What's Happening
at First Parish -
Our Weekly Newsletter
April 10 - 20, 2019
We aspire to be a beacon
of liberal religion, strong community,
and transformative service.
We aspire to be a Beacon of…..
… Liberal Religion
Sunday April 14
Palm Sunday -
Lives Poured Out
On Palm Sunday we will remember people throughout history who have been willing to offer their lives that others might have greater life. Members of the congregation will read the words of Socrates, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Dyer, Etty Hillesum, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Oscar Romero. The children will hand out palms at the beginning of the service and then leave for a story and a craft. Older children and youth are welcome to stay in the sanctuary.
Jean S. and Win L. will usher. We are in need of greeters and coffee hour a host.
Easter Flowers
Please see the attached form for ordering Easter Flowers for the church for Easter Sunday.
Orders are due by Sunday April 14.
Read last Sunday's sermon here:
Sign up to greet:
Sign up to host coffee hour:
Brene Brown Discussion Begins this Thursday April 11, 2019
A new Brene Brown discussion begins on Thursday April 11 at 7 p.m. and continue for 5 sessions. This program uses video clips from talks by professor of social work Brene Brown to talk about vulnerability, fear, and change. Kim D. will facilitate the conversations. If you would like to be part of the group, please contact the church office by April 10.
Africa: Contributions to World Culture
This class will explore “Hidden History of European Advancement” leading perhaps to additional sessions focusing on the so-called New World, looking at the present possible futures which lie before us and possibly our descendants.
There are three sessions, Wednesday evenings, April 10, 17, and 24, at 7:00 pm, led by William C. at Old Ship Church in Hingham.
For more info and to sign up, contact William.
Notes from Beth Dubuisson, Music Director
Congratulations to
on their Senior recital. It has been a pleasure seeing them grow up at First Parish.
Thank you to
Cathy K.
for playing the recorder for our anthem April 7th.
Our adult choir is open to all singers in 7th grade or older. We rehearse Sunday mornings at 9:00 am.
The music for the upcoming church services includes:
April 14th :
The choir will lead two special hymns for our Palm Sunday service:
Prophesy, Oh My People,
Oshana, Shira, Oshana. (Hosanna, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord).
April 21st:
The anthem for our Easter service is
Lo, the Day of Days is Here.
Win L.,
will play music by Telemann and join in on our festive hymns.
April 28th:
We will be singing hymns of wonder and reason as the SciCoRockYouth Group leads the service.
May 5th:
The choir will sing
O Brother Sun
by Sharon Amway.
Looking forward: On May 12th,
Matt Meyer j
oins us again to lead the service and play his drums. He will accompany the choir as we sing
by Jason Shelton.
Around the Parish
There will be a memorial service for
Nancy C.
at the church on Saturday April 27 at 2 p.m. The service will be followed by a reception at the Cohasset Harbor Inn. Nancy requested that memorial donations be given to First Parish.
Thank UUs:
Thank you to
Frank K.
Erica B.
Joe W.,
and the
Res Solar
for their work on the water heater... to
Mike M.
for ushering on April 7... to the
Parish Committee
for hosting coffeehour... to all who contributed to the conversation on our second Synergy Sunday... to the
Men's Ministry
for their work in the church shed ... and to
Ruth K.
for keeping the kitchen so clean and organized that we passed a surprise inspection from the health department without any problems!
Thank you so much for the book and beautiful prayer shawl. It made me feel happy to know that so many wonderful people are thinking about me. I hope to see you all soon. –
Anna S.
Kite-Flying Day
We are hosting our third annual Kite-Flying Day after church on Sunday April 28 (rain date to be determined). We'll take the refreshments for coffee hour outdoors, for some fresh air and a chance to fly a kite.
Bring your own or share with someone else, or just to enjoy the sight of the soaring and swooping kites.
SPRING FAIR – Saturday, May 18, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
This is our warm, spring-weather fundraiser. It’s a great opportunity to have fun and raise money for the church. Can you help provide any of the following?
- Plants - annuals and veggies started from seed and ready to plant.
- Perennials from your local garden.
- Indoor plants to put outdoors in summer and in bring inside for the winter.
- Baked goods and other delicious concoctions from our great cooks.
- Hot coffee and munchies from our Outdoor Café, weather permitting, or Inside-the-Door Café if it rains.
- Yard sale/trunk sale if there’s enough interest. Please contact Ray Des Roches if you want to sell stuff.
-Alma M. and the Finance Committee.
... and Transformative Service
Food Pantry Mailing
As a member church of the Scituate Food Pantry, we've been asked to put together 500 packets to be mailed out to the residents of Scituate in preparation for the Post Office Food Pantry Drive on Saturday May 11. This is the Food Pantry's biggest collection of the year and since we've been doing the mailing, collections of food and financial donations have increased greatly. We will be putting together the mailings after church on Sunday. Please consider staying even for a few minutes to help. Many hands make light work!
The food Pantry is in need of the following items:
- Toothpaste (they have none)
- Toilet Paper
- Paper Towels
- Shampoo
- Tissues
Thank you for your continued support. - Alan D., Food Pantry Representative
Calendar for April 10 -20
Wed. 10th
10:30 am Fididdlers
Thurs. 11th
7:00 pm Brene Brown discussion
Sat. 13th
11:30 am Palm Sunday rehearsal
Sun. 14th
9:00 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Worship and RE
5:00 pm Youth Group at Channing Church Rockland
Wed. 17th
10:30 am Fididdlers
Fri. 19th
7:00 pm Ceilidhe
Sun. 21st
5:50 am Easter Sunrise Service at the Lighthouse
9:00 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Worship
11:30 am Easter Egg Hunt
Save the Date
April 26th
Game Night
April 27th
Blue Boat Coffeehouse
April. 28th
Kite Flying
May 8th
Unity Spring Dinner
May 11th
Scituate Food Pantry/Post Office Food Drive
May 18th Spring Fair and Plant Sale
Our Mission
Liberal Faith:
We commit to participate side-by-side across generations in worship, religious education, social activities, environmental protection,
and social justice work—learning, sharing, and growing together.
Strong Community
: We commit to care for one another, nurture the light that shines within each of us, and support each other’s individual search for truth and meaning.
Transformative Service:
We commit to pursue diversity, justice, equality, reason, and discourse;
provide inspiration through music, creativity, and the arts;
and work cooperatively to affect positive change in our community and beyond.