Nursery care for young children is available during Worship services.
USNH is offering a 10:00 -10:30 Sunday morning service of meditation,
interspersed with music and readings, coordinated by Bill Braun.
It is a wonderful opportunity to pause and reflect for a short while - to soothe our spirits and have a brief respite in our busy lives -
a worship gem we hope you will attend.
May 22: Recently ambulatory again, Suzanne Dunn-Krieg crawls back
clutching words by Ogden Nash.
May 29: Anthony Clark reads words by Aldo Leopold
May 22, 2016
"A Heart as Wide as the World:
Teachings from a Buddhist Perspective"
Beth Robins Roth
The Buddha taught that love and compassion are intrinsic to the human heart, part of our very nature. Yet our life experiences can make it difficult to connect with, and fully develop, our natural compassion. There are simple steps we can take to bring compassion and healing to ourselves, our relationships, our communities and our world.
May 29, 2016
"In Memorium: Memorial Day 2016"
Rev. Megan Lloyd Joiner
Jesse Greist and Linda Pawelek
If you would like to honor a special person in your life, celebrate a joyful occasion, or memorialize someone dear to you, consider donating the sanctuary flowers one Sunday. The cost is $45. Enter your information in the "Flowers for the Sanctuary" book in the lobby. Flowers are needed for upcoming services.
Children and Youth Religious Education
Final RE classes this Sunday, plus family celebration
This Sunday, May 22, marks the final Religious Education class session of the 2015-2016 congregational year. All are invited to gather in the sanctuary at 11:15, and sing
the K-7th graders up to classes at 11:30. Parents/guardians are encouraged to join their children in class immediately after the service from 12:15-12:30 for a year end celebration. Class liaisons from the CYRE committee will be in the classes to join in the fun (and get a jump on preparations for 2016-2017!) The next few weeks will be also be a very exciting time at USNH, as we wend our way towards summer.
On May 29 there will be a children's chapel open to all ages,
Pre-k through high school, to talk about what "Ministry" is, to create a charge for Randall Spaulding, who will be ordained at USNH on June 19th, and to talk about work for peace as a ministry for all of us.
June 5 will be a multi-generational service in celebration of Religious Education.
June 12 will be another multi-generational service, planned and presented by the Young Religious Unitarian Universalist's youth group.
June 19 will be the final service of the congregational year, featuring the ordination of Randall Spaulding and our annual flower rite. Everyone is encouraged to bring a flower to the service to add to communal vases. All will take a flower with them during the recessional at the end of the service. This is also a multi-generational service.
Children and youth of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend all three of these services on June 5, 12 and 19!
Affirmations/ Coming of Age
Last but not least, many thanks to the parents, teachers, family, friends and especially the seven 8th grade students who helped make the Affirmations/Coming of Age service and celebration an inspiring, thought provoking and entertaining experience last Friday. It was WONDERFUL. Congratulations to the newest members of USNH!
Greetings All,
I hear tell that there is a secret stash of lady slipper flowers at Sleeping Giant State park and May is the month to see them. I have not yet seen the lady slippers, but I have seen other hidden gems in every aspect of congregational life here
this spring.
From the incredible talent on stage and behind the scenes of the Turnpike Players' Secret Garden, to everyone who came to our 20s and 30s May potluck, to the strong leadership on the Board of Trustees as we forge ahead in new governance territory, to the incredibly dedicated volunteers who make sure that coffee is brewed every Sunday morning and dishes are washed, to the teachers in RE who have led our children in spiritual exploration this year, to the hard-working members of the Management Team and staff who help to make the day-to-day run day-to-day. Everyone here at USNH does so much to make this place the special and sacred community it is. And I thank you.
I feel blessed to be among you.
As we head toward summer, we have exciting things coming down the pike.
On June 5th and 12th we will celebrate the diversity and creativity of our Religious Education program and the dedication of our RE teachers during the Children and Youth Religious Education (CYRE) and the Young Religious Unitarian Universalist (YRUU) services. These are not to be missed!
And on June 19th, in addition to our Flower Communion and the end of our congregational year, we will celebrate the Ordination of Randall Spaulding! This will be a special event for UNSH and for Unitarian Universalism. Congratulations, Randall!
As the weather warms and flowers bloom, may we have eyes for the hidden gems throughout our lives and may we give thanks for glimpses of beauty,
they are found.
Be Well,
We are happy to report that Randall L. Spaulding has requested that the congregation join in ordaining him to the Unitarian Universalist ministry! We are looking forward to celebrating his ordination at USHN at the June 19 service.
A draft of our new by-laws will be reviewed at our next congregational meeting on June 5 at 12:45 pm. We look forward to your feedback.
At the Board's May meeting Rev. Megan presented the management team report and we discussed a draft budget for 2016-2017. The budget will also be presented at the June 5 congregational meeting.
