This Sunday: You're Part of Something
The Mission God gives our church is a long-term vision, but it's also for every single day. It's for big things and small things. Join us this Sunday to learn more about ministry and mission.
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First Sunday of the Month
Communion will be observed this Sunday. If you are worshiping with us from home and would like to celebrate communion during our Sunday morning service, please be sure to have a piece of bread or cracker and something to drink ready when worship begins.
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RSVP for Top of the Hill NOW
The next Top of the Hill presentation is THIS Tuesday! Join us for lunch on April 9, 11:30-1:00, and hear an informative presentation by Chris Deitz from Big Table. RSVP by this Sunday, April 7, for this next presentation. Sign up on the clipboard at the information center in the church entry or call the church office at 509-385-0619. Suggested donation to cover lunch is $10, cash or check.
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Grief Support Group Meets THIS Monday
Grief looks different for everyone and processing feelings with others can be a huge help. Join Heather Notske for a grief support group that meets 2nd Mondays at 1:30 PM at the church. Remaining dates are April 8, May 13, and June 10. We will take a break over the summer.
This will be a safe place for people to share how they are coping with the loss of a loved one--spouse, parent, family member, or friend. Come when you can, you do not need to be at every session. There is no cost to attend.
If you have any questions, please call Heather's direct office line (509-385-0627) or email her at Hope to see you there.
Flower Basket Fundraiser Orders Due THIS Monday
Help the HPPC Preschool raise funds toward a new outdoor play structure by purchasing a spring hanging planter. Baskets will be full of colorful, sun-loving flowering annuals, planted in a 12” hanging basket. Price is $36 per planter. Baskets will be available for pickup the week of April 15. Order forms available HERE or at the information center in the church entry. Turn in order forms at the church office by Monday, April 8.
Family Promise Needs Our Help!!!
This is a great opportunity for our church family to work together to help homeless families in our community. Join us Saturday, April 20, from 10am to noon, at the Family Promise Mission House. We will meet next door at the Family Promise Emergency Shelter (2002 E. Mission Avenue).
Our job will be to clean up the front & back yards, prepare beds for planting, and paint the
front porch. Bring your lawn & gardening tools, paintbrushes, and your own snacks & water.
For more information, contact Karen Scruggs at 509-474-0858 or Sign up at the information center outside the church office.
Senior Exercise Opportunity for April
Sandy Nolting will be leading three, 60-minute exercise sessions at 1:00 p.m. on the following dates in April:
- 4/11 Fellowship Hall
- 4/18 Skylight Room
- 4/25 Fellowship Hall
We’ll focus on exercises to help make those Spring activities a little more enjoyable. Dress comfortably and bring water. Feel free to bring a friend.
Join a Dinner Group
The Welcome Committee is facilitating the resumption of dinner groups. This is a great way to
get to know others in our congregation better.
Interested couples, singles and families are invited to sign up to be assigned to groups that will
meet over the course of a year – April to March. At the end of the year the opportunity to sign
up again will be made and new groups will be organized. We suggest each household take a
turn organizing or hosting a gathering, meeting 3-4 times over the course of the year.
There will be two types of groups:
- Dinner for seven – couples and singles will be assigned to groups of 5-7 people.
- Family – families with children who wish to meet with other families who have children of similar ages. Groups will be organized into three families each.
Sign up at the information table. Groups will be assigned the week of April 15. If you have
questions contact: Pam Richardson 509-710-1392,; Kay
Steinhilber 509-951-9223; Diane Bahr 509-598-1353.
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Would you like to be an Acolyte?
Students in 3rd-5th grades are invited to serve as an acolyte. In this role, you will light/extinguish candles during worship, help collect the offering, and straighten pews after the service. There will be an information and training session for students (and their parents) who would like to serve as an Acolyte. We will meet May 5, after the service, at the pews at the front of the sanctuary. If you have any questions, or are interested but can’t come that day, please contact Kathy Williams at 949-370-8025 or
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May is for Kisses
If you wear your name tag on Sundays during the month of May, you and your family members will each receive a kiss….(candy that is).
Name tags help us get to know each other better and make it easier for newcomers to feel welcomed. Wear yours and get a sweet treat.
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Opportunities to Serve at HPPC & in the Community
Visit our website at to check out a list of ways to get involved at HPPC and grow as a disciple of Jesus. You will find 10 different categories along with a few examples of things that fit in each category. In front of each category is a checkbox. If you think you would like to try out a new ministry, fill out the form online or print the list, check the box(es) of the categories that interest you, return it to the office, and we will contact you when we have a need for volunteers. There are also printed copies available at the Information Center in the church entry. Thank you for serving with us!
Memorial Service for Joy Newcomer April 20
A memorial service will be held at HPPC for Joy Newcomer on Saturday, April 20, at 11:00 AM. The service will also be streamed at
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Bite2Go Faithful
Whether you volunteer your time to deliver or provide funds to cover the costs of funding the Bite2Go 'kits', WE NEED YOU! Hamblen Elementary has seen a greater need this school year to provide for their students. We have been asked to provide 35 'kits' to Hamblen weekly, which we will do. But this takes more money. At $5 per student, per week, on an average month of 4 weeks, the cost is $700. PLEASE consider donating and designating those funds to the Bite2Go program. And... there are still a few dates left for delivery to both Hamblen ( and Liberty Park (
Thank you!
