When there are no heroes to come to the rescue and God seems absent, how can there be any hope? This Lent, get caught up in the story of a hidden miracle that saves a seemingly forgotten people from destruction. The story of Esther reveals that God remembers us even in our darkest moments. In fact, the story sets the stage for us to see God in action right now. In Christ, we are never forgotten.
Wednesday, February 17, Ash Wednesday
Noon-1 Pm Drive-Thru Ash Imposition
6-7 PM Drive-Thru Ash Imposition
Sunday, February 21
Sermon: When God Seems Absent
Esther 2:1-8, 10-12, 16-18
Sunday, February 28
Sermon: Who's Life is it Anyway?
Esther 2:19-3:6
Sunday, March 7
Sermon: A Burst of Courage
Esther 4:1, 6-17
Sunday, March 14
Sermon: The Pace of Miracles
Esther 5 & 7: Selected Verses
Sunday, March 21
Sermon: Who's Better than Esther & Mordecai? Esther 8 & 9: Selected Verses
Sunday, March 28, Palm Sunday
Sermon: Palm-less Sunday
Luke 19:28-40
Friday, April 2, Good Friday
Stations of the Cross displayed in our chapel throughout Holy Week, March 29-April 2.
M-Th Noon-5 PM, Fri. Noon-8 PM
Preparing for a Holy Observance of Lent
This year offers a perfect opportunity to experience Ash Wednesday in a new and different way! On Wednesday, February 17th, drive by the church’s front door with your mask on to receive an imposition of ashes while you remain in your vehicle. Pastor Steve and Pastor Jennie will be gloved and masked, and will use disposable swabs. They will be ready to greet you anytime between noon at 1 and again between 6 and 7 pm.
This year HPPC is also providing a printout of an at-home Ash Wednesday liturgy for individuals or families. It is a brief (about 15 minutes) journey that includes prayers and poems, a doodle page and time for reflecting on struggles and hopes for Lent, and links to short videos and songs on YouTube. The liturgy is very family friendly (as are the videos), with additional instructions for engaging children. You can pick yours up at the imposition of ashes or request a copy be emailed or mailed to you. Contact Kyla at kylaf@hamblenpres.org if you have any questions.
Annual Congregational Meeting
If you have any questions ahead of time, please contact Heather at the church office at 509-385-0627 or heathern@hamblenpres.org.
If you would like to read the annual report ahead of the congregational meeting, you can view it by clicking HERE.
In-Person Worship Returns March 7
and New Online Worship Time!
On Sunday, March 7th, we will move to a 9:00 AM Sunday morning worship time, and we invite you to worship in our church building with us! Gospel singer/pianist Angela Hunt will provide special music. We will be live-streaming the service on YouTube at the same time for those who wish to participate remotely (it will remain online if you would like to watch it later). We have purchased new audio/visual equipment in order to maintain a quality viewing experience for those at home.
During the 9:00 hour, there will be in-person Sunday school for children in Kindergarten-5th grade, as well as nursery care for younger children. In the Sanctuary, household groups will be seated together with empty pews between families, and communion will take place the first Sunday of each month using factory-sealed packets. No registration is required! HPPC will continue to adhere to the most recent government mandates. Out of love for one another, you can expect rigorous safety procedures which are outlined on our website. Keep your eye out for an upcoming video, which will briefly cover what you can expect at an in-person worship service.
New Wed AM Bible Study topic starting Feb 17
Lent is a season where we take seriously God's call to repentance. We acknowledge all the ways we fail to love God and our neighbor, and we turn our hearts towards God. As we turn from choices and thoughts that draw us away from God, we embrace the power of God's restorative grace. During Lent, our Wednesday morning Bible study will explore the book of Joel and discover its dual call to repentance and hope. Join us every week on Zoom at 9:30 AM. To receive a Zoom link, contact Heather Notske at heathern@hamblenpres.org.
