With Purim behind us, Passover just ahead and a world filled with turmoil, I feel overwhelmed and confused, and I also feel resilient and hopeful.

If I am feeling this way, how do our clients feel? How can JFCS help heal and care for those whose day-to-day lives are intertwined with illness, deprivation, abuse, loneliness, failure, or hunger?

Here at JFCS, we help address those feelings in innumerable ways, always adapting to new and different needs, always with a warm hand, a high level of professionalism, dignity and skill. Always with deep compassion and caring. I am strengthened every day by the resolve of the JFCS staff and leadership to serve our community and to instill resilience and hope in all those who cannot do so on their own.  
It is appropriate for all of us to experience a full range of emotions, and often we can, thankfully, count on our support systems to help us through the tough times.  
I am writing this to the JFCS family with pride and gratitude for the privilege of being able to support all who call upon us. 
May this springtime and season of liberation inspire us all to go from strength to strength. 

JFCS's Re-Launch Reaches Out To High School Students
JFCS's Re-Launch program recently led an in-person workshop across three straight Sundays with the juniors and seniors at the Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies (BCHSJS). The students were taught valuable job-hunting skills, such as how to write a resume and how to succeed in a job interview. The success of these sessions is summed up by Jessica Spiegel, the principal of the school, when she wrote to us: 
Our juniors and seniors at BCHSJS just completed a 3 session program run by the incomparable and fantastically informative Sandra Leshaw, Director of Re-Launch at JFCSNNJ. Many teens need help getting jobs, and while there are career centers in colleges that teach resume writing and interview skills, exposure earlier will help them apply to colleges and get summer jobs. 

Here's what one teen, a Junior, said about the sessions:

"It was such an informative experience. We learned about every aspect of applying for a job from beginning to end. We discussed how to prep for an interview, what to bring to it, what to wear, and what questions to have prepared beforehand. A whole session was dedicated to formulating a resume where we were taught every detail, down to even the font size. During the last session we put all of the skills together and simulated what a real interview would be like. It was truly a great experience. I actually ended up using these skills in a recent interview and I got the job!" 
JFCS relishes the opportunity to partner with community institutions, providing valuable and essential services to their constituents. 
Older Adult Services Bolstered by Claims Conference Grant
Claims Conference recently put out a press release about their yearly grant contributions and JFCS was honored with being a part of the process. Below is a snippet of the release that mentions JFCS:
Claims Conference announced $720 million to 300 social welfare organizations globally to support Holocaust survivors. JFCS is among those receiving grants in the US. JFCS has been making a difference in the lives of survivors for years. 
"I am very grateful for the wonderful attitude, care and help that I have seen provided to our family over the years, my gratitude is limitless,” said one survivor. Added another, "JFCSNNJ has been very responsive to my needs. This assistance has improved the quality of my life."  
Susan Greenbaum, CEO of JFCSNNJ, thanked the Claims Conference for the support, noting the impact the positive grants have on the lives of survivors: “As a child of Holocaust survivors and CEO of JFCSNNJ, it is both a profound honor and an enormous privilege to participate, in our small way, in the provision of essential services to our vulnerable and deserving survivors, thanks to the unparalleled advocacy of the Claims Conference.” 
Mishloach Manot Galore!
Jewish Federation of Northern NJ recently made a very generous donation of Mishloach Manot to JFCS. 400+ bags were delivered and added to our Corner Market Food Pantry selection to help increase the joy of all whom we serve.
Thank you as always for your continued support!
What Does JFCS Do? Watch Our New Explainer Video!
Are You Looking to Volunteer Your Time?
Our amazing volunteers are the lifeblood of all of our social services! Without them, we would not be able to serve nearly as many people or offer such high-quality support. If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected] or (201) 837-9090 x238. 
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