**Updated Mask Guidance**
Starting August 23, please wear your mask in the church building. We are implementing the statewide mask mandate for indoor settings. This includes vaccinated individuals. We do this, not out of fear, but as an act of love for our neighbors in the Spokane community and to practice Romans 13:1.
Summer marks a time when many of us draw near to water. We gather with family and friends at cabins. We kayak in the early morning stillness. We ride through the waves on skis and wakeboards. We float lazily on rivers. Proximity to the water helps many of us rest, relax, play, connect, and breathe. When we turn to scripture, we see God calling, growing, and transforming people on the banks of rivers, the shores of lakes, and the waves of raging seas. From the water, stories of God’s work emerge. For the rest of the summer, we’re going to explore these Old and New Testament stories together. Our summer sermon series, Lake Life, will look at the ways God forms people on the banks and in the depths of water. Particular themes will emerge from the stories we hear each week: identity, transformation, courage, growth, community, calling, rescue, and resurrection. Join us this summer as we encounter God in new ways and grow in our relationship with Jesus. We’ll see you at the lake!
Join us for In-Person Worship on Sunday mornings at 9 AM!
Register when you arrive, or skip the sign-in line by registering HERE.
- Masks not required for those who are vaccinated.
- Nursery care provided.
- We are singing!
- Communion served in factory-sealed packets the first Sunday of the month.
Seeking Volunteers for Sunday Worship Services
HPPC At Avista Stadium TOMORROW!
Join us Friday, August 20, 6:30 PM, for Hamblen Park Presbyterian Night at Avista Stadium for a night of baseball. The Indians will be playing the Hillsboro Hops. Tickets for box seats are $12 per seat, and it is Family Feast Night. If you would like to attend with your Hamblen family, go HERE to purchase tickets.
Virtual Journey to Guatemala THIS WEDNESDAY
Join CEDEPCA for the next Virtual Journey to Guatemala as we explore "Migration in our Current Context." Be transformed by this virtual travel opportunity designed for an English-speaking audience. Through music, travel footage, compelling stories, and breakout room discussions, we will dive into the root causes of migration in Central America made even more complex by our current global context.
Featured speakers will be Lizbeth Gramajo Bauer, Migration Researcher at Rafael Landívar University in Guatemala City, and Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado, PC(USA) Mission Co-Workers ministering at the border in Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Sonora.
WHEN: Wednesday, August 25, at 4:30 PM, Pacific Time.
Register in advance HERE. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Blessing of the Backpacks
Area schools either have already begun classes or will start classes soon. If you are starting pre-school, heading off to college, or anywhere in between, we invite you to bring your backpack Sunday, August 29, 9:00 AM and come forward during the Children’s Sermon to receive a blessing. Each student will receive a special tag to put on their backpack to remind them throughout the school year that God is with them. Teachers and school staff are also invited to come forward to receive a blessing. HPPC cares for our students!
Retreats at Camp Spalding's Clearwater Lodge
Save the dates for upcoming retreats at Camp Spalding's Clearwater Lodge! The women's retreat will be held September 24-26 and the men's will be November 19-21. Watch for more information to come.
Feed My Starving Children Meal-Packing Event
Join your HPPC family on Saturday, September 25, 12:00 to 2:00 PM at Redeemer Lutheran Church in the Spokane Valley for a local mission opportunity that impacts children around the world. Feed My Starving Children provides nutritious meal packets that the Hamblen and other teams will pack. The food will be sent to children around the world. Kindergarten age children and up are invited to participate in packing these meals. If you would like to be a part of this packing event, please follow these instructions to register:
Click on: View Private Event
Enter Access Code: INMP2021
Select a packing shift time and then complete the registration information
Team Name: Hamblen
You can read more about Feed My Starving Children on their website at www.fmsc.org. Please join us for a fun mission opportunity for the entire family!
Spread the Word! Our Preschool is Hiring!