The Board meets again on June 9. Thanks from your Board of Trustees
Budget Preview
The Management Team will be holding an informational meeting on the proposed budget for the 2016-17 congregational year at
12:45 pm on Sunday, May 29, 2016.
Come to the unveiling of the proposed budget and get all of your questions answered! The budget will be voted on at the congregational meeting on June 5.
Summer Services Starting at 10:30 am
Beginning June 26th
The upcoming shift for the start of the main service on Sundays is the result of the Management Team soliciting input from Music and Religious Education staff, the Worship Committee and the Board of Trustees regarding timing for our morning services. We sought to balance feedback about the popular 10:00 am Music and Meditation service and the 11:15 am main service.
Why 10:30 am this summer?
We continue the tradition of summer services during the 10 o'clock hour, but half an hour later to align with our plan also to hold services at 10:30am in the fall. Consensus called for holding services at the same time during summer and fall.
Understood, but why not earlier?
Many people are enjoying the Music and Meditation service organized by Assistant Music Director Bill Braun. A 10:30 am start for the main service this fall provides time for Music and Meditation beforehand as well as ample time for the choir to enter the sanctuary to rehearse before the service. Additionally, the 10:30 am service time allows for small group ministries, other committee meetings and adult religious education forums or courses to be held during the 9 o'clock hour.
What about parking?
Our main service is drawing a large following (~175 people). Additional parking is now available Sunday mornings in Congregation Mishkan Israel's lower lot (near the day care) with access to USNH via a small service road, and some USNHers are already parking there. We are monitoring the situation and hope to have even more convenient overflow parking available in the fall. In the meantime, we encourage those who arrive early to take advantage of the Mishkan lot and enjoy a morning stroll through the woods. We also encourage families to travel to USNH in one car when possible and for friends to carpool.
Please join us for intimate conversations where we build a relationship of trust that frees us to tell our stories, and to walk in others' shoes as we learn of others' experiences.
We hope to continue expanding participation and no previous attendance is necessary.
Please join us for a great Costa Rican breakfast starting at 9 am.
Quartet Roulette
The Haven String Quartet presents the music of W. A. Mozart, Anna Clyne, and Ludwig von Beethoven at USNH
Friday May 20th at 7:30 pm
Program: * W. A. Mozart: Quintet in C Minor * Anna Clyne: Roulette * Ludwig van Beethoven: Quartet in B-flat Major, Op. 130
Tickets: $20; $10 students and USNH Members
Book Cart - Final Sale on May 22
The Book Cart will hold its final sale on May 22 before and after the 11:15 service. You may preview an annotated inventory here. Books that cannot be returned to our distributors will be deeply discounted, and all other books will be available for at least 20% off list price. You are welcome, of course, to pay full price, as all funds support the operating budget. Please bring cash or checks, as we cannot take credit cards. Many thanks to all who have patronized and supported the Book Cart for the past 15 years. It has been a joy for the team members over the years, including Sarah Beaulieu, Alison Cunningham, Loren Fields, Becky Friedkin, Paul Giering, Jane Mayfield, Pam Niles, Linda Oechsle, Bill Rice, and Leigh White.
Special thanks to Rich Stockton, who built the lovely and durable cart.
May 22
Peace Task Force is taking orders for
Canaan Fair Trade items:
Olive Oil, Sundried Tomato Spread, Olive Tapenade, Za'ater and Olive Oil Soap. Money raised from these purchases helps empower marginalized Palestinian rural communities, and sustain their livelihood and culture. They promote cross-cultural, interfaith and multi-ethnic connections for all the participants in the production and trade processes. Please stop by our table in the Social Hall to place your order or notify Lindsay Korth at This will be the last order until September.
We thank you for your support.
The USNH Preventing Gun Violence Task Force invites you to
"Toward Safer Gun Legislation"
Sunday, May 22
12:45 to 1:45 p.m. (including Q&A) in the Library
Gun control advocate Angelika Schriever, a member of the Spring Glen Church, will give an overview on gun violence in this country, such as the extent of the problem, history of our gun culture and ideology, and comparisons with other developed nations.
The updated presentation seeks to raise awareness and includes information on existing and proposed state and federal gun and ammunition laws. Emphasis is placed on the most effective and efficient ways of making your voice heard for change.
A handout with phone numbers, email addresses, petition websites, and gun control advocacy groups will be available.
Hope's Nest
You are invited to come relax on comfortable chairs to eat snacks, ask questions, and listen to an uplifting and informative discussion. We meet in the Children's Chapel every third Sunday, 4 - 6 pm. The next meeting will be on Sunday, June 19, presented by the Mental Health Awareness Team.
Elder Discussion Group
Explore topics decided by the group pertaining to elders.
First Thursday of each month,1 pm in the USNH library. The next meeting is June 2.
