March 25, 2022

The Institute for Spiritual Development
Oneonta Chapter
A Metaphysical Church and School for Spiritual Development
“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
Carl Jung

Our next
Metaphysical Service
will be on Zoom only on Sunday April 3.
Stay tuned for full details.
What's Happening at ISD Oneonta?

  • Tonight, Thursday March 24 at 5:30pm, is Part 1 of The Swing of the Pendulum for Life Decisions. Tonight's class is with Judy Lyn and is a required class for the IPP program.

  • Also tonight, for those of you who have been unable to join our Thursday morning dream circles with Story Ducey, she has added in a Thursday evening circle. Join the Dream Message Circle at 7:30 pm on Thursdays

  • Sunday April 3rd, will be our all Members Annual Convention to look over our accomplishments, plan for next year, and approve the budget, the Board Members. Save the date, this is your chance to have your voice heard!

  • If you attend regular weekly development circles, check out our new Lightseeker's Discount below!

  • Our previous Zoom homilies are available on our YouTube channel!  If you are looking for a little 'pick-me-up' or there is one that you would like to relisten to, they are all there waiting for you at the below link.

Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram and don't forget to check out our channel on Youtube
ISD Oneonta Membership

Are you committed to your spiritual unfoldment and to expanding your intuitive skills through regular practice with a like-minded supportive community, under ISD Faculty’s excellent tutelage?

Introducing the “Lightkeeper’s Discount”:
For a donation of $40/month you may attend any & all OPEN development circles throughout the month, from 2 to 15 circles.
If you attend 3 circles a week, the normal suggested donation for the month would be $120, and with the LightSeeker’s Discount, you pay only $40.
Please mark your donation (at the donation button on the website home page) as being for the monthly ‘Lightseeker’s Discount’.
Please help us to keep offering quality classes, beautiful metaphysical services, and engaging development circles by clicking on the donate button below to make a donation to ISD Oneonta.
No amount is too small! If you are a member making a pledge, please mention that in the comments
Adult Education

Interested in joining our
Intuitive Practitioner Certificate Program?
This is a rolling program, there is always still time to join
If you are seeking a deeper spiritual connection with the ability to tune in to your own higher guidance for accurate answers to life path questions,
If you have a firm commitment to your spiritual awakening, with the desire to gain self-understanding as well as to guide loved ones, clients, as well as yourself, with your intuitive gifts,
then this program is for you. . .

Here is a link to the required course work to complete the program:

Thursday March 24th & Thursday March 31
The Swing of the Pendulum for Life Decisions
Dowsing with a pendulum, is one of the oldest forms of divination. It allows you to tune in to subtle universal energies for guidance. In Part I of this class, Judy Lynn brings you closer to your pendulum with a greater understanding of how it best works for you. In Part II Renee Ranke leads you on a journey to discover your own internal pendulum.
There is a required class for the IPP students, but open to everyone

Thursday April 7th & Thursday April 14th
Chakras: The Spiritual Growth Highway
Chakras form our energy anatomy. When clear of blockages, they keep us healthy and balanced. JoAnn Wormuth, Master Energy Healer, leads us to discover the meaning and purpose of each chakra. We will learn to address & clear any impurities in our own energy system. There will be energy exercises & as well as self-discovery and healing meditations.
There is a required class for the IPP students, but open to everyone

Saturday April 23rd
Sing Yourself Home: a soulful singing retreat
We are delighted to announce this long-awaited chance to sing together in person, in this soulful singing retreat, in honor of Earth Day. Chelsea Frisbee, certified coach, spiritual mentor, and writer leads us in this day of relaxation & sacred renewal. Singing opens our hearts, invites connection to the divine & deepens us into community together. Let your own voice lead you into beauty and inquiry through this community spiritual practice that binds our hearts and voices together. 

Opt in for Lunch for an extra $5

Sunday April 24th
IET Healing Angels of the Energy Field
This is an in-person class with a limit of 10 register soon!
This amazing in-person workshop is for anyone who loves angels. Under the guidance of Integrated Energy Therapy© Instructor, and ISD Oneonta's Healing Program Director, JoAnn Wormuth.
You will learn how to energetically connect with nine healing angels, and develop a relationship with them which will assist you in your personal transformation.
Students will be provided with The Healing Angels of the Energy Field workbook to support their learning experience. Certificate of Completion will be granted.

Saturday April 30th, Saturday May 14th, and Saturday May 21st all from 10am - 12pm

Self-care for Lightworkers
Join Rev. Melinda Witter, ISD-TC, for a mission critical journey into Self-Care for Lightworkers and Healthcare workers.
As healers and lightworkers, we often put the needs of others before our own physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being. In this three-part series, we will explore the multitude of tools and practices to boost our self-care and have an abundance of resources to share with others. 
This course is a requirement for ISD's Intuitive Practitioner Certificate Program, and for the Healing Practitioner Certificate Program, but is open to anyone at all levels of interest and development
Join us during the week for our open Online Development circles for anyone looking to further their spiritual and intuitive growth!

