| Your Weekly E-Newsletter -- Thursday, October 6, 2022 | |
This Week's Pondering from Pastor Ken | |
Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 30
11:45 a.m.
South Parking Lot at 11:45 a.m.
We invite EVERYONE to join us for our annual "Trunk or Treat" on Sunday, October 30 in our south parking lot. (In the event of inclement weather, we will move the event to the classrooms and hallways of the church.)
Costumes are not required (but they do add an element of fun!). An online sign up has been created so that we will know how many treats to pack in your trunk for our little trick-or-treaters.
To RSVP, please click the orange button or there is a sign-up sheet sign up on the OPPORTUNITIES kiosk in the Narthex.
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Eighteenth Sunday
After Pentecost
October 8-9, 2022
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- Saturday: Larry Bonier
- Sunday: Mary Ellen Thiede, George Sedivec, Linda Thorpe
- William Dudzik and Addie Meyer
- Carol Roe
- Jonni Roush
- Judy Sayas
- Maxine Weisbrodt
MUSICIANS: Nicole Moritz
- Mark and Lydia Trudell in celebration of their 40th Anniversary
Saturday: Sue Rowe
- Sunday: Ellie Sayas
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On Thursday, October 20th, the Men’s Ministry Group will gather to watch a wonderful 70-minute film about English author and Christian Apologist C.S. Lewis, writer of such great works as “Mere Christianity”, and “The Case For Christianity”, as well as the popular “Narnia” series of books – the most famous of which was “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” Lewis was born into a Christian home but left the faith in his teen years owing to the tragic death of his beloved mother and his own considerable intellectual development, which led him to question the rationality of faith and the very existence of God.
Our film, “The Most Reluctant Convert”, chronicles the story of Mr. Lewis' departure from and return to the faith as a young professor at Oxford University in England. It also focuses on the many influences, including other professors who mentored and debated with him, that aided his return to faith. It’s a fascinating story, and a compelling film adaptation of C.S Lewis, the man and Christian intellectual. Afterward we’ll have some guided discussion of Lewis’ life story, faith story, and its relation to our own walk of faith.
We invite all the men of Calvary to this event and encourage you to invite others. We will gather at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for dinner. The film will be shown in the Sanctuary starting at 6:30 p.m., with discussion slated to conclude by or before 8:30 p.m..
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New Adult Bible Study - Lutheran Next Steps | |
A new Adult Bible Study class - THE LUTHERAN NEXT STEPS meets on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. This eight-week course meets in the Sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. and will be facilitated by Pastor Ken Nelson. This course was created a few years ago when Pastor Ken was engaged in the “Life to Life Discipleship” initiative of the Navigators and the NALC.
The course is a solid, basic overview of the Christian faith. It encourages participants to increase their Bible reading, includes some memorization of key passages, and will culminate in the opportunity to create and share (in groups of 2 or 3) a personal “faith story” (or what some traditions called “testimonies”). The goal of this study is to present the Christian faith in a straight-forward, Biblically sound way to deepen our knowledge of those beliefs. This will equip participants for those moments when they may be presented an opportunity to witness to someone about our faith and the Lord Jesus.
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Pastor Ken's Weekly Bible Study
Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
Pastor Ken's weekly Bible study is held each Wednesday from 12:30 -1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. He will lead discussion around the Scripture lessons that will be read in worship the following weekend.
Please bring your Bibles - other materials will be provided. Copies of the text study sheets will be available on the table in the Narthex if you can't attend the Bible study, but would like to refer to it for the weekend worship.
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Music Ministry - Special Concert - This Sunday at 2pm! | |
Katherine Messer concert this Sunday at Calvary!
Interstice is a new group of professional, graduate-level musicians organized by our beloved Katherine Messer, who has graced many of our services with fantastic string music.
If your Sunday afternoon is free, please support Katherine and her eminent colleagues by coming out to this FREE concert at 2pm.
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Online Giving Option Updates | |
Online giving provides options!
