Guest Preacher This Sunday
Katie Stark will be our guest preacher this Sunday, January 8! God seems to be doing a new thing in the North American church, and it doesn't look the same as the church we have known. As a result, there are those shouting for joy alongside those weeping at the sight of something new - yet we are called to be a part of this new thing (regardless of whether we're shouting for joy or weeping). Join us this Sunday as we explore Rebuilding Faithfully.
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Communion This Sunday
Communion will be observed this Sunday. If you are worshiping with us from home and would like to celebrate communion during our Sunday morning service, please be sure to have a piece of bread or cracker, and something to drink ready when worship begins.
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Join us for In-Person Worship on Sunday Mornings at 9 AM!
- Masks are optional.
- Nursery care is provided.
- Communion is served in factory-sealed packets the first Sunday of the month.
- Children's Sunday School is available for ages 3-yrs through 5th grade after the Junior Sermon.
VIEW WORSHIP LIVE-STREAM (9 AM SUNDAYS) (click here to view)
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Deadline to Turn in Your Receipts is TOMORROW
If you volunteer for ministry, please note that any outstanding receipts for which you would like to be reimbursed, must be turned in to the office by noon on January 6.
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RSVP for Top of the Hill by This Sunday
The first meeting this year of Top of the Hill will be held THIS Tuesday, January 10, from 11:30 to 1:00. Our speaker is Danny Beard, from Union Gospel Mission who will share the purpose and work of the mission. To RSVP, sign up on the clipboard at the Information Center in the church entry or call the church office (509-385-0627) by THIS Sunday, January 8. Suggested donation to cover lunch is $8, cash or check.
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"Hear, Here"
Podcast Discussion Group at Thomas Hammer
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Wednesday Evenings, 6-7:30 PM
Jan 11, 18, 26, Feb 1, 8, 15
Thomas Hammer, 3173 S Grand Blvd
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Join us at the Thomas Hammer coffee shop on South Grand where we will discuss one podcast each week during this 6-week series. We’ll hear from journalists, faith leaders, physicians, and writers -- all people seeking to be authentically human in a messy world. We will give you links to the podcast a week ahead of each discussion so you can listen at your convenience.
Come for one or all of the series!
Co-facilitated by Jennie Barber and Andrea Reid
Week One--January 11: Brené Brown and Father Richard Rohr.
[You will have to create a free Spotify account if you don't already have one. No payment information is needed. Please let us know if you need help accessing the podcast].
Contact Jennie at
or Andrea at
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Upcoming Memorial Service
A memorial service will be held for Lynda Hayashi on Saturday, January 28, at 1:00 PM.
Wednesday Morning Winter Bible Study
Not Your Favorite Bible Story: Wrestling with the book of Judges
January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1, 8, 15
“In those days, there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes.” In many ways, this evocative final line of the book of Judges summarizes the content of the entire book. Much of the narrative in Judges leaves us shocked, confused, and in some cases, terrified. Engaging this text brings us into encounter with characters and stories we might wish were deleted from the Bible. This winter we’ll wrestle some of the most challenging texts in the Hebrew scriptures to boldly ask deep questions about God and humanity. Join us Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Skylight Room.
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Oasis Connect Retreat
January 20th-22nd marks our yearly high school winter retreat to Tall Timber! This retreat is all about connection and community—both what a healthy Christian community looks like, as well as what it means to be an active part of that kind of community! This retreat ideally leads into a time for students to discern what it looks like to commit to this church.
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Blankets for HPPC Newborns
The Congregational Care Team offers a ministry of giving baby blankets and Bibles to newborns of HPPC. This outreach is intended to welcome our little ones with love and affirmation of our commitment to be part of our community of faith.
Have you welcomed a new addition to your family recently? Are you expecting a little one in the coming months? Please contact Kathleen Seppi with your news at
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Office Hours
Church office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM, and Friday, 9 AM to Noon. As always, staff will be available for appointments and meetings beyond the posted hours.
