April 20, 2022
Tim Tippins, Pastor
9:30am Bible Study
11:00am Sunday Worship
In Person & Online Services

Upcoming Events
  • April 24 Children's Choir Performs
  • May 1 Evangelism Sunday
  • May 8 Mothers Day
  • May 8 Summer @NVBC begins
  • May 21 Food Distribution
  • May 22 Youth Sunday / Lunch
  • May 29 Church at the Lake
  • June 5 Ladies Bunco Night
  • June 20-24 VBS

Stay tuned for more exciting events at NVBC!
We will begin our Summer Worship schedule on May 8! Worship will begin at 10:30am and Sunday School at 9:30am (No Sunday School on May 8)
Our HERO Headquarters has opened! Calling all children K - 5th grade to join us on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights for Worship, Bible Study, and Fun!

We would like to honor all graduates with a gift and prayer during the service. Please let Chris Grauso know if your graduate will be attending. Also, please send to Chris a few pictures that will be used in a slide show during the service. Parents also can decorate a table to honor their graduate! Contact Chris by May 8, chris.grauso@newvicbaptist.org or 706-957-1314.
VBS is coming up soon, June 20-24 (Evening Time). We’d love to have you as part of the team this year!

This Sunday morning we are having an informational meeting at 8:30am. This is NOT a mandatory meeting, but if you would like to be part of the ‘pre-planning’, please feel free to join us! BREAKFAST PROVIDED!!
We are looking for a few of our rotation leaders still and this would be a good meeting to come to for info.
We need grade level leaders as well.
There is ALWAYS a need for people in many different roles, even if you don’t want to be part of the pre-planning process, please know we still need and want you.
If you know what you want to do and want to have ‘dibs’ on it, please let me know asap… otherwise, you can look for the sign up in the hallway on the bulletin board this Sunday.
Reach out to Danielle Evans with any questions!
Mathew 28:19 "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"
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