9:30am Worship Bulletin
11:00am Worship Bulletin
The Prayer Covenant

January 25

Ladies Morning Out, 8:30am in Fellowship Hall

January 26

Combined Service followed by Annual Meeting, 10:00am

Children's Ministry Team Meeting, at the conclusion of the annual meeting in Room 230

January 27

Impact Souper Bowl Soup Drive Kickoff

January 29


  • Dinner, 5:30 in Fellowship Hall
  • KICK, 6:15pm in Room 290
  • GBPC Learning Series: How to Promote Your Child's Development, 6:15pm in Fellowship Hall

January 31

Seasoned Saints, 12:00pm in Fellowship Hall

February 2

Scout Sunday

Communion Prep Workshop #1, 12:00pm in Room 260

February 9

Preschool Sunday

  • Pancake Breakfast, 9:00am in Fellowship Hall
  • Combined Worship Service, 10:00am

Communion Prep Workshop #2, 12:00pm in Room 260

Impact Souper Bowl Food Drive Conclusion and Watch Party

"Operation Tons of Love" food drive kicks off and runs through the 23rd

Children's Ministry

Register Your Child Here

Children's Ministry Team Meeting

January 26th | Room 230

The Children's Ministry Team will meet after the Annual Congregational Meeting. The Annual Congregational Meeting begins immediately following the combined worship service at 10:00 a.m. that morning.

Contact Joy Rowe with any questions.


January 27th - February 9th, 2025

Super Souper Bowl Food Drive and Watch Party (February 9th)

Adult Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry invites all knitters and crocheters who would like to make shawls, throws, or baby blankets to leave them in Room 260. We welcome all donations. Not everyone is able to attend our monthly meetings, but many love to create.

Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month in Room 290 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Please bring your hooks or needles to work on a project. We also have a bin full of donated yarn available.

We hope to see you in February.


The Ladies of the Prayer Shawl Ministry

Second Mile Fundraisers

What is the Second Mile Fund?

The Second Mile Fund was established as a way for our pastor to privately assist individuals when special needs arise. Thanks to the support provided, we have been able to offer financial aid to individuals in crisis situations. Check out information on fund raisers below or use the link to donate directly to the Second Mile Fund.

Donate to Second Mile Fund Here

Custom Cutting Boards from

by Justin Custom Woodworks

Two stunning cutting boards are for sale in the bookstore. 100% of the sale goes to the Second Mile Fund.

Caroline Prevost Wildlife Photographs

If you’re interested in some beautiful nature photograph, stop by the Wisdom Well to grab one of Caroline Prevost’s original photographs!

Framed photographs are $45 each. Unframed photographs are $20 each.

Proceeds go toward the

Second Mile Fund.

Wobbly Wolf Pottery

A beautiful selection of handcrafted pottery is now available for purchase! Each unique piece has been made with care, and all proceeds from sales will go directly towards supporting The Second Mile Fund.

This is your chance to grab some stunning pottery, perfect for gifts or treating yourself, while making a meaningful contribution to our community!


Valentine Boxes

Once again, Presbyterian Women will be putting together boxes to mail to college students and deployed military.

Please use the link below, scan the QR code in the weekly bulletins, or sign up in the Narthex. Deadline is February 5th.

Sign Up Here

Donations Needed

PW is accepting donations of individually wrapped candies and snacks, as well as monetary donations to assist with postage. Donations may be left in the marked bin in the Narthex. Use the link below to make a monetary donation.

Make a Donation Here

Ladies Morning Out

January 25th Fellowship Hall

8:30am - 12:00pm

For more information, contact Paula Bass at 757.482.2460 or


January 29th | Fellowship Hall

  • Dinner at 5:30 in Fellowship Hall
  • GBPC Learning Series: How to Promote Your Child's Development at 6:15 in Fellowship Hall
  • KICK "Bingo Night" at 6:15pm in Room 290

Please use the link below or scan the QR Code in Sunday's bulletin to RSVP.


Dr. Missy Rose will lead a discussion about how to use specific strategies and techniques to promote child development across various domains. Child development refers to the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social growth that occurs from infancy through adolescence. It is a continuous and dynamic process, with each child developing at their own pace. The discussion will focus on children ages 2 through early elementary. Come and learn specific ways to support your child’s development!

Lost & Found

Missing a sweater, notebook, mug, glasses scarf, hat or maybe a stuffed animal?

Please check the GBPC lost and found. It is located on the right side of the coat closet in the Narthex.

Unclaimed items will be donated.

Building & Grounds

Men's Room Closed

The Men's Room will be closed for several days starting Monday, January 27th for floor renovation. Please use the family restroom during this time. Thank you!

Congregational Care

DEACON MINISTRY Deacons are responsible for providing pastoral care and support to the members of the church. This may involve visiting the sick, elderly, or homebound members, offering prayers, providing comfort, and meeting practical needs within the congregation. All members and non-members of the congregation, not in small group, should have a deacon assigned. If you don't have a deacon, have not been contacted by a deacon, and are not in a small group, please reach out to Dave Randall, at darandall24@gmail.com and he will assign you a deacon.

In Need of Prayer? 

Please use the link below and let us know how we may lift you in prayer.

Prayer Requests

Stewardship & Finance

2025 Offering Envelopes are Here!

Pick them up from the table next to the Welcome Desk in the Narthex. If you have any questions, see Bob Jennings.

Text to Give

You may now give to GBPC by text on your smartphone. Simply text the amount to 833.965.0647 and follow the prompts. Click the video link for step by step instructions or pick up printed instructions on the information ledge.

Watch the video for step by step directions!

Online Giving

You may give to GBPC online. Click the video link to the left for step by step instructions. Click on the button below to give now.

Click Here to Give

Want to change your recurring online giving, but not sure how to do it?

Here's how:

  1. Go to gbpres.org and click ONLINE GIVING at the top of the screen.  
  2. Click "Log in" at the top of the screen and sign in to your account.  
  3. Once you are logged in, click on the "Profile" icon in the upper right-hand corner. 
  4. From the left-hand menu, select "Transactions" if it is not already highlighted.
  5. Click "Edit" on any upcoming scheduled donations. 
  6. Use the drop-down boxes to edit your existing transaction to your new desired frequency, amount, or payment method.
  7. Click the "Save changes" button. That's it!

Ongoing Signups & Events

PW Novel Ideas Book Discussion 2025

March 13th

West with Giraffes

by Linda Rutledge

May 8th

All the Glimmering Stars

by Mark Sullivan

July 10th


by Percival Everett

All meetings are in Room 260 at 6:30pm.

Sign up in the Narthex!

Office Volunteers

Come join the team! If interested in joining the office team, please use the link to sign up. Help needed on Fridays

Sign Up Here

Sanctuary Servants

Volunteers are needed to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday morning worship services on Friday mornings. Please use the link below to sign up.

Volunteer Here
Order Chancel Flowers Online

Chancel Flower Donations

Would you care to donate flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one? Pick up an envelope on the information ledge in the Narthex. Please leave the envelope with the included form and check for $75, payable to GBPC, in the Office Manager's mailbox. You may also place your order online using the link below. Please be sure to include the date you would like the flowers to be dedicated. Deadline is the Tuesday prior to the display date.

In Case You Missed It

Last Week's Service

9:30am Worship Bulletin
11:00am Worship Bulletin
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