Join one/two/or join them all!
Take your pick. We have meditation and messaging or 'dream weaving'....please join us and tap into your own spiritual connection

Suggested Donation for these circles is $10 Please click below to make a donation to ISD and note what circle the donation is for
Introducing the “Lightseeker’s Discount”:
For a donation of $40/month you may attend any & all OPEN development circles.
(Those eligible for the Lightseeker's discount are in green and marked with an asterisk below * )
Weekly Development Circles:

2:30pm-4pm EST

* Learning & Psychic Development Circle

With Renee Ranke. These experiential intuitive development circles are designed to be a place to step away from the weight of the everyday world.
Click below for additional information and the Zoom link
email interest or questions:[email protected]
5:30-6:30 pm EST

*Wise Wednesday Meditation and Intuitive Development Circle

Facebook Live meditation and Zoom intuitive development circle with our own pastor and co-director, Rev. Diana Friedell
Click below for additional information:
RSVP to Diana [email protected]

10-11:30am EST
and also
7:30-9pm EST

* Dream Message Circle

With Rev. Story Lucile Ducey. This circle is dedicated to receiving, recording and discussing the messages many of us are receiving in our ‘night school journeys.’
Click below for additional details
RSVP to Story [email protected]


Monthly Circles:

3rd Thursdays
7-8 pm EST
Next circle is Thursday March 17th
* Path of the Magdalene Meditation Sessions
Path of the Magdalene Meditation sessions are an opportunity to join together monthly to activate the healing frequencies of Mary Magdalene in your own life.
Click below for additional information
RSVP to Dale to receive the Zoom Link [email protected]
1st Friday 
6:30-7:30pm EST
Next circle is Friday April 1st
* Multidimensional Happy Hour

With Rev. Amanda Hoover. Join your guides and higher self for an all natural HAPPY HOUR party in the higher planes with Amanda. Our carefree lighthearted higher guidance and connecting with like-minded souls is a great way to go into the weekend feeling rejuvenated and full of loving vibration.
Click below for additional details and Zoom link
Weekly Groups
Group Participation Price: $10/Session, payable directly to Story Ducey. (Not part of Lightkeeper's Discount Pass)
Contact Story for more information
7-8:30pm EST
Oracle Group

With Story Ducey. This experimental group will focus on deep meditation for healing and renewal and seeking guidance, teachings and homework from Spirit.
Click below for additional information:
email interest and to get the Zoom link:[email protected]
7-8:30pm EST
Evidential Mediumship Group

With Story Ducey. This is an Advanced Group recommended for those with some classes or experience under their belt.
If you join in, you will be working under Story's expert tutelage- practice receiving evidence and message work in a friendly group.

email interest and to get the Zoom link:[email protected]

Check out our March 2022 events calendar on for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook to see our events posted there.

Helen Keller
by Langston Hughes

In the dark,
Found light
Brighter than many ever see.
Within herself,
Found loveliness,
Through the soul's own mastery.
And now the world receives
From her dower:
The message of the strength
Of inner power.

Our Weekly Astrological Forecast

Connie’s Celestial Conversations

Last week gifted us with the fantastic Kite formation that coincided with the Full Moon and Spring Equinox. It was very fortunate. As movements are commonly cyclical, this week has a different character that can only be labeled CAUTIONARY.

There are two sign changes on Monday, Mar 28th. Mercury enters Aries and Lilith moves from Gemini into Cancer where she will be for the next 9 months. Mercury in Aries can be challenging. Communications can lean to the aggressive, reactionary, and competitive. Lilith chafes, perhaps, the most in Cancer.

Lilith is a much maligned figure in religion and culture. She is said to be Adam's first wife who would not be subordinate to him, so she fled Eden. She has been depicted as the dark, villainous feminine. Much lore has her as a destructive, even evil, force in earlier eras. After much suppression her time has now come to take on a different face and to come into her power. She is fierce and may not emerge quietly. Lilith may now shed the shadows and shine the full light of the Divine, Primordial, Feminine in her full glory. Think of the statue of the Fearless Girl staring down the huge bull on Wall Street for a while a few years back! Wielded with wisdom and with careful attention to proper timing, Lilith in Cancer for the rest of this year can greatly assist the adjustment of the imbalance between the masculine and feminine.

In Astrology Black Moon Lilith is the mathematical point when the Moon is the farthest away from the Earth in her orbit, the Apogee. Her orbit is erratic adding to her reputation as a wild woman. Lilith is an additional chart character that can add much depth to the study of an individual's feminine expression, whether they be male or female.

The caution spoken of is due to a series of oppositions and squares at the beginning of the week involving many planets.

For several days the Moon and Lilith are opposite each other and square the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune. It will create a right triangle in the sky. Both Astrological aspects of the Goddess will be facing off with each other and half the planets. Challenges and oppositions without smooth edges will possibly present themselves in many areas of your life for the first part of the week. Wisdom might best be served by spending those days in quiet contemplation and analysis, holding your words and decisions close. You will be able to take action where it's needed toward the end of the week with better results.

The squares with Lilith and the Moon dissipate after a few days and rotate into benevolent Trines with each other and Venus, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon. The best traits of the full Goddess will shine brightly with the Moon, Venus, and Lilith in cooperative formation to each other.

