August 2, 2022

Tim Tippins, Pastor

9:30am Bible Study

10:30am Sunday Summer Worship

In Person & Online Services


What an exciting week at New Victoria!  Our first ever Hero Academy kids arrived at New Victoria yesterday!  Three years ago God gave Pastor Tim this vision for our church, to do a 100% free After School Club for our community. Thank you to all of our faithful members who have work so hard to make this vision come to life.  Praying for God's continued blessings on all involved!


Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday Nights Starts!
  • Aug 13 Mens Dinner
  • Aug 14 Evangelism Sunday
  • Aug 21 Baptism Sunday
  • Aug 21 Family Night
  • Aug 28 Church Conference
  • Aug 28 Night of Worship

Stay tuned for more exciting events at NVBC!

Wednesday Night starts this week! New bible studies are available for Ladies and Men, studies for preschool, children, and youth!

Join us for a Men's Dinner with Danny Singleton!  Bring a meat to share and church will provide sides and drinks.  Invite a friend!

Everyone is invited to join us for breakfast at 9:30 and for Worship with Danny Singleton at 10:30.

Baptism Sunday August 21 - If you would like to be baptized, please contact Pastor Tim.

Our Hero's Headquarters and Hero Training Center (Elementary / Preschool) will be hosting a Family Night, Sunday August 21, 6:00pm  Join us for dinner and fun!

We will begin accepting Deacon Nominations this Sunday August 7 through September 4.  Please be in prayer for your nominations.

If you would like to volunteer with the After School Club, please see Candace.  Hall monitoring, snack preparation, and reading to kids are some areas where you can help!

Our Hero Academy is in need of snack items such as Goldfish, pudding cups, applesauce cups, pretzels, granola bars, and cookies. If you would like to donate, please bring to the church office.

For the safety and security of our children during Hero Academy hours (M-F, 2pm-6:30pm*),  please refrain from entering the Main Church Foyer, Educational Building, and Fellowship Hall.  During these hours please enter through the Office area.

*Wednesday Nights the children will be in the Sanctuary beginning at 5pm and Fellowship Hall will open at 5:30pm for dinner.

Children's Choir begins this Wednesday at 6:00pm!  

Our ministry leaders are requested to attend our next Church Council Mtg on Monday, Aug 15, 7pm.

Our next church conference will be immediately following Worship on Sunday, Aug 28.  Plan to stay and hear everything our church is doing in our community.

Do you have an immediate need or prayer request? You can reach the Deacon of the week by phone - Call the church 770-926-8448, select extension 5.

Mathew 28:19 "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"
New Victoria Baptist Church
6659 Bells Ferry Road
Woodstock, GA 30189
Check us out on Facebook
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