March 9, 2023

Tim Tippins, Pastor

9:15am Bible Study

10:30am Sunday Worship

In Person & Online Services


Sermon Series with Pastor Tim Tippins


Upcoming Events

  • March 12 Men's Wing It Night
  • March 18 Men's Prayer & Serve
  • March 19 Guest Speaker
  • March 26 Youth Local Missions Project
  • April 3-7 Spring Break
  • April 9 Easter Egg Hunt
  • April 9 Easter Service

Stay tuned for more exciting events at NVBC!

Men's Prayer and Serve Day.

Saturday March 18th

8:00 am - 12 pm

Please join us for breakfast, prayer and a time to serve our church with grounds clean-up.

Please join us on Sunday, March 19th as our guest Speaker,

Dr. Rick Biesiadecki,

Associational Mission Strategist brings our message.

Spring Break April 3rd - 7th.

No weekly church activities.

Children's Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 9th at 9:30 am

before church service.

All children through 5th grade are welcome to join the fun!

God loved us so much that He gave us the ultimate gift, His son, Jesus! We want to be like Him, giving so all can hear the Gospel. You can give through Sunday offering, through mail, or online. 


Click HERE for online giving or use venmo @new-victoria. 

Our Hero Academy is in need of snack items, such as pretzels, Goldfish, applesauce cups, fruit cups, granola bars - any large bags/boxes of prepackaged snacks. 

Mathew 28:19 "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"

New Victoria Baptist Church

6659 Bells Ferry Road

Woodstock, GA 30189


Check us out on Facebook
and Instagram