While cash and checks are always welcome, the “Give Online” button on the Calvary Lutheran Church website provides another option. And, with the expansion of our vendor’s software, the options are now expanded and customized. In addition to giving to the General Operating Fund, Building Fund and Mission of the Month, you can now specify contributions for Altar Flowers, Sunday Morning Fellowship Treats, etc.
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We can also include other limited-time event payments such as the Disaster Response Training and the WI & Upper MI Mission District Convocation being held at Calvary on October 28 and 29.
Please note that contributions to the Mission of the Month are allocated to the organization for the month in which the donation is made
If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Rooks, Finance Secretary, via email at or (262) 786-4010.
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NALC Mission District Convocation | |
Calvary is pleased to host the annual Convocation of your NALC Wisconsin/Upper Michigan Mission District on Saturday, October 29 and we invite you to join us! Let us come together in faith and unity seeking the goodness and glory of the Lord as brothers and sisters united in the waters of baptism.
This year we are also pleased to host Mary Bates, Head of NALC disaster relief, who will be conducting a disaster relief training for local churches and organizations on Friday, October 28 from noon - 4 p.m. All are invited to attend this training and the registration link is below.
General Secretary Pastor Amy Little and Assistant to the Bishop, Pastor Jess Abbott will be addressing us on Saturday, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Most importantly we will come together for times of worship and fellowship so as to better know the Lord and each other.
More information can be obtained through the links below. (Registration is required to attend both the Disaster Relief Training and the Convocation.)
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Mark Knappe, Pastor Ken Nelson or Marcella Nelson.
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Hurricane Ian Relief Efforts | |
Hurricane Ian was a large, deadly and destructive Category 4 Atlantic hurricane that caused widespread damage across western Cuba and the southeast United States, especially the states of Florida and South Carolina.
There are several ways you can help the victims of Hurricane Ian:
- Provide a FLOOD BUCKET (sample and supply list are in the Narthex)
- Provide a HEALTH CARE KIT (sample and supply list list are in the Narthex)
- Make a MONETARY DONATION to support relief efforts through NALC Disaster Relief. Please use this link to make that donation.
Please continue to keep the residents impacted by this storm in your prayers
as they recover and rebuild.
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Job's Daughters Shoe Collection |
Congregation member Lizzy Dudzik is participating in a shoe drive fundraiser for Job's Daughters, to help cover costs associated with travel to leadership events.
Job’s Daughters International® is a premier organization for young women that provides a wholesome environment based on the foundation of high morals, love of country, love of family and friends and respect for others throughout the world. It is a living organization dedicated to meeting the needs of young women today and their challenges of tomorrow. It is a quality organization that fosters a sense of pride in achievement for each and all members as they prepare to become the adult leaders of the future. "
Now is a great time to clean out your closet and donate those shoes to a good cause. New and gently-used shoes of all types and sizes are needed (men's, women's, children's). Any questions can be directed to Jessica or Lizzy Dudzik. Please bring your gently used or new shoes to church by October 23rd.