Tuesday Conversations in Library
This group meets
every Tuesday, 1 - 3 pm, in the Library. Our discussion on Tuesday,
May 24 will combine two topics, "Idle Electronics, Busy Draining Power,"
NY Times, and "Keeping Hackers Out of Your Phone,"
The Week. Copies will be available on the bulletin board in the lobby. All welcome.
Needleworking Group
"In Stitches" meets the
3rd Sunday of each month to work on needlework projects in the fellowship of others. All are welcome to attend from 7 - 9 pm. Refreshments will be served. The location changes each month. If you would like to get on the email list, contact Mary at or call 203-230-9806.
Insight Meditation Program with Beth Roth, APRN
Breathing meditation, walking meditation, instructor talk and discussion. Suggested donation: USNH members $12, non-members $20. Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted.Tuesdays 7-9 pm, Room 209.
NO SOUP FOR YOU! First Sunday JUNE 5 is SNACK SUNDAY after the 11:15 service. The Sunday Morning Team supplies some snacks and beverages. YOU supply a small quantity of ready-to-share snacks for the COMMUNITY SNACK TABLE, A lovely way to celebrate CYRE SUNDAY together. Thank you... The Sunday Morning Team
Looking to Put Your Faith into Action?
1. Sign Up for the Social Justice Action Alert Network -
Sign-up for action alerts about special projects, demonstrations, petitions, and more on the Social Justice Bulletin Board or email Lurline at
2. Join a Social Justice Group - Groups are posted on the Social Justice Bulletin Board.
3. Join the Social Justice Council and support the work of our justice groups.
Bishop John Selders to our pulpit on May 15. Courage!
The Affirmations Services Were Wonderful and All Seven Students Signed the Membership Book!
Wendy Leigh, Pete and Alex White are moving to Portland, OR.
They are sad to be leaving USNH, but excited for new beginnings. We will miss them all.
Arjuna Greist and
Trystan Marl Greist are overjoyed to announce the arrival of
Zimri Marl Seeger Greist on May 18. He and his parents are resting at the hospital in Greenfield, MA. Grandma Ellen and Uncle Jesse welcome cards on their behalf. Cards can also be sent to:
73 Solar Way,
Greenfield, MA 01301
A Frequent Flyer at USNH
Please share your good news and photos of things
happening at USNH. Send the information to Jamie at
Linda Barrett's partner, and now, wife, Diane (Cookie) Polan
has been diagnosed with a rare and inoperable brain tumor. They are researching treatment options.
Please hold them and their twin daughters in your thoughts and prayers. Here is a link to the Caringbridge site which will be updated as information becomes available.
The best way to
contact the
Lay Ministry, or to request pastoral care in general, is to email
Many thanks to our 2015-2016 Lay Ministers: Sarah Whitson and Susan Meredith, co-chairs, Dee Arneth, Carole Arnold, Pat Grigg, Cathy Jackson, Jamie Johnson, Marty Lipnick, Fred Morrison and Pat Trotta.
Gift Cards for ShopRite
These cards, as well as Stop & Shop cards, will be available starting on Sunday, May 15th, on a trial basis.
Checks or cash please.
Let's Fight Entropy!
The History, Archives and Library Committee has been working hard for about a year cataloguing, categorizing, weeding and shelving the books in the Harned Memorial Library. We have entered over 1.000 books in a database. Categories include scriptures from many traditions, spirituality, social justice, interpersonal relations, poetry, African American writings, and others. We've had to resist the temptation to stop and read a book with an intriguing title.
We are attempting to make it look like a library again, and that's where you come in. My son told me room cleaning was fighting entropy (tendency toward disorder) and he didn't see the point. We do. The Library should look attractive and orderly. It has instead become a place to drop off items that don't pertain to a library. So, we ask for your help.
* If you want to donate a book or books, please don't just drop them--check with me or one of our committee members first.
* There are two large green plastic storage containers. Please claim them or we will move them to the shed.
* If you feel you need to store something in the library, please check with one of us.
Thank you,
Jane Platt, who can be reached at
Committee members: Joan Silverman, Toby Appel, Yvette Scharf, Peggy Rae, Frank Jonientz, James Platt and Jane Platt
Lost and Found
If someone inadvertently picked up a white crock pot and lid and left a green one during Passover week, please contact Amy Wexler for an exchange Amy can be reached at
Thank you!
"Hungry people need your donation to the Food Bank"
Thomas Moore is speaking at Unitarian Universalist Society: East
on "Finding Ground for Your Spirituality"
June 11, 2016
While this is a free event, you must register by contacting the UUS:E office.
The Weekly News is published every Thursday. Please email
your event or notice to by the Friday before. The Weekly News format encompasses and simplifies the prior monthly news cycle of three News Briefs and one Newsletter. Your comments are invited, as are suggestions for improving USNH communications.