6th from 5 - 8 PM.
Ohio Rural Housing Conference
Join CRHDO September 10-12 for their annual housing conference in Columbus. Learn more.
2018 Ohio Housing Conference - Laying the Foundation for a Better Future
Join the Ohio Housing Finance Agency and Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing at the 20th annual Ohio Housing Conference, "Laying the Foundation for a Better Future." Network with more than 1,700 industry peers as you attend more than 40 sessions and workshops focused on educating and inspiring you to continue your good work. Save the date for the November 6-8 event.
Save the Date: Greater Ohio Policy Center 2019 Summit
Join Greater Ohio Policy Center on March 14, 2019 in Columbus. Registration opens on October 1. Learn more.
Save the Date: PCRG 2019 Summit
Join Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group on May 8-9, 2019 in Pittsburgh.
Funding Opportunities
FY 19-20 Community Resiliency Project Capital Funding
In House Bill 529, the Ohio General Assembly appropriated $20 million to support the establishment, expansion, and renovation of programming spaces for middle and high school age youth affected by behavioral health related issues for the purpose of supporting prosocial prevention and resiliency activities. Additional information on project requirements can be found online in the OhioMHAS Capital Construction Guidelines. Deadline is September 21.
ServeOhio Make a Difference Day Project Funding
ServeOhio, in conjunction with the Corporation for National and Community Service, Honda of America and AEP Foundation, announces the availability of grants to support community service projects organized for Make A Difference Day on October 27, 2018. Non-profit and public organizations in Ohio are eligible to apply including, but not limited to, volunteer centers, school districts, community colleges, universities, and local governments.  The application form must be completed, signed, and submitted by Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 5:00 PM.
Dayton Foundation Greenlight Grants
Greenlight Grants are small, quick grants awarded to local, nonprofit organizations in need of funding for special projects, program expansions, capital improvements or capacity building. Deadline is September 7.
Kazanjian Foundation for Economic Literacy
The Kazanjian Foundation makes grants of various sizes. The average grant is approximately $22,000, however grants as large as $150,000 have been made. Grants are given for projects only that promote economic literacy. Deadline is September 15.
Fund for a Just Society
Priority is given to active, specific campaigns to create change in the economic, social, and political structures that affect their lives. We expect the organization's infrastructure, including leadership, membership and systems of accountability to be developed by the time of the application. We welcome projects that are less likely to receive conventional funding because of the innovative or challenging nature of the work or the economic and social status of the constituency. Please be concrete; spell out your plans. Don't say you will "empower people," tell us what actions you will take to create systematic change. Deadline is September 15.
Foundation for Rural Service
As part of its ongoing commitment to rural communities across the country, FRS provides annual grants for rural communities served by NTCA members. The goal of this program is to support local efforts to build and sustain a high quality of life in rural America. Deadline is September 15.
Employment Opportunities
Western Reserve CDC, Painesville, is seeking an Executive Director.

Slavic Village Development, Cleveland, is hiring a Housing Development Director.

Ohio Development Services Agency , Columbus,  is seeking a Community Development Analyst.

Metro West Community Development Office is hiring a Housing Development Manager

View more employment opportunities on our website.  Organizations with employment opportunities in community development may send their notices for free posting to  Lisa Much .
State News
Payday Lending Reform Update
Substantial payday lending reform, Sub HB 123, was signed by Governor Kasich into law on July 31. It will go into full effect in early spring 2019 following administrative guidelines from the Ohio Department of Commerce. Here's a summary of the Ohio Fairness in Lending Act from the Pew Charitable Trusts with important lessons for other states. In related news, recent reporting and disclosure of documents have demonstrated that the FBI is investigating extortion and bribery by ex-House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger and three payday lending lobbyists. 
Federal News
Congress Continues to Work on Appropriations Bills
The Senate has now passed seven of the 12 fiscal year (FY) 2019 appropriations bills. Among those bills was H.R. 6147, a four-bill "minibus" which contained the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill. For a full update on key housing components of spending bills included in the minibus, see Enterprise's updated budget chart. Legislators face a short turnaround to complete all FY 2019 appropriations by the October 1 start of the next fiscal year. While it is possible that all 12 bills will be finalized by that date, lawmakers may opt for a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government through the midterm elections. Stay tuned to their blog for more information as Congress advances the appropriations process.
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