When there are no heroes to come to the rescue and God seems absent, how can there be any hope? This Lent, get caught up in the story of a hidden miracle that saves a seemingly forgotten people from destruction. The story of Esther reveals that God remembers us even in our darkest moments. In fact, the story sets the stage for us to see God in action right now. In Christ, we are never forgotten.
Sunday, March 21
Sermon: Who's Better than Esther & Mordecai? Esther 8 & 9: Selected Verses
Sunday, March 28, Palm Sunday
Sermon: Palm-less Sunday
Luke 19:28-40
Friday, April 2, Good Friday
Stations of the Cross displayed in our chapel throughout Holy Week, March 29-April 2.
M-Th Noon-5 PM, Fri. Noon-8 PM
Join us for In-Person or Online Worship!
We are now offering a 9:00 AM Sunday morning in-person worship service. We will be live-streaming the service on YouTube at the same time for those who wish to participate remotely (it will remain online if you would like to watch it later). This video will briefly cover what you can expect at an in-person worship service.
During the 9:00 hour, there will be in-person Sunday school for children in Kindergarten-5th grade, as well as nursery care for younger children. In the Sanctuary on Sundays, household groups will be seated together with empty pews between families, and communion will take place the first Sunday of each month using factory-sealed packets.
Church Officers Ordination & Installation
Due to coronavirus restrictions, we have opted to have the ordination and installation of church officers on Zoom this Sunday at 2:00 p.m. If you are a member of the church, please join us. We hope that at least a small group of you will attend to be part of this 15-minute service. Click HERE to join.
Stations of the Cross
Experience the Scriptural Stations of the Cross during Holy Week at Hamblen this year. Fourteen pieces of art of various mediums, from a range of countries and time periods, will be on display in our chapel along with scripture readings and questions for silent meditation. Take your time experiencing each station as you make your own spiritual pilgrimage through contemplation of the Passion of Christ. The chapel will be open during Holy Week (March 29-April 2) from noon until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and noon until 8:00 p.m. on Good Friday. The 14 Stations will take the place of a traditional Good Friday service.
Easter Door Greeters Needed!
Would you be willing to greet and open the door for worshippers on Easter morning? We are recruiting some friendly volunteers! Contact Trina at trinal@hamblenpres.org or 509-385-0619.
A Request for Sewing Enthusiasts
Mary, the Office Manager at Adams Elementary, is looking for donations of children's cloth masks. If there are any crafters out there who would like to help in this way, give Mary a call at 509-354-2000.
Crosswalk currently serves 18 local homeless and high-risk youth by providing GED schooling, meals, beds, and counseling. In 2020, HPPC donated a total of $2,000 to this ministry. In 2021, $1,000 has been designated to Crosswalk through your pledged donations with hopes for further funding through the Covid-Relief Fund. To learn more about how your donations contribute to this ministry, click HERE. The Spokane at-risk youth are indeed grateful for Hamblen’s continued support. Thank you!
One Great Hour of Sharing
February 17-April 24, join with Presbyterians worldwide in sharing God's love with our neighbors-in-need around the world by providing relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed. This Lenten season, please give generously and DONATE HERE to One Great Hour of Sharing. Learn more at pcusa.org.
Need Help Scheduling a Covid Vaccine?
Are you eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, but need help signing up? Contact Pastor Jennie at the church office (509) 448-2909 or via email jennieb@hamblenpres.org to connect you with someone who can provide assistance.
We're also looking for folks to volunteer to help someone sign up for their vaccine appointments. If you'd like to serve in this way, please contact Pastor Jennie at (509) 448-2909 or email jennieb@hamblenpres.org.
