Our Mission: To care for anyone experiencing the impact 
of a life-threatening illness or grieving the death of a loved one.
This week, more than 30,000 school counselors nationwide will be celebrating National School Counseling week.  This week will highlight the tremendous impact school counselors have in helping students achieve academic success and plan for their futures. An integral part of the work of a school counselor is identifying underlying reasons when students exhibit depression, anger or a sudden decline in performance.  When untended grief is interfering with a student's success, counselors can rely on the resources and expertise of Hospice of Santa Barbara's Youth Bereavement Outreach program.  Since 2010, through our partnerships with area school campuses, we have been providing free, on campus grief and bereavement counseling to elementary through college age students.
On behalf of everyone at Hospice of Santa Barbara, we salute the unique contribution of the school counselors in helping our students achieve not only success in school but also helping them discover their full potential.

P.S.: We are pleased to welcome Santa Ynez Union High School as our new community partner.

Youth Bereavement
It's hard to imagine anything more difficult for a child or teen than dealing with the death of parent or loved one.  Beyond feeling profound sadness, they must also deal with the terror of thinking that there is no one to take care of them, the anger at being abandoned, and the overwhelming sense of separation and loss. 
Through our Youth Bereavement Outreach program, we have a continued presence on six area school campuses providing free grief and bereavement counseling.  Additionally, when any school experiences a death in their community, Hospice of Santa Barbara counselors can respond by meeting with teachers, faculty and students to begin the healing work.
Our on-campus counseling services provides a safe avenue for students to vent their feelings and learn that they are not alone.  Without our continued presence on campus, many of these students would not have access to professional grief support to help them cope.  Our work extends to educating teachers and staff on how to deal with students' questions around traumatic death and identifying sings of unresolved grief within the student population.
"We know that children and teens who lose a loved one, and who do not find help, can often experience depression, anger, and problems in school," Hospice of Santa Barbara CEO David Selberg said.  "We know that we are giving them a different future, a path of strengthened character and hope.  These students are our future generation.  We are improving their lives in profound ways, and those positive effects will be felt for years to come."
New Board Members

Hospice of Santa Barbara is pleased to announce the appointment of Teri Lee, Mike McGrew and Cynthia Stoddard to its Board of Directors.  
Each brings their wealth of expertise, passion for our mission and a personal understanding of the importance of Hospice of Santa Barbara to our community.

Click here to learn more about Teri.

Click here to learn more about Mike. 
Click here to learn more about Cynthia.
I Have a Friend® Program Volunteers Wanted 
Hospice of Santa Barbara is seeking volunteers to make a difference in a child's life by joining the I Have A Friend®" Mentor program.

Mentor Volunteers are adults who experienced the death of a parent or sibling as a child and are trained and matched with children who have recently experienced a similar loss. Mentors model resiliency and serve as a beacon toward "feeling normal again".

For training dates and an application, please contact Nicole Romasanta, Director of Volunteer Services at nromasanta@hospiceofsb.org.

Upcoming Events
February 10th
Art Exhibition Opening of Works by Jim Hill
Leigh Block Gallery at  Hospice of Santa Barbara
Be Your Own Valentine- 
A workshop with Marilee Zdenek
4:00 - 6:00 pm
Community Five Wishes Workshop
The Alliance for Living and Dying Well offers free community workshops to facilitate end-of-life discussion and assistance in completing advanced health care directives.  Workshops are offered the third Thursday of each month at HSB. 
To register, please call 805-845-5314.
Ongoing Support Groups
Thank you for all that you do to support our work! 
It is a remarkable privilege to witness the difference we make for those we serve on a daily basis. It is only through your generosity that we can accomplish all that we do and will do in the future.

Donate Now
Hospice of Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez Valley Union High School Partner for Student Bereavement
Through this new partnership, school counselors will identify and refer students to HSB for bereavement counseling - a therapeutic assistance toward coping with issues of grief and/or mortality. These students may have experienced the death of family members or friends, have loved ones who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses or may be experiencing life-threatening illnesses themselves.
Click here to read more.

Welcome our New Community Education Program Coordinator!

Hospice of Santa Barbara is pleased to announce Stephen Jones as its new Community Education Program Coordinator.

As Community Education Program Coordinator, Stephen will work to empower the community with information on 
end-of-life issues and raise awareness of the supportive programs and services freely given by Hospice of Santa Barbara. 
To read more about Stephen, click here.

Contact Us
Hospice of Santa Barbara
2050 Alameda Padre Serra
Ste. 100
Santa Barbara, CA 93103

Phone: (805) 563-8820
Fax: (805) 563-8821

Email: info@hospiceofsb.org

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