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All events meet in person unless otherwise noted: | |
THURSDAY, January 5
9 AM Portable Projects
4:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal
7 PM Choir Rehearsal
FRIDAY, January 6
1 PM Zoom Women's Bible Study
6 PM Girl Scout Troop 1809
SUNDAY, January 8
7:30 AM Sunday AM Zoom Bible Study
9 AM In-Person/Online Worship Service
10 AM Coffee Fellowship
5 PM Oasis Band Practice
6 PM Oasis Youth Group
MONDAY, January 9
3:30 PM Girl Scout Troop 1926
5 PM Caravan Band Practice
5:30 PM F&A Meeting
6 PM Caravan Youth Group
6:30 PM Session
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TUESDAY, January 10
7:30 AM Men's Bible Study
11:30 AM Top of the Hill
6 PM Scout Troop 313
WEDNESDAY, January 11
9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2 PM Zoom Women's Bible Study
5 PM Journey Kids' Club
7 PM Worship Band Rehearsal
THURSDAY, January 12
9 AM Portable Projects
4:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM Girl Scout Service Group
7 PM Choir Rehearsal
FRIDAY, January 13
9 AM Stampers
1 PM Zoom Women's Bible Study
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Book Club
You can join the Book Club for a discussion in person on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 2 PM. For more information, contact Betty Thompson at
2023 Reading List:
January 19: When We Were Young and Brave by Hazel Gaynor
February 16: Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
March 16: When the Last Leaf Falls by Bill Myers
April 20: War Bonds by Cindy Hval
May 18: Horseback Honeymoon by Dorothy Ballard, Ellen and Quincy Scott
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Family Dodgeball Night
We will hold our yearly Family Dodgeball Night on February 17, 2023 from 7-9 pm! This is a fantastic opportunity for parents to play a fun sport with their kids! Even if you don’t have kids, please come! We would love to have anyone that is interested come and play! There will be dessert after we are done playing to help you get your strength back! If you are interested in playing, please RSVP to Cindy Dicken, Director of Children’s and Family Ministries, at
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Opportunities to Serve at HPPC & in the Community
Visit our website at to check out a list of ways to get involved at HPPC and grow as a disciple of Jesus. You will find 10 different categories along with a few examples of things that fit in each category. In front of each category is a checkbox. If you think you would like to try out a new ministry, print the list, check the box(es) of the categories that interest you, return it to the office, and we will contact you when we have a need for volunteers. Thank you for serving with us!
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Join the Snow Patrol
Colder weather is upon us! Our parking lot gets plowed when it snows, but we depend on volunteers to keep our walkways safe and clear of snow during the winter. If you would like to sign up in advance for a specific day that you would be willing to snowblow our sidewalks, we would love to hear from you! We have a snowblower, shovels, and de-icer. Training can be provided! Sign up for one day this season or volunteer for multiple days--your choice! If interested, contact Heather Notske at 509-385-0627 or or sign up online HERE.
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Children’s & Family Ministry
Volunteer Opportunities
You can sign up at to help with J.A.M. Sunday School, Wednesday evening Journey program, or other volunteer opportunities that impact children. For information on our children's programs, visit our website or contact our Director of Children's and Family Ministries, Cindy Dicken, at 509-385-0626 or
JAM (Jesus and Me) Children's Sunday School
J.A.M. Sunday School is right after the Children’s Sermon during worship. Each week this fall, children ages 3 years through 5th grade will gather for lessons on the Parables of Jesus. There is so much to learn from these amazing stories that our Savior told while He was on earth! We have fun activities, skits, and wonderful messages planned! It’s going to be so fun!
Journey Kids' Club (K-5th Graders)
Journey Kids' Club meets Wednesdays, 5:00 to 7:00pm. We are so excited to spend time playing games, eating food, and learning more about God in this really wonderful time together! A weekly donation of $5 is suggested to help support the cost of dinner. You are encouraged to bring a friend!
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Youth Ministries (6th-12th Grades)
Come join us for a hangout, games, and some Jesus time! For more information on our youth programs, visit our website's youth page at For questions, contact Mitchel Pierce, Director of Student Ministries, at
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Caravan (6th-8th grade):
Mondays 6:00-7:30 PM.
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Oasis (9th-12th grade):
Sundays 6:00-8:00 PM.
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Sunday Donuts!
Come grab a snack! Immediately following the service on most Sundays, our middle schoolers and high schoolers meet in the youth room for donuts and a chill hangout time.
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Support the Ongoing Mission of HPPC with Your Tithes & Offerings
To make a donation to HPPC (one-time or recurring gift) you may do so HERE.
Thank you for choosing to support our mission to grow active followers of Jesus Christ
and build his community!
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Connect with Pastors & Staff
We are here for you! Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM and Friday, 9 AM to Noon. You can connect with pastors and staff by clicking on a link below to email them. Our cell numbers are also listed. Please reach out!
Click to email Pastor Steve Watts, Pastor, Head of Staff, or call/text: (509) 251-0366
Click to email Pastor Jennie Barber, Assoc. Pastor of Care & Outreach, or call/text: (206) 794-0689
Click to email Heather Notske, Director of Operations, or call/text: (509) 251-6468
Click to email Cindy Dicken, Director of Children's & Family Ministry, or call/text: (818) 321-1551
Click to email Mitchel Pierce, Director of Student Ministries, or call/text: (206) 739-6126
Click to email Scott Dicken, Director of Worship Arts, or call/text: (818) 464-6034
Click to email Trina Limbaugh, Administrative Assistant, or call the office: (509) 448-2909 ext. 101
To submit a prayer request or to be added to the prayer chain, send an email to
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