Join Us THIS SUNDAY for Our
Pentecost Pancake Party Fundraiser
On Pentecost Sunday, June 5, we will be having a Pentecost Pancake Party! This event will be immediately following the service, and we’ll be fundraising for our Intergenerational Guatemala Mission Trip this August! Please come and join us for food and fellowship; we’d love to see you there.
Celebrate Pentecost with Us This Sunday!
The word Pentecost is Greek and it means "50th day." Fifty days after Easter Sunday, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the early church, and the beginning of their ministry to make disciples of all nations. Pentecost is the Christian Church’s birthday. This year it falls on Sunday, June 5, and we will be celebrating with jazz! HPPC will have special guest jazz musicians Brent Edstrom, Angela Hunt, Kenny Sager, and David Fague providing some spirit-filled music for worship. We hope you’ll join us for this special Sunday!
Join us for In-Person Worship on Sunday Mornings at 9 AM!

  • Masks optional.
  • Nursery care provided.
  • Communion served in factory-sealed packets the first Sunday of the month.
  • Sunday School for children aged 4-yrs through 5th grade after the Junior Sermon
Masks Are Optional

Since coronavirus cases are declining and considering the county mask mandate has been lifted, masks are now optional in the church building. However, we have a special masked-only section in the Sanctuary for those of us who may prefer that for any reason (for example: personal feelings of safety, an upcoming medical procedure, a compromised immune system). Please feel free to continue to wear a mask if you choose. We continue to pray for our world and all those impacted by the pandemic. We are grateful that the crisis is beginning to move toward an endemic phase. Looking forward to some smiling faces on Sundays! 
First Sunday of the Month

Communion will be observed this Sunday. If you are worshiping with us from home and would like to celebrate communion during our Sunday morning service, please be sure to have a piece of bread or cracker, and something to drink ready when worship begins.
VIEW WORSHIP LIVE-STREAM (9 AM SUNDAYS) (click here to view)
VIEW HPPC'S 2021 ANNUAL REPORT (click here to view)
Throughout Covid, pastors and members of the congregational care team have continued our ministry of visiting and offering care. However, care and visits are now complicated. Institutional rules and safety precautions can even prevent visitations. If you would like a visit or call, please reach out any time. We are proactive in visiting people, but we also need to hear from anyone who would like a connection so that we don’t miss anyone in need. The pastors can be reached by email, cell phone, or through the church office. Hamblen is a church family. May the Lord continue to connect us with one another in safe ways even during the pandemic. 
Our Church’s National Night Out Block Party
is Right Around the Corner – and YOU are Invited!

National Night Out is a nation-wide event on the first Tuesday of August. People are encouraged to gather with their neighbors and build community. Our church will be hosting again this year on August 2, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.

For almost 400 neighbors, we provide a free hot dog dinner, bounce house & slide, and live music. Local law enforcement and emergency service vehicles come and let kids climb into the trucks and interact with the firefighters and police officers who protect them. Neighbors visit and eat together. It’s a wonderful evening!

So first and foremost, we want you to come and enjoy the evening with this neighborhood. If you are part of our church, you are part of our neighborhood. Wear your church nametag and come ready to visit. Some people make it a goal to walk away from the evening having learned 3 names and having heard 1 story. We don’t proselytize at this event – we simply help people feel welcome.

But you can also volunteer to help. If you would like to help during the event, you can sign up at the information center in the church entry or at You can also help by providing single-serve beverages and chips, or loaning canopies for the event.

Community is a gift from God. Let’s be a blessing to our neighborhood together by making community possible on August 2! See you then.
Opportunities to Serve at HPPC & in the Community

Visit our website at to check out a list of ways to get involved at HPPC and grow as a disciple of Jesus. You will find 10 different categories along with a few examples of things that fit in each category. In front of each category is a checkbox. If you think you would like to try out a new ministry, print the list, check the box(es) of the categories that interest you, return it to the office, and we will contact you when we have a need for volunteers. Thank you for serving with us!
Call for Greeters

Anyone who would like to assist in greeting and passing out bulletins on Sunday mornings is encouraged to sign up as a greeter at or on the sign-up sheet located at the information center. A greeter does not have to unlock doors or be in charge, but may help with the offering and tidying the pews after worship. A Head Usher will be available to assist and answer questions. Anyone can be a welcoming greeter!
Betty's Group Now Meeting in Person

Betty's Group, a women’s Bible study, will no longer be meeting via Zoom but will now meet in person on Wednesdays at 2 PM in Room 6.
VBS Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers for this summer’s VBS, Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness, June 27 - July 1, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Please consider helping with VBS this year. Many hands are needed to make this event successful. You can register to volunteer at If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Joe Bruce at, 509-385-0626 (office), or 509-954-3041 (cell). 

