Just One Bloom
Where flowers bloom, so does hope.
-Lady Bird Johnson

The world is hard right now. The information flooding our newsfeeds, televisions and other news sources can be overwhelmingly bleak from the Russian-Ukraine conflict to political divides to neighbors just not being very neighborly. And while so much feels completely out of our control, we must choose to have hope.

While winter doesn't seem to be leaving, the signs of spring are starting to show up all around us. A couple of weeks ago I was working in our yard and spotted my first glimmer of spring. There, underneath the overgrown leafy vegetation, was a single grape hyacinth bloom. Just ONE. Sure, many more will come along but this one decided to peek itself out a little early and goodness I needed it. I needed the reassurance that even though this season of life is hard and long and tiring, a new season will come.

It's certainly hard to choose hope when all you see is the despair and the struggle. But I encourage you, as the temperatures continue on their roller coaster, take a deep breath & look for what's blooming. While we don't have control over so much of what is happening, we do have control of ourselves. Send an encouraging text. Bake cookies for a neighbor. Be extra generous in your tipping. Become the bloom for someone you encounter each day. Extend grace in the hard seasons and remember that it's just that...a season, and hope is sure to bloom very soon.
Lauren Layman
Agent/Marketing Manager
Running of the Squirrels 2022

On your mark, get set, GO!

The 17th Annual Running of the Squirrels 5K is scheduled for this SATURDAY & you've STILL got time to participate (especially if you like to run in the cold)! We're honored to once again be partnering with the Marionville Band Boosters as the title sponsor of this event.

Lace up your shoes, grab a bottle of water & come join us as we run the streets of Marionville in support of our band programs! You can register & find details at the link below.
Even the shortest of reviews helps other people find us! Click HERE to leave a Facebook review, and HERE to leave one on Google!
Daylight Savings Time
Most of us have phones that change the time for us, but make sure you Spring Forward on Sunday, March 13! We can't wait for the extra hour of daylight!
2022 SMART Start Scholarship

One of the most exciting things we do each year is celebrate the next graduating class from Marionville High School!

Applications for the 2021 SMART Start Scholarship are now being accepted. The scholarship is open to ALL Marionville High School Seniors. For eligibility and application requirements, stop by our office, send an email to [email protected], or visit Mrs. Green in the Marionville High School Counselors Office.
Convoy of Hope

From the Russian-Ukraine conflict to storms in Madagascar & Tanzania to skyrocketing heating bills right here in Southwest Missouri, Convoy of Hope is bridging the gap. Convoy of Hope is a faith-based, nonprofit organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children’s feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response. In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world.
Remember! Every referral you send our way results in a donation to Convoy of hope! Share our name, and help us support Convoy !
(*No policy purchase required for donation--referral only.)
Want to get involved? Click the button below to look at volunteer opportunities or to make a donation!
Homeowners Insurance:

If your homeowner's insurance has recently renewed, you've likely seen quite a bit of increase. And if you haven't renewed yet, well consider this your first notice. As with basically everything else, we are seeing rate increase specifically in the homeowner's market. We would love to answer any questions you have about this so please don't hesitate to reach out. Our blog article linked below also includes information about what's driving the increase.
Need to contact us? Visit our website for our contact information!