9:30am Worship Bulletin
11:00am Worship Bulletin
The Prayer Covenant

Upcoming Church Events

October 25

Seasoned Saints' Luncheon, 12:00pm in Fellowship Hall

October 27

CAST Training, 12:15pm in Fellowship Hall

Trunk or Treat, 4:00pm - 6:00pm in the Large Parking Lot

October 30

Wednesday Night Live

  • Dinner, 5:30pm in Fellowship Hall
  • KICK, 6:15pm in Room 290
  • GBPC Learning Series: How to Support Military Families in Deployment, 6:15pm in the Sanctuary

November 3

Operation Christmas Child Boxes are due

Impact! Bowling Night! 4:30pm at Bowlero

Nominating Church Officers

Nominations are

Due November 18th

Nominate Church Officers Here

The Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC) seeks individuals who are committed to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and are willing to serve Christ’s Church as officers (elders and deacons.) These individuals must be active members of GBPC and are elected for three year terms which begin in June. Serving as an elder or deacon requires a substantial commitment to the work of Christ through GBPC.


Nomination forms can be found in the narthex, the link provided here, or the QR code in the weekly bulletins. Nominations are due November 18th.

2025 Stewardship Campaign

If you missed Dedication Sunday, you may still turn in your pledge for 2025 by dropping your commitment card in the offering plate on any Sunday, mailing it, or entering your pledge online by clicking the button below. Commitment cards will be in the pew racks for the rest of the year. Thanks to those of you who have already made your pledge for 2025. Your support truly helps us develop a realistic budget for the next year.

2025 Stewardship Commitment Card

Worship & Music

Reformation Sunday

Sunday is Reformation Sunday. The Presbyterian Historical Society has published a very interesting article about  Argula von Grumbach (1492-c.1554) who wrote forcefully in defense of the Reformation, becoming the first published author among Protestant women.

Read the Article Here
Sign Up Here!

Advent Readers Needed!

Be a part of Advent at GBPC by lighting the Advent Candles. 

Each Sunday during worship at both services we will light the Advent Candles with simple readings.

Sign up as a family, friends, small groups, any way you wish. 

Children's Ministry


Our KIDS SING Choristers will be singing in worship on October 27 for both the 9:30 and the 11:00 worship services.

Moms and Dads, we NOW serve snacks in Room 200 where the kids rehearse. Rehearsal begins at 10:30 am. 

Help us start on time by bringing your children straight to Room 200 after worship and Sunday School!

Trunk Registration

For those decorating Trunks - please arrive between 3:15-3:30pm to set your trunk up. The children will start arriving at 4:00pm.



October 27th Trunk or Treat!

  • 3:30pm Decorate Trunk! in the Big Parking Lot Youth Trunk Fruits of the Spirit and Set up Yard Games

November 3rd Impact! Bowling Night! @ Bowlero 4:30

November 24th Winterfest on the Wisconsin

December 7th Christmas Parade

  • Hot Dog and Hot Chocolate fundraiser during the Parade

Monday, December 30th Impact! volunteer night at CAST

January 2, 2025 6pm Skating @ Greenbrier Family Center and Impact! lock-in

February 9th, 2025 Super Souper Bowl Food Drive and Watch Party

Adult Ministry

Seasoned Saints' Luncheon

Friday, October 25th

12:00pm in Fellowship Hall

Sign up in the Narthex

$10 suggested donation

Service & Mission

YOUNG LIFE Nicaragua

Look at these beautiful faces! These precious children were part of a 4 day camp attended by “unwed mothers” at Le Finca, Nicaragua. (Young Life). Mothers of these four were 14 & 15 years of age, some by incest or rape. Our team spent a day babysitting and some of us had the privilege of talking with the mothers about their situations. The camp was solely to give the mothers time of hope and love with Jesus and one another, and, to build their self-esteem. This was the second year this particular program was held. Some mothers traveled 18 hours to attend! Here are a couple of testimonials spoken in Spanish and broken English:


“I came and think no one love me or forgive me. I think I’m a bad person and like a trash no worth of love. But I know now that Jesus is my Savior and he is always love and care for me and I am good mother and he will be for me.” (Crying as she speaks full of emotion)


“My life was over and I want to not live when I have baby. I want to leave my place of life. My friend tell me Young Life would help me to live so I come last year and want to stay living. I bring my baby and people I not know tell me about Jesus love for us and tell me I’m good. Tell me it not my mistake. Tell me I take good care of my children. They make me feel special of me. People from America come two times to this place and love us. (Also crying and hugging)

Jingle Jog 2024

Saturday, December 14th | 8am Start Time

Registration for the 2024 Jingle Jog 5k and 1Mile Fun Run is now open! Use the link below or scan the QR Code in the bulletin. Proceeds benefit Young Life Chesapeake.

Register for the Jingle Jog Here

GBPC is Collecting Eyeglasses & Pill Bottles

Please bring eyeglasses and clean, empty pill bottles in for collection in the Narthex. The eyeglasses are for the Lion's Club Recycle for Sight program. The bottles are for Mathew 25 Ministries. For more information, contact Sandy Sayre at 757.285.5601 or sandysayre0303@gmail.com.

CAST Lunch & Learn

Sunday, October 27th at 12:15pm

in Fellowship Hall

Learn what CAST is all about! Sign up in the Narthex and lunch will be provided. Sign up today!

Operation Christmas Child Boxes are Due November 9th

Please return boxes to Fellowship Hall by November 9th. Please be sure to include the $10 for shipping.

Shoebox Gift Ideas

Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live

October 30th

5:30 Dinner

6:15 KICK in Room 290

6:15 GBPC Learning Series: How to Support Military Families in Deployment in the Sanctuary

Dinner Menu: Chicken Enchiladas (Gluten Free), Spinach Salad, and Dessert

TO RSVP for dinner, use the link below, the QR code in the bulletins or sign up in the Narthex.

Dinner RSVP


Register Here
Order Your Wreath Here

Entryway Renovation

The two main entryways into the building will be renovated over the next few weeks. The entryways may be closed for periods of time during construction. If one is closed, please use the other entryway. Thank you for your patience!

Congregational Care

DEACON MINISTRY Deacons are responsible for providing pastoral care and support to the members of the church. This may involve visiting the sick, elderly, or homebound members, offering prayers, providing comfort, and meeting practical needs within the congregation. All members and non-members of the congregation, not in small group, should have a deacon assigned. If you don't have a deacon, have not been contacted by a deacon, and are not in a small group, please reach out to Dave Randall, at darandall24@gmail.com and he will assign you a deacon.

In Need of Prayer? 

Please use the link below and let us know how we may lift you in prayer.

Prayer Requests

Stewardship & Finance

Text to Give

You may now give to GBPC by text on your smartphone. Simply text the amount to 833.965.0647 and follow the prompts. Click the video link for step by step instructions or pick up printed instructions on the information ledge.

Watch the video for step by step directions!

Online Giving

You may give to GBPC by online. Click the video link for step by step instructions or click the link below to give now.

Click Here to Give

In Case You Missed It

Last Week's Services

9:30am Worship Bulletin
11:00am Worship Bulletin

Ongoing Signups & Events

PW Novel Ideas Book Discussion

November 14th

The Lincoln Conspiracy

by Brad Meltzer

All meetings are at 6:30pm in Room 230.

Sign up in the Narthex!

Office Volunteers

Come join the team! If interested in joining the office team, please use the link to sign up.

Sign Up Here

Sanctuary Servants

Volunteers are needed to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday morning worship services on Friday mornings. Please use the link below to sign up.

Volunteer Here
Order Chancel Flowers Online

Chancel Flower Donations

Would you care to donate flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one? Pick up an envelope on the information ledge in the Narthex. Please leave the envelope with the included form and check for $75, payable to GBPC, in the Office Manager's mailbox. You may also place your order online using the link below. Please be sure to include the date you would like the flowers to be dedicated. Deadline is the Tuesday prior to the display date.