August 25, 2022

Tim Tippins, Pastor

9:15am Bible Study

10:30am Sunday Summer Worship

In Person & Online Services


DEVOTED: Living Immersed and Empowered


Upcoming Events

  • Aug 28 Church Conference
  • Aug 28 Night of Worship
  • Sept 11 Ladies Painting Event
  • Sept 18 Braves/Mercy Me
  • Oct 22 FoodDistribution
  • Oct 23 Ladies Bunco Night

Stay tuned for more exciting events at NVBC!

Church conference will be immediately following Worship on Sunday, Aug 28. Plan to stay and hear everything our church is doing in our community.

Join us Sunday, August 28, 5:00pm,  for a Night of Worship! 

Ladies Paint Night - Sept 11 - Reserve your spot with Amy Peppers by Sept 1.

Do you have a passion you would like to share with our kids in Hero Academy?

We’d love to schedule you weekly, monthly or bi-weekly for 2 hours (3-5) to come share that passion!

See Candice to get on the schedule to share your passion!! 

Our Hero Academy is in need of snack items and new or gently used games and toys.

Join us for dinner and bible studies for Ladies and Men, preschool, children, and youth!

Reminder to make reservation for you and your family, if possible, online here.  We also accept donations to help cover the cost of the meals either online or in person.

Mathew 28:19 "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"
New Victoria Baptist Church
6659 Bells Ferry Road
Woodstock, GA 30189
Check us out on Facebook
and Instagram