Sunday, October 20
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture: Mark 10: 35-45
Sermon: Love Your Neighbor
Preaching: Rev. Will Zant
Please join us for refreshments and fellowship immediately following our worship.
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Haygood services are live streamed. Each Sunday you can view the 11AM service live on our YouTube channel by clicking here. The live stream will also be available from the Haygood website.
The nursery is available during services for children aged 6 weeks to 2 years. Parents will check-in for Children’s Church and nursery. For more information: Children's Ministries.
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This Sunday, October 20 Georgia Boy Choir
10:50AM, Sanctuary
The Georgia Boy Choir will be at Haygood this Sunday, October 20, to provide music during worship. Mark your calendar and be sure to join us early at 10:50AM for this special service.
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Your gifts and sacrifice ensure we continue our mission to create disciples for Jesus Christ for the good of the world. Please consider giving online or by mailing a check. | |
Clergy/ Staff Appreciation Month
Did you know that October is Clergy/ Staff appreciation month! Here at Haygood we are blessed to have an amazing team that helps to bring our mission as a Church to life in our community and beyond every day. The Staff-Parrish Relations Committee gets to spend time with this amazing team, and we thought Clergy/ Staff Appreciation month would be a great opportunity to share their stories with the broader Haygood community.
Each week, we'll highlight Haygood staff members and give a peek behind the curtain as to who they are and what drives them.
Other ways you can recognize Haygood Clergy & Staff:
- There are two Staff Appreciation boxes stationed at Haygood (Fellowship Hall and the Sanctuary Narthex), leave a note of thanks or appreciation for your favorite Staff member!
- In December, you'll hear more from the SPRC about the Staff LOVE Offering - a special collection that goes straight to the Haygood Staff in recognition for their dedication and service throughout the year
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Staff Spotlight: Tess Welch
I was born in Houston, TX, where I lived for 18 years before moving to Atlanta in August 2022 to become the Children’s Ministry Assistant at Haygood. Throughout my life, I’ve learned many important lessons, but two stand out: the value of maintaining a routine and the necessity of keeping a Google Calendar—if it’s not in my G-Cal, I’m likely to forget it. Currently, I geek out over United Methodist polity, board games, and the movie *Princess Diaries*. As I’m still in seminary, I often think about writing a book on various theological topics, though I feel more inclined to craft a personal narrative filled with stories. My creativity sparks when I brainstorm with others or draw things out, as I’m a visual learner who loves making to-do lists and doodling my thoughts. I tend to lose track of time when I’m cooking or hanging out with friends, especially when we binge-watch shows together—it's surprising how many episodes we can get through before I realize the time! I’m generally a smiley person, finding joy in the company of others, being in nature, and cooking or dining out; my biggest smiles come when I’m surrounded by friends.
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Love Your Neighbor
Join us as we begin our Stewardship Campaign
with a 24-hour prayer vigil. This is a wonderful opportunity for our church community to come together in faith, reflection, and support.
The prayer vigil will take place October 19th, beginning at 11AM and will end just before our church service on October 20th.
Please click here to participate by signing up for a 15-minute (OR MORE) time slot that works for you.
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Creation Care Team Survey
As part of Haygood's "Love Your Neighbor" emphasis for 2024/2025, we are inviting members/friends to express their interest in partnering with or serving on a Creation Care Team we are forming to become more intentional in caring for God's creation in our community of faith. We will be inspired by established Methodist principles in environmental stewardship and informed by how we are led as a Church to serve each other and all who could be considered our neighbors. We will be partnering throughout this process with Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL), a proven faith-based non-profit that equips communities of faith to organize and implement practical climate solutions throughout Georgia.
Please prayerfully respond to the survey by clicking here and stay tuned.
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Chancel Choir Open Rehearsal & Christmas Music Kickoff Wednesday, October 23, 7 - 8 PM
Do you love to sing? Have you dreamed of performing in our Christmas concert or during the Advent Season worship? Join us for an open rehearsal and discover what it’s like to sing with the Haygood Chancel Choir! Our Christmas repertoire features traditional hymns, moving new arrangements of familiar carols, and selections from Handel's Messiah. For more information and to RSVP, please contact choir representative Ruth Sommerville at We can’t wait to welcome you!
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It's Scary to be Hungry 2024 Food Drive
Haygood will host a food drive for those served by Intown Cares Food Pantry. Haygood Street Captains will distribute flyers and (compostable) bags throughout the neighborhood on Saturday, Oct 26th and collect on Saturday, Nov. 2nd.
Can you help? Contact drive coordinator, Richard Newman,, 404-710-5569 to join the team. Please see Intown's website for detailed needs.
