November 30, 2023

Tim Tippins, Pastor

9:15am Bible Study

10:30am Sunday Worship

In Person & Online Services



Upcoming Events

  • Dec 3 Church Conference
  • Dec 6 Wednesday Night Activities
  • Dec 8 Youth Christmas Party
  • Dec 10 Ladies Board Night
  • Dec 13 Hero Kids Christmas PJs/Sweater Night
  • Dec 17 Angel Tree gifts due
  • Dec 17 Christmas Night of Worship w/children singing
  • Dec 20 Churchwide Celebration of Jesus' Birthday
  • Dec 24 Christmas Candlelight Service

Stay tuned for more exciting events at NVBC!

Sunday, December 3,

immediately following worship,

we will have a quick vote for budget, treasurer and stewardship as our audit team.

Dec 6 - Adults: Turkey Pot Pie & salad; Kids: Nuggets & Fries

Dec 13 - BBQ, potato salad & chips; Kids: Pizza

Dec 20 - "Happy Birthday Jesus" Celebration - Please bring an appetizer and dessert for everyone to enjoy.

Dec. 27 - No Services.

Donations are accepted for dinner.

Please reserve your spot to help us plan for the meals. There's a new option for a standing reservation if you plan to attend dinner each week. (Reservations are preferred but not required).

Pre-register by clicking below:

New Victoria Baptist Church | Dinner (


Sunday, December 17th at 6 pm we will have our Christmas Night of Worship with our children singing. Please make plans to join us.

We have more Angel tags available. Please pick one up Sunday.

All gifts are due back by Sunday December 17th.

Make plans to attend our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Sunday, December 24th at 10:30 a.m. We will not have Sunday School or

Children's Church.

If you give through our online giving, please consider helping our church by checking the box to pay processing fees.

As a reminder, we offer free to your family access to Right Now Media. It was over 10,000 Christian videos including shows for kids, studies on books of the Bible, training videos and much more for you and for your family.

Your babies and children are welcome to our worship service. If they have a need and you feel led to step out, we offer a baby room and guest room both with live streaming of our service.

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops. Proverbs 3:9

You can give through Sunday offering, mail, or online. 


Click HERE for online giving or use venmo@new-victoria. 

It's that time again! Our Hero Academy is in need of snacks. We would love to have a cabinet full of snacks to get us through the end of the first semester!

  • Peanut Butter Crackers
  • Cheese Crackers
  • Goldfish 
  • Animal Crackers 
  • Individual Bags of Chips
  • Pretzels
  • Sandwich Ziploc Baggies

Please no Rice Krispies or fruit snacks. Donations can be dropped off in the main foyer or monetary donations annotated: Hero Snacks

Mathew 28:19 "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"

New Victoria Baptist Church

6659 Bells Ferry Road

Woodstock, GA 30189


Check us out on Facebook
and Instagram