What's Happening
at First Parish -
Our Weekly Newsletter
April 17 - 27, 2019
We aspire to be a beacon
of liberal religion, strong community,
and transformative service.
We aspire to be a Beacon of…..
… Liberal Religion
Sunday April 21 Easter Sunday
We Are the Parade
On this Easter/Earth Day Sunday, Pamela Barz and Bill Ketchum will reflect on hope - hope for our lives and hope for the Earth. As a sign of the parade of hope, you are invited to wear a festive Easter bonnet! Win L. will contribute to the festive music with his trombone; the choir will sing
Lo, the Day of Days is Here. Children will receive flowers during the service and there will be an egg hunt after the service for preschool and elementary school-aged children.
Sunrise Service at the Lighthouse at 5:50 a.m.
Greet the Easter dawn at this service led annually by members of the Scituate clergy.
Sign up to greet:
Sign up to host coffee hour:
From the Minister
We've been talking a lot about stories lately - in church, the stories of the Bible and how they can be interpreted in very different ways; and, in small groups, the stories of our lives and how the framing of them shapes our understanding of who we are. This Sunday we'll tell another story, the story of what happened to Jesus after he died, the Easter story. This story can be problematic for Unitarian Universalists, especially those of us who come out of other faith traditions, because often we have learned only one way to frame and tell the story. But just as with the stories Jesus told and the stories we tell, this story too has many ways to understand it. It too offers us life-giving metaphors for our work in the world.
And to make Easter more fun and festive, don't forget - you're invited to come in a decked-out Easter bonnet!
See you in Church,
Pizza and Game Night - Friday April 26
Come enjoy a night of pizza and games, 6-9 p.m. at the church. Bring a game or two that you enjoy or a deck of cards. We’ll order pizzas (pass the hat), or you can bring whatever you want to eat. Soda will be provided, but if you prefer, please bring other non-alcoholic drinks.
Kite Sunday April 28, After Church
Donna C. is planning another special hour or so of
kite-flying for all ages
behind the church on the grass behind Central Park. Donna will bring kites, but she also welcomes you to bring your own. Please look in your closets, attics, basements and check with your children to see what you have. We hope the wind will be perfect again this year!
SPRING FAIR – Saturday, May 18, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Do you have favorite, but extra, perennials from your yard to share with others? You can choose them now but plan to dig them the previous weekend, May 11-12 and water as needed.
Please start baking and freezing the delicious results for the bake table. The more we make, the more money we raise.
We will have a café with coffee and pastries – in front of the church outdoors if the weather is good.
We also need portable square tents to borrow. Questions? Or to help, please contact Alma M.
Blue Boat Coffeehouse April 27
On Saturday, April 27, 2019, from 6:00-9:00 pm, First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Scituate is proud to present our 11th
Blue Boat Coffeehouse
to highlight the incredible talent of local adults and youth while raising funds for a local non-profit organization.
This alcohol-free, substance-free, family-friendly event is open to the public and donations on this night are encouraged to benefit
Scituate Friends of Music!!
Scituate Friends of Music (SFM)
is made up of parents, teachers and community members who wish to support quality music programming in the Scituate Public Schools. They chaperone field trips, volunteer for musical events and exchange-concerts, as well as handle publicity and fundraising to benefit all music students. They also purchase instruments and equipment. If your child studies music in the elementary schools or participates in band or chorus at any of the schools in town, you are already a member of SFM. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and to be involved with your child as they grow older.
All proceeds from this event will go to this worthy organization.
For more information, check out their Facebook page: "Scituate Friends of Music"
Suggested Donation is $5. Baked goods and other refreshments will be available for purchase.
For information and the latest line-up of performers for the Blue Boat Coffeehouse on 4/27/19, please visit “The Blue Boat Coffeehouse” Facebook page.
... and Transformative Service
Annual Post Office Food Drive
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Help Needed!
The Scituate Food Pantry provided over 250 Scituate families and over 450 individuals with more than 6,300 bags of food last year! The annual Post Office Food Drive is our major source of food donations.
We need volunteers age 15 or older on Saturday, May 11
to help us sort and pack donations at the Masonic Temple at 344 Country Way in Scituate. Anyone who has not volunteered before needs to attend a brief training session the week prior to the Food Drive. (Specific dates will be announced soon.)
There are two shifts available on May 11
(the second shift is when the most help is needed)
If you would like to be part of this amazing effort to help your community in a meaningful way, please send an email to
indicating your shift preference. Friends, family and neighbors are welcome to join too.
On behalf of our clients and families, thank you in advance for your willingness to help! -Scituate Food Pantry
Calendar for April 10 -20
Wed. 17th
10:30 am Fididdlers
Thurs. 18th
7:00 pm Brene Brown group
Fri. 19th
7:00 pm Ceilidhe
Sat. 20th
5:00 pm Youth Group
Sun. 21st
5:50 am Easter Sunrise Service at the Lighthouse
9:00 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Worship
11:30 am Easter Egg Hunt
Mon. 22nd
7:00 pm Meditation
Tues. 23rd
6:30 pm Community Book Discussion
Wed. 24th
10:30 am Fididdlers
Thurs. 25th
7:00 pm Brene Brown group
Fri. 26th
6:00 pm Game Night
Sat. 27th
2:00 pm Memorial - Nancy Crafts
6:00 pm Blue Boat Coffeehouse
Sun. 28th
9:00 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Worship and RE
12:00 pm Kite Flying
5:00 pm OWL Meeting
Save the Date
May 5th
Pre-Annual Meeting Discussion
May 8th
Unity Spring Dinner
May 11th
Scituate Food Pantry/Post Office Food Drive
May 18th
Spring Fair and Plant Sale
May 19th
Annual Meeting
Our Mission
Liberal Faith:
We commit to participate side-by-side across generations in worship, religious education, social activities, environmental protection,
and social justice work—learning, sharing, and growing together.
Strong Community
: We commit to care for one another, nurture the light that shines within each of us, and support each other’s individual search for truth and meaning.
Transformative Service:
We commit to pursue diversity, justice, equality, reason, and discourse;
provide inspiration through music, creativity, and the arts;
and work cooperatively to affect positive change in our community and beyond.