If you love preschool aged children and want to be a part of creating a meaningful early learning experience for neighborhood children, we'd love for you to join our Hamblen Park Preschool team! Contact Alicia Powell, Preschool Director, at aliciap@hamblenpres.org for more information.
Click below for the position's hiring packet:
Retirement Ministry
Hamblen Retirement Ministry has been invited back to Moran Vista Retirement Home to begin a worship service again. The service is held on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 2 to 3 PM. We would like to invite new members to participate with us. We need song leaders, pianists for hymns, and persons to lead, which involves a message or mini-sermon. Our main need at this time is for leaders and pianists.
Find joy volunteering with one of our ministry partners this summer!
Click on the ministry to contact the organization:
Family Promise: Helping Families Move from Homeless to Housed; 509-747-5487
You can also contact Marc and Debbie Connally via email HERE or by phone at 509-939-9499 to join the rotation providing lunches.
Summer Office Hours
Now through September 3, the office will be open Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM, and closed Fridays. As always, staff will be available for appointments and meetings beyond the posted hours.
FRIDAY, August 20
Youth Backpacking Peak 7 (8/20-23)
1 PM Zoom Gladys' Group
6:30 PM Hamblen Night at Avista Stadium
SUNDAY, August 22
Youth Backpacking Peak 7 (8/20-23)
7:30 AM Zoom Sunday AM Bible Study
9 AM In-Person/Online Worship Service
TUESDAY, August 24
7:30 AM In-Person/Zoom Men's Bible Study
12:30 PM In-Person Staff Meeting
WEDNESDAY, August 25
9:30 AM In-Person Listening for God
2 PM In-Person Betty's Group
FRIDAY, August 27
1 PM Zoom Gladys' Group
Save the Date--Fall Kick Off Brunch
Join us at the church building on September 19, at 10:00 AM, immediately after worship service for a meal provided by the Deacons to kick off fall and the start of the new program year.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir plans to be back in full swing this fall when we kick off our school-year programs. If you are interested in joining the choir this fall, you can contact Kyla Fague at kylaf@hamblenpres.org.
Attention Stampers
Stampers will resume meeting in September. Each month, you can join in the fun, 9 AM to Noon in Room 4, on the 2nd and 4th Fridays (excluding holidays). Here is this year's schedule:
- September 10 and 24
- October 8 and 22
- November 12 (No meeting on the 26th due to Thanksgiving)
- December 10 (No meeting on the 24th due to Christmas)
Preschool Registration for 2021-2022 is open!
HPPC Book Club
2021/2022 Reading List:
October: The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
November: Created For Commitment by Audrey Witherall Johnson
January: We Band of Angels by E. Norman
February: The Widow’s War by Sally Gunning
March: The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See
April: Girl Waits With Gun by Amy Stewart
May: The Girl Who Wrote in Silk by Kelli Estes
JAM (Jesus and Me)
Children's Sunday School
JAM Sunday School will resume in the fall. Kids’ Zone is available for the summer for children 3 years old through 1st grade. Children will attend worship with their families until the Junior Sermon. After the Junior Sermon, they can go with Jessica Munroe to Room 1 (Movie Room) for a fun Bible related activity. Kids’ Zone will run June 27, through September 12. Kids, please join Jessica and friends for a fun morning!
Youth Ministries (6th-12th Grades)
Watch for special summer activities posted in 'Upcoming Events' for Caravan (incoming 6th graders through outgoing 8th graders) and Oasis (incoming 9th graders through outgoing 12th graders). We will resume our regular schedule in the fall.
Support the Ongoing Mission of HPPC with Your Tithes & Offerings
To make a donation to HPPC (one-time or recurring gift) you may do so HERE.
Thank you for choosing to support our mission to grow active followers of Jesus Christ
and build his community!
Connect with Pastors & Staff
We are here for you! Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM and Friday, 9 AM to Noon. You can connect with pastors and staff by clicking on a link below to email them. Our cell numbers are also listed. Please reach out!