VBS will be Monumental! And that means the staff and volunteers will have Monumental appetites! This year we will be providing snacks and meals for everyone helping to make VBS a success for our children. You can help by providing snacks; fruit, rolls, juice, jerky, popcorn; whatever sounds like a good snack to you. Or, you can bring breakfast to share; roll ups, muffins, breakfast burritos and such; we welcome any contributions. Please contact Mary Mattie at 509-998-9646 for questions, or to let her know what you’re bringing and which day it will arrive. Thank you for helping our kids and volunteers. 

If you have not yet registered your child for VBS, there is still time. We are so excited about the registration response we have received already. Registrations are brisk, so reserve your spot now at This VBS is going to be Monumental!
Thank You Children’s Ministry Volunteers!

As we close out the 2021/2022 Children’s Ministry program year, I really want to thank all the wonderful volunteers that stepped forward to impact so many children at Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church. Your ministries with children have truly been a blessing. Children’s programs at Hamblen are strong because of you, the volunteers. In recognition of the volunteers this year, the children have made thank-you cards and posted them on the bulletin board in the south hallway. Please stop by and take a peek. Listed below are folks that helped with children’s ministries this year:
Sarah Ambrosi
Asher Auld
Bradley Auld
Brian Auld
Marionna Auld
Pastor Jennie Barber
Neil Boekel
Lily Boercker
Brian Brown
Christa Brown
Kathy Bruce
Corey Bryant
Marilyn Carosella
Tom Cusworth
Adrienne Deters
Shannon Dunn
Claire Fague
Jacob Fague
Ava Gentemann
Hillary Ham
Mary Huggins
Gracie Jones
Karen Kelly
Terry Kelly
Brittany Lister
Erika Miller
Liesel Miller
Julia Notske
Mike Rose
Allan Scruggs
Claire Scruggs
Kathleen Seppi
Jim Sipes
Dylan Smith
Maybelle Smith
Amber Wagenblast
Joy Wagner
Katie Wall
Kirsten Wall
Audrey Wallace
Lauren Wallace
Pastor Steve Watts
Kathy Williams
Allison Yinger
Emily Yinger
Stephanie Zoldok
I apologize if I have left anyone off the list. Please let me know if I have missed you. Your help with children’s ministries is very important.

Director of Family Ministry

We are seeking a Director of Children's and Family Ministry to join our dynamic and fun program staff team. This position will lead a mission-driven ministry program for children (birth through fifth grade) and their families. Learn more at
Looking for Adult Nursery Workers

We are looking for adult (over 18) childcare workers to join our team! This is a paid position responsible for providing childcare during church services and related events. The ideal candidate will have availability on Sundays and weekday evenings. If you are interested, please submit your resume to Jessica Munroe at
Office Hours

Church office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM, and Friday, 9 AM to Noon. As always, staff will be available for appointments and meetings beyond the posted hours.
All events meet in person unless otherwise noted:
9 AM Portable Projects
7 PM Choir Rehearsal

FRIDAY, June 3
1 PM Zoom Women’s Bible Study (Gladys' Group)

SUNDAY, June 5
7:30 AM Zoom Sunday AM Bible Study
9 AM In-Person/Online Worship Service
10 AM Pentecost Pancake Party Fundraiser
5 PM Oasis Band Practice
6 PM Oasis Youth Group

MONDAY, June 6
5 PM Caravan Band Practice
6 PM Caravan Youth Group
6:30 PM ANG - Stitching Group
7:30 AM In-Person/Zoom Men’s Bible Study
12:30 PM All-Staff Meeting
6 PM Scout Troop #313

9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2 PM Women’s Bible Study (Betty’s Group)

9 AM Portable Projects
6:30 PM Girl Scout Service Unit #453
7 PM Choir Rehearsal

FRIDAY, June 10
1 PM Zoom Women’s Bible Study (Gladys' Group)
Hamblen Park Preschool Summer Camps 

Calling all 4, 5, and 6 year olds! Join us for Hamblen Park Preschool Summer Camp! It is sure to be a blast! Register online at
Time: 9 AM - 12 PM

Ages: 4-6 yrs

Cost: $100 per camp

Snack Provided
June 13 - 16th: Outdoor Explorers!