There is another aspect worth discussing. The Sun is conjunct comet Chiron for 6 days beginning on Saturday the 26th. Chiron is a comet with a large, erratic orbit between Saturn and Uranus. It is called the Wounded Healer and is named for the Greek Centaur. When the Sun shines directly on Chiron our deepest wounds are brought into the light. These are often wounds from early life and can be difficult to discover. You may be comforted by the fact that Chiron is a gifted Healer who can help you transform your deepest pain.

The Sun has started the new Zodiac cycle in Aries. Shine your light as much as possible in this time of new growth. May this time around the wheel find us all vibrating closer to our Godspeed!
And the Good News Is!!!!!

  • The James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) has released its first image; a beautiful view of a twinkling orange star. Gaze at this amazing photo and read about this iconic telescope, with its 18 hexagonal beryllium mirrors, that pushes the limits of the ‘laws of physics’ in This Live Science article.

  • And speaking of space telescopes, according to This article, government scientists are getting ready to peer inside the Great Pyramid by utilizing a ‘next-generation’ muon telescope that will produce a true tomographic image of the complete pyramid.

  • Israeli researchers with the Weizmann Institute have published a study finding that naturally produced antibodies may actually be the answer to developing new cancer immunotherapies. Details in This Jerusalem Post article. 

Do you or someone you know need some assistance with mental health issues or coping. Here is a link to the US Department of Health & Human Services that will provide you with resources and tools to help deal with the stress.

Did you know that there are other ISD chapters?
It all began with ISD Sparta NJ!
Now there are also chapters in Madison NJ, Washington DC, Sarasota Fla, Treasure Cost Fla, and of course....right here in Oneonta NY.

We would ALL like to welcome you to our new Institute for Spiritual Development Facebook group:

Like and Follow on Facebook
Together we shine love and light to souls around the country and around the world with education, metaphysical services, healing and community.
We support YOU in your quest to explore, build, and develop your own spiritual connection
Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now

Each day at 5 PM EST, we will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all.
You do not have to be present each day. Requests for healing or suggestions should be submitted to our Healing Program director, Jo Ann Wormuth at the below ISD website link:

Looking for some easy ways to donate to ISD Oneonta?
You can donate your cans and bottles or set up a donation when you shop with Amazon

Got Bottles & Cans to return?

ISD has a CLYNK account at Hannaford in Oneonta. 
How can I help? 
Email Tom Landon at [email protected] and he will give you a time to pick up stickers at our new ISD headquarters.
Take one to put on each bag that you are bringing to Hannaford- Ask someone there where the bags go. With that correct tag on it, the bottle deposit money goes directly into the ISD Oneonta Account.
Shopping through Amazon?
Use AmazonSmile and choose Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta NY as your charity and we will get a donation from Amazon each time you shop.

How to use AmazonSmile on a web browser:
  • Visit
  • Sign in with the same account you use for
  • Select Institute for Spiritual Development Oneonta, NY as your charity
  • Start shopping! Remember to checkout at to generate a donation for ISD
How to use AmazonSmile using the Amazon app on your mobile phone:
  • Open the Amazon Shopping app
  • Navigate to the main menu (=)
  • Tap on Settings and then select “AmazonSmile”
  • Select Institute for Spiritual Development Oneonta, NY as your charity and then follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile in the mobile app
  • Once AmazonSmile has been activated in your app, future eligible app purchases will generate a donation for ISD
What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?
It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center originally founded 40 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy.
We stand for each individual’s right to seek their own personal Truth, as they respect the same right for others. We honor the sacred texts of all traditions of the Light.

The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.

ISD is a spiritual community that focuses on healing and intuitive connection, and the joy of finding the spirit connection within rather than being told how it should or could be experienced.
We welcome those who want to belong to a spiritual group of like-minded people, in which you can explore and find your own path in a community of love and support.

There are classes, services, events, and a sense of community and fellowship. Energy healing and intuitive messages are delivered as a regular part of the worship service. Classes offer many tools which will help you on your life path, and the community we are creating together is one of openness and acceptance, and the ability to adapt with change and growth.
Welcome Home!!!
We could use your help. If you would like to volunteer to help with our Metaphysical Library, event planning, service planning, website, office tasks, or anything else- Just call or email! Diana!
ISD Oneonta Board of Directors
Shown left to right, Kimberly Winsor, Rev. Amanda Hoover
Kimberly Winsor - President
Sali Dellysse - Treasurer
Susan Owens - Secretary
Tom Landon - Trustee
Maggie Kilbride - Trustee
Story Ducey - Trustee
Melissa Stagnaro - Trustee
Amanda Hoover - ex officio
Diana Friedell - ex officio

Our ISD Leadership
Shown left to right, Rev. Diana Friedell, Rev. Story Ducey
Diana Friedell - Pastor
Amanda Hoover - Co-Director
Story Lucile Ducey,
Adult Education/Programming Chair
Ministry Training Program
JoAnn Wormuth Director of Healing

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Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center. . .