FRIDAY, March 19
1 PM Gladys' Group
SUNDAY, March 21
7:30 AM Sunday AM Bible Study
8 AM Sermon Preview/Prayer Group
9 AM In-Person Worship Service
9:45 AM Zoom Coffee Hour
4 PM Beyond Relief Meeting
6 PM Caravan Girl's In-Person Youth Group
7:30 PM Oasis Girl's In-Person Youth Group
MONDAY, March 22
9 AM Debs in Fellowship Hall
6 PM Caravan Boy's In-Person Youth Group
7:30 PM Oasis Boy's In-Person Youth Group
TUESDAY, March 23
7:30 AM Men's Breakfast and Bible Study
12:30 PM Staff Meeting
9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2 PM Betty's Group
6 PM Journey (1st-5th Graders)
HPPC Book Club
Join the discussion Thursday, March 18, at 2:00 via Zoom on the book, We Are All Welcome Here by Elizabeth Berg. It can be purchased HERE.
Beyond Relief Meeting
Beyond Relief is a group of people at Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church who want to move beyond the charity model of helping people in need to a deeper, more systemic model of changing society in a positive way. We refer to it as community organizing.
We want to make a lasting difference in peoples’ lives, both here at Hamblen and in the larger community around us. Our current focus is housing access, particularly crucial during the COVID pandemic. Please join us on Sunday, March 21, at 4:00 PM via Zoom as we continue to determine ways we can work for positive change. Contact Katie Haney at kabobhaney@hotmail.com for more information.
After the Storms:
Humanitarian Response in Times of Disaster
Hear about what CEDEPCA’s Disaster Ministry is doing in terms of preparedness and response at the next Virtual Journey to Guatemala on March 24, at 7:30 PM. Because a portion of the One Great Hour of Sharing offering goes directly toward CEDEPCA’s disaster ministry in Guatemala, you will see firsthand the impact of your contribution. Pre-registration is required HERE.
From our Mission Co-Workers in Guatemala, Eric and Betsey Moe:
We are celebrating our first year as Mission Co-Workers and are so grateful for your prayers, engagement, and financial support! You are invited to the first annual 'Zoom Tea with the Moes' on Sunday, April 11 at 2:00 p.m. Enjoy an afternoon cup of tea with us while we share pictures and stories about remote ministry in Guatemala carried out from our home in Spokane. RSVP by emailing moetrumpet@gmail.com, after which you will receive the meeting ID.
Save the Date--Tuesday, April 13, 11 AM on Zoom
Top of the Hill will meet virtually with Jason Clark, President and CEO of Second Harvest. Jason will share about the ways Second Harvest has been fulfilling its mission of fighting hunger and feeding hope by bringing community resources together to feed people in need through empowerment, education, and partnerships. He will also share information about the ways the COVID pandemic has impacted Second Harvest's work. Join us via zoom on April 13, at 11 AM. Zoom link will be sent out the day before the event. Please reach out to Pastor Jennie with questions at jennieb@hamblenpres.org.
JAM (Jesus and Me)
Children's Sunday School
JAM Sunday School is in-person at 9:00 AM. Face masks and social distancing will be utilized. Online Sunday School activities will still be available as will a Zoom link if you would like to join Sunday School via Zoom.
Journey (Wednesday Evening Program for 1st-5th Graders)
Journey is in-person and simultaneously on Zoom from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Wednesdays. We continue with the series Bible Science. Join us and see what amazing science God has to show us.
Youth Ministries (6th-12th Grades)
We’re back for weekly in-person small groups! Bring a mask and a friend, and join us for some games and Jesus time. Click HERE for a full statement and plan from Mitchel Pierce, our Director of Student Ministries. Don’t hesitate to contact him with any questions or concerns at mitchelp@hamblenpres.org
Caravan (6th-8th grade):
Girls: Sundays 6:00-7:00 PM
Boys: Mondays 6:00-7:00 PM
Oasis (9th-12th grade):
Girls: Sundays 7:30-8:30 PM
Boys: Mondays 7:30-8:30 PM
Support the Ongoing Mission of HPPC with Your Tithes & Offerings
To make a donation to HPPC (one-time or recurring gift) you may do so HERE.
Thank you for choosing to support our mission to grow active followers of Jesus Christ
and build his community!
Connect with Pastors & Staff
Even though the HPPC office isn't open in the traditional sense, we are here for you! You can set up a phone or Zoom appointment with pastors and staff by clicking on the link below to email them. Our cell numbers are also listed. Please reach out!