Your Neighborhood Deacons
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Be a part of the Congregational Care Team
Have you felt a prompting to participate in ministering to those in our congregation who are no longer in a position to regularly attend or actively participate in the life of the church? This may be as an individual reaching out OR an individual wishing to be connected -- call or text small group facilitator Betty Rogers (509) 230-7967.
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Sign Up for an Office Volunteer Shift
Are you interested in helping out in the office on a weekly or as-needed basis? We are looking for a few people who would be willing to:
- Answer the phones for an hour or two at a time
- Help with occasional mailings
If you would be interested in helping in any of these ways, sign up HERE. For questions, contact Heather Notske at 509-385-0627 or
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Office Hours
Church office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM. We are closed on Fridays. As always, staff will be available for appointments and meetings beyond the posted hours.
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All events meet in person unless otherwise noted: | |
9 AM Portable Projects
4:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal
7 PM Choir Rehearsal
FRIDAY, April 5
Church Office Closed
1 PM Zoom Women's Bible Study
SUNDAY, April 7
7:30 AM Sunday AM Zoom Bible Study
9 AM In-Person/Online Worship Service
10 AM Coffee Fellowship
5 PM Oasis Youth Band
6 PM Oasis Youth Group
MONDAY, April 8
1:30 PM Grief Support Group
5 PM Caravan Youth Band
5:30 PM F&A Meeting
6 PM Caravan Youth Group
6:30 PM Session
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TUESDAY, April 9
7:30 AM NO Men's Bible Study
11:30 AM Top of the Hill
2 PM Adult Ed Meeting
7 PM Worship Band Rehearsal
9:30 AM Wednesday AM Bible Study
2 PM Zoom Women's Bible Study
5 PM Journey Kids' Club
THURSDAY, April 11
9 AM Portable Projects
4:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal
7 PM Choir Rehearsal
FRIDAY, April 12
Church Office Closed
9 AM Stampers
1 PM Zoom Women's Bible Study
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Hats Off to Spring!
Deborah Circle is hosting a Ladies’ Fellowship for all ages Saturday, April 27, 10:00 AM in the
Fellowship Hall. There is no charge for this event featuring refreshments and entertainment. Wear your favorite hat for a chance to win prizes for oldest, cutest, fanciest, biggest, and smallest hats. Be sure to bring you camera to capture a picture of the fun at the photo booth! Sign up at the church information table or call the office by April 23.
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Children’s & Family Ministry
Volunteer Opportunities
You can sign up HERE to help with Sunday School, Wednesday evening Journey Kids' Club, or other volunteer opportunities that impact children. For information on our children's programs, contact Pastor Jennie at
Click HERE to register your child for HPPC activities. Please submit a separate form for each child.
Children's Sunday School (3-yrs - 5th Grade)
Sunday School is right after the Children’s Sermon during worship. Each week, children aged 3 years through 5th grade will gather for Bible lessons. We have fun activities, skits, and wonderful messages planned!
Journey Kids' Club (K-5th Grade)
Journey Kids' Club meets Wednesdays, 5:00 to 7:00pm. We are so excited to spend time playing games, eating food, and learning more about God in this really wonderful time together! A weekly donation of $5 is suggested to help support the cost of dinner. You are encouraged to bring a friend!
Kids' Zone (3-yrs - 1st Grade)
On Family Worship Sundays throughout the year and every Sunday during the summer, children 3yrs-1st grade are invited to the Skylight Room for fun activities. Kids 2nd grade and up remain in the worship service with their families.
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Youth Ministries (6th-12th Grades)
Come join us for a hangout, games, and some Jesus time! For more information on our youth programs, visit our website's youth page at For questions, contact Mitchel Pierce, Director of Student Ministries, at
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Caravan (6th-8th grades):
Mondays 6:00-7:30 PM
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Oasis (9th-12th grades):
Sundays 6:00-8:00 PM
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Sunday Sessions (6th-12th):
Sundays 10:00-11:00 AM
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Support the Ongoing Mission of HPPC with Your Tithes & Offerings
To make a donation to HPPC (one-time or recurring gift) you may do so HERE.
Thank you for choosing to support our mission to grow active followers of Jesus Christ
and build his community!
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Connect with Pastors & Staff
We are here for you! Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM. You can connect with pastors and staff by clicking on a link below to email them or call the phone numbers listed. Please reach out!
Click to email Pastor Steve Watts, Pastor, Head of Staff, or call/text: (509) 251-0366
Click to email Pastor Jennie Barber, Assoc. Pastor of Care & Outreach, or call/text: (206) 794-0689
Click to email Heather Notske, Director of Operations, or call/text: (509) 251-6468
Click to email Mitchel Pierce, Director of Student Ministries, or call/text: (206) 739-6126
Click to email Scott Dicken, Director of Worship Arts, or call/text: (818) 464-6034
Click to email Trina Limbaugh, Communications Coordinator, or call/text: (208) 277-6016
To submit a prayer request or to be added to the prayer chain, send an email to
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