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Mitch Foster, 10/7
Cathy Roldan, 10/8
Zackery Griese, 10/9
Everett Lambert, 10/9
Jill Voss, 10/10
Shirley Brodell, 10/11
Judy Kestly, 10/11
Carolyn Schuelke, 10/11
Heather Wirtz, 10/11
Gideon Himsel, 10/12
Elise Baumgartner, 10/16
Randy Wizner, 10/16
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Norm and Audrey McGarvie, 10/7 (61 years)
Rich and Cindy Rooks, 10/9 (35 years)
Mark and Lydia Trudell, 10/9 (40 years)
Kurt and Jeanne Duch, 10/10 (41 years)
Brian and Kara Kretschmann, 10/10 (2 years)
Herb and Judy Grospitz, 10/11 (47 years)
George and Kay Sedivec, 10/16 (51 y ears)
Erik and Erica Zipp, 10/20 (15 years)
Lesly and Roger Evert, 10/22 (11 years)
Matt and Hannah Ware, 10/26 (3 years)
Mark and Sheila Kershek, 10/27 (27 years)
Bob and Diana Streicher, 10/28 (33 years)
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Ongoing short-term prayer requests: Ginny Cox; Sue Rowe; Tom Bruns (brother of Carol Rooney); Amanda Connelly (friend of Sue Rowe); John Gregory (friend of Scott and Lisa Grossman); Elizabeth Stem (niece of Evelyn Ceci); Dennis Heimdahl (son-in-law of Marilyn Hermann); Joe Giuliani and Cathy Pitel (brother and twin sister of Chuck Giuliani); Julie Niederbaumer (friend of many Calvary members); Sarah Green (sister of Andy Schatz); Laura Lynn (friend of Pastor Jerry and Nancy Wittmus); Gerry Fosdal (friend of Linda Thorpe)
Serving in the Military: Dan Berger (serving in the U.S. Marines); Kevin Butler (son of Heidi Powers, serving in the U.S. Army); Ben DeYoung (son-in-law of George and Kay Sedivec, serving in the U.S. Air Force); Alex Olson (U.S. Air Force, grandchild of Ardath Olson); Kyle Pierce (son of Karen and Keith Pierce, serving in the U.S. Army); Karmen Thomas (friend of Tony and Krista Dentice serving in the U.S. Army); Nicole Wahlgren (serving in the U.S. Army National Guard); all military chaplains; and all veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
For All Men and Women Serving: Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT's; Health Care workers and First Responders.
Serving in the mission field: Our NALC missionaries and missionaries everywhere bringing the gospel to the ends of the Earth.
Long-term prayer list:
Calvary members: Pat Corcoran; Ron Foster; Don Heyen; Tom Kurtz; Beverly Lawson; Shirley Mahn; Myrna Mavroff; Donna Polizzi; Donna Schroeder; Nadine Schuelke; Gloria Strei; Pat Treutelaar; Ruth Young; Janet Zastrow
Non-members: Lauren (granddaughter of Scott and Peggy Langelin); Isabelle George (wife of Judy Sayas' cousin); Joe Dentice (father of Tony Dentice); Mike Andrae (husband of former Calvary member Luisa Andrae); Nicole Sayas (daughter in law of Judy Sayas); Dennis Reich (friend of John and Mary Lau); Curt (friend of Larry Bonier); Pastor Mark Gehrke (son of Lois Gehrke); Barb Anderson (friend of Lisa Grossman); Gareth George (cousin of Judy Sayas); Joseph Franko (friend of Judy Sayas); Nancy Myers (friend of Judy Sayas); Rose Luther (friend of Nicole Moritz); Judy Grospitz; Monica Barchus (niece of Ernie Kretschmann); Michael Rossa (Lucy Dallman's son); Karen (friend of Lydia Trudell); John Nielson (brother of Judy Kestly); Susan Petropoulos (sister of Wayne Johnson); Tom Dallman (husband of Lucy Dallman); Delores Seel (mother of Keith Pierce)
If you have any new prayer requests, please contact the church office at 262.786.4010 or via email to
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Wisconsin to New Jersey
Calvary member Sue Vollmar has relocated to New Jersey to be with her father and sister. Pastor Ken gave her a blessing at the end of service last Sunday.
We are so grateful for the many ways that Sue has served God through our church. She has provided her new address for anyone who would like to keep in touch with her.
God's blessings and grace to Sue in this new chapter of her life. We will miss her!
70 West End Ave.
Unit 2A7
Newton, NJ 07860
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Worship Attendance October 1-2, 2022 | |
October Mission of the Month
Broom Tree Ministries and Shepherd's Canyon Retreat
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October's Mission of the Month supports two ministries focused on providing pastoral retreat ministries. To support this important Mission of the Month, you may include it in your weekly offering envelope or designate the donation as "Mission of the Month" in your online giving. | |
Broom Tree Ministries provides spiritual retreats for pastors and their spouses. The retreats are designed to provide uninterrupted time with God in rest, reflection, and beauty. Broom Tree prioritizes good food and lots of time with spouses. Our guests consistently experience "aha" moments that bring clarity and challenge for the next season of ministry. Since 1997 we have been strengthening the church one pastor at a time.