Lent is a perfect season to make a short-term commitment to study God's word together in a group! We usually start the week of Ash Wednesday and run through Easter. Click here for group times and leader contact information. If you are interested in participating in a group, would like to receive a devotional booklet, or have other questions, please contact Heather Notske at the church office, heathern@hamblenpres.org or 509.385.0627.
Are you eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, but need help signing up? Contact Pastor Jennie at the church office (509) 448-2909 or via email jennieb@hamblenpres.org to connect you with someone who can provide assistance.
We're also looking for folks to volunteer to help someone sign up for their vaccine appointments. If you'd like to serve in this way, please contact Pastor Jennie (509) 448-2909, email jennieb@hamblenpres.org.
Shalom Ministries served 50,000 hot meals to the homeless and disenfranchised in our Spokane community in 2020. Funds are tight and the need is great, especially during the pandemic. Some of your generous HPPC dollars have been designated to this ministry. Shalom wishes to express their continued sincere gratitude for your generous support. Learn more HERE.
Most of the books we've purchased for Libros Abiertos have been destroyed by flooding from the hurricanes. The bridge to Monte Blanco is out. Two women in the Saq'Be cooperative lost their father to Covid and one a husband. Schools are closed, with a tentative date to re-open on February 15.
Please hold these communities in your prayers. Please ask for creativity and discernment for our Guatemalan team and our congregation, as we remain committed to this work of sharing Jesus with Guatemalans.
FRIDAY, February 12
1 PM Gladys' Group
SUNDAY, February 14
8:30 AM Sunday AM Bible Study
10 AM Worship Service Live-Stream
10:45 AM Zoom Coffee Hour
6 PM Caravan Girl's In-Person Youth Group
7:30 PM Oasis Girl's In-Person Youth Group
MONDAY, February 15
6 PM Caravan Boy's In-Person Youth Group
7:30 PM Oasis Boy's In-Person Youth Group
TUESDAY, February 16
7:30 AM Men's Breakfast and Bible Study
12:30 PM Staff Meeting
7 PM Deacon Meeting
WEDNESDAY, February 17
9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study
12 PM Drive-Thru Ash Imposition
2 PM Betty's Group
6 PM Journey (1st-5th Graders)
6 PM Drive-Thru Ash Imposition
Thursday, February 18
2 PM Book Club Meeting
Join the discussion Thursday, February 18, at 2:00 via Zoom on the book, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (Movie Tie-In): Neighborly Words of Wisdom from Mister Rogers by Fred Rogers It can be purchased HERE.
JAM (Jesus and Me) & EDGE (Everyday God Encounters)
JOURNEY (Wednesday Evening Program for 1st-5th Graders)
JAM and EDGE are back for 2021 and activities will be connected to the sermon series; "Come and See Unexpected Encounters with Jesus". This week come and see as we can encounter Jesus by listening to God through his promise in the rainbow.
For the last few weeks in Journey, we have been learning about Jesus with the series Bible Science. This Wednesday, February 17, join us for the next great experiment as we learn more about Jesus and God’s amazing creation.
We’re back for weekly in-person small groups! Bring a mask and a friend, and join us for some games and Jesus time. Click HERE for a full statement and plan from Mitchel Pierce, our Director of Student Ministries. Don’t hesitate to contact him with any questions or concerns at mitchelp@hamblenpres.org
Caravan (6th-8th grade):
Girls: Sundays 6:00-7:00
Boys: Mondays 6:00-7:00
Oasis (9th-12th grade):
Girls: Sundays 7:30-8:30
Boys: Mondays 7:30-8:30
To make a donation to HPPC (one-time or recurring gift) you may do so HERE.
Thank you for choosing to support our mission to grow active followers of Jesus Christ
and build his community!
Even though the HPPC office isn't open in the traditional sense, we are here for you! You can set up a phone or Zoom appointment with pastors and staff by clicking on the link below to email them. Our cell numbers are also listed. Please reach out!