Can't get to the grocery store or cupboards are bare?? Check out Intown's Amazon Wishlist and donate directly using their "ship to" (be sure to note Haygood/Scary to be Hungry in the Gift notes.)
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Click here to check out our full list of Upcoming Events on the Haygood website.
Follow our Facebook page for updates and event announcements. We are promoting our church events online to reach more people. Consider clicking ‘interested’ or ‘going’ for events and inviting your Facebook friends. Visit Haygood Memorial UMC to like and follow us today!
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Church Directory: Register Now for Photos! October 23-26, The Living Room
Love Your Neighbor! That’s this year’s theme for stewardship. You will hear more soon. An exciting feature of this year’s campaign is our church directory. We ask for your participation in an effort to love our neighbors and get to know each other. We are excited to partner with Heritage Church Directories to create a photo directory for our church. They will be on-site for photographs October 23 through 26. Photo slots are 20 minutes long, and everyone photographed will receive a free 11x14 print. Register online today for your preferred date and time. Please contact Tess Welch at if you would like to volunteer to welcome members as they arrive or if you have any questions.
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December Save the Dates:
Community Tree Lighting
December 1st 6PM
On the Plaza featuring the Georgia Boy Choir
Community Christmas Concert
December 8th 6PM
Choirs, Soloists, Chamber Orchestra, Organ, Handbells
(Children’s program offered)
Live Nativity
Dec. 14th &15th
Live retelling of the Christmas Story by our Youth Group
Christmas Eve Worship
December 24th
4PM Family Pageant and Service
6PM Candlelight, Music and Communion
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Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 20
4PM, Haygood Plaza
Whiskers, Bella, Mittens and Spot are invited! On October 20, we are celebrating and blessing our furry, feathered and scaly friends who enrich our lives! Please bring your pets to the plaza for a special blessing that honors the love they offer. All creatures, great and small, are welcome (including stuffed animals). Please ensure your animals are leashed or in a carrier. Let’s come together in faith and gratitude for God’s creation!
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Women in the Gospel of Luke
Women in the Gospel of Luke is a 6-week study open to adults of all knowledge levels and comfort with Scripture. In this group, we’ll explore key themes of the Gospel of Luke and examine the import roles women play in Luke’s narrative.
This study is taught by Ms. Tess Welch as a part of her requirements to begin the lengthy process towards ordination. We encourage you to support her on this journey, as she brings her passion for Scripture to this group. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other and deepen our faith as we walk alongside Tess in her calling! This group will meet 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18, and end on 12/2.
Click here to register.
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Youth Halloween Party
The Youth Halloween Party will be on October 25. This will be a lock-in, so drop your kiddos off at 5:30 and pick them up the next day at 7:30 AM. That evening, we will be participating in the Escape the Woods escape room at Sleepy Hallow Farms. The cost to cover your kid's ticket and transportation will be $70.00 per person. Please ensure your child is at the church by 6:45 PM so they can ride to the escape room. If you have any questions, please email Erich at
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Haygood's Fall Festival
Sunday, October 27
5-7PM, Haygood Plaza and Parking Lot
Start planning your trunk or treat decorations, because Haygood's Fall Festival is back! We'll have a bouncy house, a game truck, hot dogs, carnival snacks, and the Haygood Happy Camper. Please help us plan how many spots to hold by clicking here to host a trunk.
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To "witness" is to live our faith publicly, using our talents in ways that can be seen. As members of Haygood, we pledge to participate in its ministries through prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness. | |
Please take a moment to explore the Church Membership Roll on Realm. Your visibility on the Membership Roll is determined by your privacy settings. The default privacy settings limit your contact information to administrators or the members of small groups you're involved with. This means you will not appear on the membership roll. To make your contact information available for your fellow church members to view on the Membership Roll, a small update to your privacy preferences is needed.
Here's how you do it:
Log into the site.
- Click your name in the upper-right corner, and select Manage Privacy.
- Select your name, or the name of a family member. Privacy settings are unique to each individual in your family.
- Select the privacy option you're comfortable with, or click Custom Privacy and select options for each field.
- Click Save.
If you have questions or did not receive an email to enable you to log in to Realm, please send an email with details of the issue you encountered.
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Haygood is a
Safe Sanctuaries Church
As prescribed by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, Haygood MUMC has established a Safe Sanctuaries Policy and accompanying procedures that demonstrates our strong and unwavering commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of children, youth, and adults. To view our policy and volunteer training information, click here.
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1015 East Rock Springs Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Church Office: 404.872.9613
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