Join us for In-Person Worship
- We look forward to welcoming you back to worship in the sanctuary on Sundays at 9 AM!
- Register online or sign in when you arrive
- Masks not required for those who are vaccinated
- We are singing!
- Communion served in factory-sealed packets
No Registration Required for worship services, but you can skip the sign-in line on Sunday morning by registering HERE.
Join us for In-Person or Online Worship!
We are now offering a 9:00 AM Sunday morning in-person worship service. We will be live-streaming the service on YouTube at the same time for those who wish to participate remotely (it will remain online if you would like to watch it later).
During the 9:00 hour, there will be nursery care for younger children. Communion will take place the first Sunday of each month using factory-sealed packets.
Donuts for Dads
This Sunday, Father's Day, join us immediate after worship service to celebrate dads during Coffee Fellowship.
Pastor Betsey and Eric Moe will be Speaking at
Top of the Hill this Tuesday
For the past year, former Associate Pastor Betsey Moe has been working remotely for CEDEPCA, the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America. She and her husband Eric are PC(USA) Mission Co-Workers to Guatemala based for the time-being in Spokane. Tuesday, June 22, at 11:00 on Zoom, hear more about the broader vision of CEDEPCA and how God has made a way for mission work during a pandemic, what the past year has looked like for the Moe family, and about their plans for moving forward. A Zoom link will be sent on Monday to everyone who receives the e-news.
Popsicles for Students
As school is dismissed (last full day of the school year for our District 81 students), we will be serving otter pops on the church grounds to the students from Hamblen Elementary. We are reaching out to them as their loving neighbors, celebrating the conclusion of this unique school year.
Any students who stop by will receive an otter pop. If your child attends another school, bring them by for a treat. We will have a low carb option for Type 1 kids, so they are welcome to receive a treat too. We'll be serving on Monday, June 21, 2pm to 2:45. Come celebrate with us!
'Finding Joy' Bulletin Board
Where are you Finding Joy? Drop off a photo, magazine picture, or drawing in the church office to share on the bulletin board showing where you are finding joy. It could be of a family, person, animal, scene, place, or whatever. Be sure to put your name on the back if you want it returned.
Kids’ Zone returns to HPPC June 27
Kids’ Zone is for children 3 years old through 1st grade. Children will attend worship with their families until the Junior Sermon. After the Junior Sermon, they will go with Jessica Munroe to Room 1 (Movie Room) for a fun Bible related activity. Kids’ Zone will run June 27, through September 12. Kids, please join Jessica and friends for a fun morning!
For information, contact HPPC Director of Children’s Ministries, Joe Bruce, at 509-385-0626 or email
VBS Volunteer Opportunities Still Available!
Wilderness Escape VBS is just over a week away and there are still some positions that need to be filled before then. We begin the fun at 9:00 AM June 28, and end July 2, at noon.
The following are some of the needs:
- Opening and closing event leaders x 2
- Preschool playground leader x 1
- Setup of tables and chairs the Sunday before VBS begins x 3
- Take down of tables and chairs after VBS is over x 3
Most of these positions require little to no preparation. Please take a look at these possibilities and contact Joe Bruce, HPPC Director of Children’s Ministries, if you have questions or would like to help.
Office phone: 509-385-0626
Cell phone or text: 509-954-3041
Thank you for considering these volunteer opportunities that impact so many children.
Save the Date
Picnic at Manito: Join us at Manito Park, Wednesday, August 11, at 5:30 PM for a catered Mexican meal. Watch for more details to come.
Sunday Brunch: Join us at the church building on September 19, at 10:00 AM, immediately after worship service for a meal provided by the Deacons.
Seeking Volunteers for Sunday Worship Services
Hope House Quilts
The members of Deb’s Circle at HPPC made 78 quilts for donation to the new location of Hope House women’s shelter. Hope House had outgrown their downtown location and had to turn away 10 to 20 women each night. Their new facility offers 100 shelter beds and 60 apartments. You can read more about the brand new location HERE.
Find joy volunteering with one of our ministry partners this summer!
Click on the ministry to contact the organization:
Family Promise: Helping Families Move from Homeless to Housed; 509-747-5487
You can also contact Marc and Debbie Connally via email HERE or by phone at 509-939-9499 to join the rotation providing lunches.
Blankets for HPPC Newborns
The Congregation Care Team offers a ministry of giving baby blankets and Bibles to newborns of HPPC. This outreach is intended to welcome our little ones with love and affirmation of our commitment to be part of our community of faith.
Have you welcomed a new addition to your family during this last year of the pandemic? Are you expecting a little one in the coming months? Please contact Kathleen Seppi with your news at
FRIDAY, June 18
1 PM Zoom Gladys' Group
SUNDAY, June 20
7:30 AM Zoom Sunday AM Bible Study
9 AM In-Person/Online Worship Service
10 AM Donuts for Dads
MONDAY, June 21
1:30 PM Popsicles for Hamblen Elementary
TUESDAY, June 22
7:30 AM In-Person/Zoom Men's Bible Study
11 AM Zoom Top of the Hill Meeting
12:30 PM In-Person Staff Meeting
2 PM Zoom Betty's Group
FRIDAY, June 25
1 PM Zoom Gladys' Group
Memorial Service for Don Headrick
Don Headrick and his wife Sylvia have been long-time members of HPPC. Don passed away on August 4, 2020. His memorial service will be held at the VA Cemetery on Friday, June 25, at 9:45 AM. Anyone who would like to attend is welcome. The VA requires a list of attendees, so please contact Joe Bruce at or 509-385-0626 for more information and to RSVP.
Memorial Service for Howard Riebe
Howard Riebe joined Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church in 1991. He passed away on May 21, 2021. His memorial service will be held at HPPC on Saturday, June 26, at 1:00 PM. You can attend in person or online at
Camp Spalding
Through their Christian summer camp programs, Camp Spalding provides a chance for thousands of young people from greater Spokane and North Idaho to get away from the daily routine, spend a week with an outstanding, fun staff of mature role models, and experience the adventurous life God intends for us. Sessions begin at the end of June and are offered during various dates throughout the summer. Once again, our Deacons are providing a 50% scholarship for any student attending. Prior to registering, obtain a Scholarship Code from Sandy Riebe at You can view this year’s Camp Spalding schedule and register using the Scholarship Code at
Preschool Registration for 2021-2022 is open!
HPPC Book Club
2021/2022 Reading List:
October: The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
November: Created For Commitment by Audrey Witherall Johnson
January: We Band of Angels by E. Norman
February: The Widow’s War by Sally Gunning
March: The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See
April: Girl Waits With Gun by Amy Stewart
May: The Girl Who Wrote in Silk by Kelli Estes
JAM (Jesus and Me)
Children's Sunday School
JAM Sunday School will resume in the fall. Have a great summer!
Youth Ministries (6th-12th Grades)
Oasis & Caravan will resume in the fall. Have a great summer!
Support the Ongoing Mission of HPPC with Your Tithes & Offerings
To make a donation to HPPC (one-time or recurring gift) you may do so HERE.
Thank you for choosing to support our mission to grow active followers of Jesus Christ
and build his community!
Connect with Pastors & Staff
We are here for you! Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM and Friday, 9 AM to Noon. You can connect with pastors and staff by clicking on a link below to email them. Our cell numbers are also listed. Please reach out!