Sunday, September 4, 2022
Liturgical Day: Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Philemon 11-21
Sermon: Rooted In Forgiveness
Join us for refreshments and fellowship following the worship service.
Haygood's Sunday service is live streamed. You can view it live at 11AM on our YouTube channel by clicking here. The live stream will also be available from the Haygood website. You can view last week's worship here.
The nursery as well as Children’s Church are available during worship. All nursery workers, staff, and volunteers working with children are vaccinated. Parents will check-in for Children’s Church and nursery in the front of the Sanctuary or in the back (Narthex) as you enter. For more information: Children's Ministries.
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Holy Communion
Sunday, September 11
(re-scheduled from September 4 due to the Labor Day holiday weekend)
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Heritage Sunday
Guest Preacher: Dr. Bob Winstead
Sunday, October 16
Dr. Bob Winstead will be our preacher.
Bob served as pastor at Haygood from 2004-2008. A luncheon in the Fellowship Hall will follow!
Join us as we remember our church history and prepare for its future.
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The Happy Camper visited Sydney Marcus Park last Friday night for the Concert in the Park. The community turnout for the event was impressive and the music was awesome. The popcorn we served with Oreo cookie crumbles and gummy worms was a big hit, but the real stars of the show were the young volunteers (along with their parents) who manned the Camper. They truly did an amazing job and made their Haygood family very proud. | |
Zoe Seiler
Assistant, Youth Ministry
Zoe holds a bachelor's degree from Simpson College in multimedia journalism and political science. She began attending Haygood in 2019, started volunteering with the Haygood youth group in 2020, and joined the staff in 2021. Hear more of Zoe's story in this short video.
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Rise Against Hunger
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Our church has an ambitious goal of packing 21,000 meals through the organization Rise Against Hunger. This is entirely possible with your help. Rise Against Hunger is an international hunger relief organization that distributes food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable, mobilizing the necessary resources to end hunger by 2030. You are no doubt aware that food prices have increased significantly during the past year so this effort will require over $8,000 in funding. You are certainly welcome to help us fundraise. This year each meal will cost 39 cents.
Haygood is sponsoring a Rise Against Hunger event on Sunday, September 25. We will gather in the gym, begin with a devotional and music in place of our usual Sanctuary worship, then assemble thousands of meals for those in the US and around the world who suffer from food insecurity. If you have attended our Rise Against Hunger events in the past, you know it's a high-energy, fun experience made possible by your donation of time, effort, and funds. Whatever you can contribute is greatly appreciated.
We will have nursery care available for three years and younger. Children three years and up are able to help with cards to senior adults or help with the food packing.
We will be working in 2 shifts: 10:00-11:30AM and 11:45 AM-1:15 PM.
To contribute and/or volunteer, please click here.
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Haygood Yard Signs
Now - September 30
Help us encourage our neighborhood with God’s word. Remind our community that “this is the day the Lord has made” and they can rejoice in it.
Signs may be picked up in the Narthex after Sunday service, during the week at the Church office, or best of all, reserve a sign online and we'll deliver it to your house.
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Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday, September 7
Join us from 5:30-6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall. Our prices are $11/adult and $6/child. Advance reservations are required by Tuesday, August 30 at 2PM.
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Children's Sunday School
September 11 - November 13
Every Sunday, 10:00-10:45 am
Ages 3yrs - 5th grade
You’re invited to join us as we re-launch Sunday School programming for children. This is an 8-week course with time off for Atlanta Public School fall break.
Registration not required, but is encouraged for staffing purposes.
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Book Study
Come Back: Returning To the Life You Were Made For
September 15 -November 3
Every Thursday, 6:30PM
(please note the correct start time is 6:30PM, not 5:30PM as previously stated )
We all experience setbacks. Loss, failure, and even tragedy are part of life. But when these start to define us, it’s time to regroup. In Come Back: Returning to the Life You Were Made For, Roger Ross discusses the essentials for rising up and out of bad circumstances. This engaging book tells turnaround stories from sports, history, and everyday life, tracing Jesus’s parable of the prodigal son to reveal five crucial stages for every comeback. Each stage is paired with an ancient spiritual practice designed to help everyday people turn some part of their life around. Reserve your spot now.