Broom Tree retreats are held in Michigan and more information can be found at
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Each Shepherd's Canyon seven-day retreat includes up to four client couples (singles are welcome), two counselors - male and female - and a retreat chaplain.
Our twelve retreat therapists have a combined 250 years of counseling experience! All counseling is Bible-based. Shepherd's Canyon Retreats are held at Standing Stones Retreat Center near Wickenburg, AZ.
Learn more about Shepherd's Canyon at
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Weekly Men's Breakfast Wednesdays at 7 a.m.
Maxim's Restaurant
18025 W. Capitol Drive
The restaurant seating has been reconfigured in compliance with social distancing requirements.
All men are invited to attend!
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Monthly Men's Gathering
(See article above under
Faith Formation for more information.)
Thursday, October 20
6 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mark Trudell at
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Hospitality Treat Sponsors
Are Needed!
We invite you to stay after worship on Sunday mornings and enjoy fellowship time and a treat/cup of coffee in Fellowship Hall.
If you'd like to provide treats (donuts, bagels, etc.) for Sunday hospitality time, there is a sheet on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. You may bring the treats (six dozen) and drop them off in the kitchen, or simply add a “P” behind your name, pay $30 to the church office and the treats will be purchased for you.
Thank you for your support!
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Updated Church Directory Available |
The Calvary Church Directory is available electronically or in paper format. If you'd like an electronic copy, please send an email to requesting it. There are also printed copies available in the church office.
Any corrections or updates should be submitted to
Cindy Zilske at
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What is a Calvary Deacon?
Our Calvary Board of Deacons is a unique ministry among Lutheran churches. This important group of 11 individuals cares for the spiritual welfare of our congregation by praying for them, assisting with distribution of Holy Communion, being available to the members of their "alpha group" for prayers, support or other information about Calvary, and encouraging a strong spiritual life among our Calvary family.
Deacons serve a three-year term and we will have four openings in 2023. If you are interested in serving in this capacity next year to fill one of these vacancies, please reach out to Diane Grundman, Ernie Kretschmann or Judy Kestly. It is a rewarding experience and makes a significant difference to those we serve.
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Facing tough times? Need a Christian Friend?
Stephen Ministry is here to help. Free, just like God's love.
Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this important ministry, please contact Scott or Peggy Langelin at 262.853.0018.
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NEW! Live Stream attendance link |
If you watch our services via the Live Stream, please take a minute to let us know. There is now a link called "Online Worship Attendance" on the page where you access each week's service.
We appreciate you taking the time to complete this each week. It helps us know that our Live Stream is being viewed and by whom.
Thank you!
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Sunday mornings at 9 a.m.
The link to the Live Stream is available on the home page at
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Sanctuary Flowers
We invite you to sign up for flowers to beautify our altar each weekend. The sign-up sheet for 2022 is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Flowers are $35 and you may take them home following the 9 a.m. worship on Sunday morning. If you'd prefer, you can leave the flowers at church to be enjoyed by the office staff.
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The right side of the Sanctuary (as you face the altar) is equipped with a hearing loop system which transmits an audio signal directly into a hearing aid via a magnetic field. This greatly reduces background noise, competing sounds, reverberation and other acoustic distortions that reduce clarity of sound.
Most hearing aids are equipped with a t-coil and connecting to this system is an easy switch on the hearing aid. If you need assistance during worship with this system, please reach out to an usher or any staff member.
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The church office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The door that is closest to the office (NW corner) will be open during those hours.
Please check in with the office staff so we know you are in the building.
The office phone number is (262) 786-4010. Feel free to leave a message if you call after hours and we will contact you the next day.
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Regular office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - noon 262.786.4010
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