In celebration of Mother's Day, Sunday, May 14th, there will be no Sunday School activities. Children K-5 will join their families in church and worship together. (Nursery available for babies-4 years old.)
Upcoming Events
May 14 Mother's Day
May 17 Baby Shower
May 21 Graduation Sunday
May 21 Youth Fundraiser
May 24 Last Wednesday Night Activities before Summer
May 25 School's out
May 28 Worship on the Lake
June 4 Baptism Sunday
June 19-23 VBS
July 16-20 Mission Trip
Stay tuned for more exciting events at NVBC!
Youth Lasagna Lunch Fundraiser
Churchwide Luncheon May 21st
right after the service.
The youth are raising money
for their mission trip to
North Carolina this summer.
Thank you for your support!
May 24th will be our last
Wednesday Night dinner and activities for the summer.
Activities will resume in August.
School's out Thursday, May 25th!
Baptism Sunday is June 4th.
If you or someone you know
would like to be baptized,
please see Pastor Tim Tippins.
Join our VBS team this summer! Sign up to volunteer here:
God loved us so much that He gave us the ultimate gift, His son, Jesus! We want to be like Him, giving so all can hear the Gospel. You can give through Sunday offering, mail, or online.
Click HERE for online giving, use venmo @new-victoria.
Mathew 28:19 "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"