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Children's Advent Drama
Casting Call and Rehearsals
Early October thru November
Come join our drama! We are hosting a children’s Advent performance that will engage our children and congregation in an inspiring way. Children will help tell about Jesus’ family and all the faithful and sometimes bizarre people in it…much like our own. If your child is interested in joining us, here is some info to note. Kids can do both children’s choir and drama as rehearsals will not conflict. We will begin rehearsals with a casting call in early October. There is room for everyone so this casting call isn’t an audition, but more of an opportunity to explore who will fill what roles. Rehearsals will occur once a week during October and November (with a break for Thanksgiving). Then following Thanksgiving, we will have a few dress rehearsals to prepare for our Sunday morning performance. If you’re interested in joining us, please contact Caroline Enright at
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Your gifts and sacrifice ensure we continue our mission to create disciples for Jesus Christ for the good of the world. Please consider giving online or by mailing a check.
TEXT TO GIVE - Text HAYGOOD to 73256
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Sunday School Volunteers Needed
September 11 - November 13
Sundays @ 10:00-10:45AM
If you would like to help lead a Children's Sunday School class, please contact Caroline Enright ( for more details. Nursery care will be offered to
volunteers who are leading classes. All materials will be provided.
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*NEW* Greeter Volunteers Needed
September 2022 thru August 2023
Various Sundays, 10:30-11AM
At Haygood, we believe in showing radical hospitality, especially on Sunday mornings. You’re invited to serve as greeters! Greeters provide a needed smile and directional assistance, and welcome people as they prepare to enter the sanctuary. Greeters serve from 10:30-11AM.
We are hoping to collect a list of volunteers that can be scheduled as-needed on a rotating basis (not every week). If you would like to volunteer to be part of the team, please fill out this form and we'll put you into the rotation. Thank you in advance for stepping up for this meaningful part of our Sunday worship services.
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To "witness" is to live our faith publicly, using our talents in ways that can be seen. As members of Haygood, we pledge to participate in its ministries through prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness. | |
Children's Choir
September 7, 2022 - May 10, 2023
Children's Choirs are back! We have choirs for all ages, and we are looking forward to a wonderful year of music from our kids and youth. Rehearsals will be every Wednesday evening.
Cherub Choir
- ages 4 and 5
- rehearsal from 5:00–5:30PM
Joy Jammers
- grades 1 – 5
- rehearsal from 5:00-5:30PM
Harmonics Youth Ensemble
- grades 6 - 12
- rehearsal from 5:35-6:05PM
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More details about each program and the registration form are available here.
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Please take a moment to explore the Church Membership Roll on Realm, available from the Haygood website. You can access it by logging into the site below. Many find the online directory in Realm invaluable for locating contact information or matching children and spouses to names.
Your visibility on the Membership Roll is determined by your privacy settings. The default privacy settings limit your contact information to administrators or the members of small groups you're involved with. This means you will not appear on the membership roll.
To make your contact information available for your fellow church members to view on the Membership Roll, a small update to your privacy preference is needed.
Here's how you do it:
Log into the site.
- Click your name in the upper-right corner, and select Manage Privacy.
- Select your name, or the name of a family member. Privacy settings are unique to each individual in your family.
- Select the privacy option you're comfortable with, or click Custom Privacy and select options for each field.
- Click Save.
If you have questions or did not receive an email to enable you to log in to REALM, please
send an email with details of the issue you have encountered,
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Haygood is a
Safe Sanctuaries Church
As prescribed by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, Haygood MUMC has established a Safe Sanctuaries Policy and accompanying procedures that demonstrates our strong and unwavering commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of children, youth,
and adults. To view our policy and volunteer training information, click here.
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1015 East Rock Springs Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Church Office: 404.872.9613
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