We will learn about nature explorers who came before us and take our magnifying glasses and binoculars outside to discover bugs and plants around us.
July 25 - 28th: Wacky Water!

Beat the heat with us! We will explore water in all its forms and have fun with bubbles. Dress for a mess.
Listening for God--Short Story Discussion Group

This popular short story discussion group will meet at the church again this year on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM, June 20-July 24. Group facilitated by Mike Aleman, Andrea Reid, and Pastor Jennie. Come one week or come all--whatever is convenient for your schedule. If the weather is nice we will have the option to meet outside. Story packets will be available soon.
Camp Spalding 2022 Registration is Open

This summer’s camp schedule can be viewed at To receive a code for 50% off your child’s registration fee, contact Sandy Riebe at
HPPC Preschool Registration is Open

Visit our website for more information about days/times and to get your little one signed up: For more information, contact our Preschool Director, Alicia Powell, at or 509-385-0624.
Top of the Hill--2nd Tuesdays from 11:30-1:00

Top of the Hill is back! This monthly event is geared toward retirement-aged folks who want to socialize over a meal, then learn something new. Topics range from presentations by local non-profits to travelogues to local authors or musical programs. RSVPs for each month are due the Thursday before each event. Suggested donation to cover lunch is $8, cash or check. Here is the lineup for the rest of the year:

  • June 14--Verne Windham: The History of KPBX, Spokane Public Radio, and its contribution to Spokane
  • July 12--Marci and Karl Felgenhauer: Farming in the Palouse, Then and Now
  • August 9--Larry Ham: An Egyptian Travelogue
  • September 13--Jo Ivester: Discussion of her Memoir, The Outskirts of Hope, her family's experience as one of two white families in a rural Mississippi town during the civil rights movement. (Books available in the church office)
  • October 11--Scott Cooper, Director Parish Social Ministry, Catholic Charities, will talk on Helping the Homeless
  • November 8--Wes Jessup & Betsy Godlewski, Executive Director and Director of Development at the Museum of Arts and Culture, will tell us what is new at the MAC
  • December 13--Jeannie Wright will be back with her friends, Glen and John, for a Christmas music concert

To RSVP for any of these dates, sign up on the clipboard at the information center or call the church office (509-385-0627) by the Thursday before each event.
Book Club

You can join the Book Club for a discussion in person on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 2 PM. For more information, contact Betty Thompson at

2022/2023 Reading List:
October 20: When the Meadowlark Sings by Nedra Sterry
November 17: The Bible’s Plot by Ken Onstot
January 19: When We Were Young and Brave by Hazel Gaynor
February 16: Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
March 16: When the Last Leaf Falls by Bill Myers
April 20: War Bonds by Cindy Hval
May 18: Horseback Honeymoon by Dorothy Ballard, Ellen and Quincy Scott
Interested in Hosting an Exchange Student?

Rotary Club 21 is hosting an incoming High School exchange student from Germany for the 2022-2023 school year. The student is male and proficient in the English language. The club currently has one host family but needs 1-2 more host families for the student. The host families need to reside in the Ferris High School catchment area. The commitment will be for 4 1/2 months if there are 2 host families or 3 months if there are 3 host families. Host families are not required to have children. If you are interested in hosting this exchange student for part of the 2022-2023 school year, please contact Joe Bruce at for additional information.
Help Send a Kid to Camp!

The Deacons Camp Scholarship Fund helps pay for elementary through high school kids to attend Camp Spalding each summer. A week at camp ranges from $260-$525 and HPPC believes so much in the value of the camp experience that we contribute 50% of the cost (we also contribute a portion to Mom & Me camps for younger kids). So far this year, 43 children have received scholarship codes from us. Typically we spend between $8-$10,000 each summer on this important ministry that is funded strictly through donations. If you would like to help send a kid to camp, you can use a yellow Deacon envelope from the pew or write "Camp Scholarship" on the memo line of your check. You can also donate online at Thank you for your generosity!
Support People Impacted by the Crisis in Ukraine

We pray for peace. We watch with growing concern as geopolitical tensions and violence rise. We trust God in all things, but our hearts break for those most impacted. We have had a lot of people ask about ways to help those affected by the Ukraine/Russia conflict. If you would like to help, visit
Moran Vista Ministry Opportunities

We need worship leaders for once-a-month Sunday worship services at Moran Vista. The service begins at 2:00 pm. Worship leadership needs include a musician, a song leader, and someone to provide an inspiring reading or a simple sermon.

If you would like more information or would like to volunteer for these Moran Vista ministries, contact Joe Bruce at his desk, 509-385-0626. You can also email

Volunteers may sign up HERE for delivery of Bite2Go food kits to Hamblen Elementary. We are again supporting 20 students with Bite2Go take-home meal supplements this school year. Your support has been tremendous the last several years and we look forward to your continued commitment. Volunteers are needed to pick up food at 2nd Harvest and drop off at Hamblen Elementary. Monetary donations help fund the program, which is $5.00 per week, per student. For those who wish to give support through monetary donations, please designate them for ‘Bite2go’.  You can find instructions and a map to Second Harvest HERE. For questions, call Karen Kelly at 509-599-7518. Thank you for committing to this ministry.

JAM (Jesus and Me)
Children's Sunday School

Mid-September to mid-June, children 3yrs-5th grade are invited to the Skylight Room after the Junior Sermon for JAM Sunday School.
Three-year-old through 1st-grade children will gather in self contained classrooms to learn from the Bible. Second grade through fifth grade use the rotation model. Each week, students will learn from the Bible as they rotate through food, games, computer, video, and science sites throughout the building.

Journey (Wednesday Evening Program for 1st-5th Graders)

October through May, Journey meets Wednesday evenings, 5:00 to 7:00pm. Mike Rose and team bring back those wonderful dinners. Karen Kelly brings all her teaching skills into play during our games time. We will have games, Bible study, highs and lows for the week, and laughter. A weekly donation of $4.00 is asked to help support some of the Journey activities. You are encouraged to bring a friend.

For information on our children's programs, visit our website or contact our Director of Children's Ministries, Joe Bruce, at or 509-385-0626.
Kids’ Zone

Starting June 12, and running until Sunday School resumes in September, Kids’ Zone is provided for children three years old through first grade. Sunday mornings following the Junior Sermon, children will go to the Fellowship Hall for fun activities that are tied to a Bible story. HPPC Childcare Supervisor Jessica Munroe and HPPC Youth Julia Notske lead the Kids’ Zone activities.
Children's Ministries Volunteer Opportunities

You can sign up HERE to help with J.A.M. Sunday School, Wednesday evening Journey program, or other volunteer opportunities that impact children. For questions, please contact Joe Bruce at
Youth Ministries (6th-12th Grades)

Come join us for a hangout, games, and some Jesus time! For more information on our youth programs, visit our website's youth page at For questions, contact Mitchel Pierce, Director of Student Ministries, at
Caravan (6th-8th grade):
Mondays 6:00-7:30 PM
Oasis (9th-12th grade):
Sundays 6:00-8:00
Sunday Donuts!

Come grab a snack! Immediately following the service on most Sundays, our middle schoolers and high schoolers meet in the youth room for donuts and a chill hangout time.
Support the Ongoing Mission of HPPC with Your Tithes & Offerings

To make a donation to HPPC (one-time or recurring gift) you may do so HERE.
Thank you for choosing to support our mission to grow active followers of Jesus Christ
and build his community!
Connect with Pastors & Staff

We are here for you! Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM and Friday, 9 AM to Noon. You can connect with pastors and staff by clicking on a link below to email them. Our cell numbers are also listed. Please reach out!

Click to email Pastor Steve Watts, Pastor, Head of Staff, or call/text: (509) 251-0366

Click to email Pastor Jennie Barber, Assoc. Pastor of Care & Outreach, or call/text: (206) 794-0689

Click to email Heather Notske, Dir. of Operations & Group Ministry, or call/text: (509) 251-6468

Click to email Joe Bruce, Director of Children's Ministries, or call/text: (509) 954-3041

Click to email Mitchel Pierce, Director of Student Ministries, or call/text: (206) 739-6126

Click to email Kyla Fague, Interim Worship Director, or call/text: (509) 270-6848

Click to email Trina Limbaugh, Administrative Assistant, or call the office: (509) 448-2909 ext. 101

To submit a prayer request or to be added to the prayer chain, send an email to